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题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Have you got an eReader? Are you thinking of getting one? We asked some eReaders owners to give us their opinions.

    There are many things that people like about eReaders. "eReaders are really light, weighing less than most paperbacks," said Nathan Jones, a market researcher. "You can hold the book and turn the pages with one hand. An eReader is definitely more comfortable to read in bed or if you're lying on a sofa, plus mine's got a light so I can read in bed at night without disturbing my partner." Another big advantage is that you can store hundreds of books on them. "eReaders are perfect for travel," said Kiera Smith. "You can have lots of books in one device, instead of carrying loads of books in your luggage." The search functions are also popular. "You can look for a character by their name or for a place just by typing in the word. That's really useful," said Megan Malone, a sales executive.

    One user liked the function for increasing font size. "I've got poor eyesight," explained Harvey Callaghan, an engineer. "But the eReader is perfect for me as I can increase the font size." And Jennifer Saunders said, "I like eReaders because they're ecological. If we buy an ebook, we're helping to save trees as they don't use paper. Also, my eReader is solarpowered, so it only uses renewable energy." Best of all is the availability of hundreds of free books online. "Project Gutenberg has millions of titles and they're all free to download," said another user.

    One of the biggest complaints is that you can't find certain titles. "Many books are simply not available in electronic form," said Daisy Madison, an estate agent. If you want a specific book, one that is older, perhaps, or not a bestseller, it won't be available – at least, that was my experience."

    Others complained about the small delay in turning pages. "The gap between pressing the 'next page' button and the screen showing the page is really annoying," said Joel Bray, a shop assistant. "Also, you can't flick between pages so easily."

So, what do you think?

(1)、What is Project Gutenberg in the 3rd paragraph?
A、A history book. B、The man who created eReaders. C、A free electronic book library. D、A publishing house.
(2)、Which one of the statements about eReaders is NOT true?
A、eReaders are environmental-friendly. B、Your roommates won't complain when you read eReaders at night. C、It's more convenient to take eReaders during travel. D、You can look for a character with eReaders by turning pages quickly.
(3)、What kind of person are eReaders NOT suitable for?
A、A salesman who is often on a business trip. B、A housewife who likes reading on bed. C、A professor who studies ancient history. D、An old man who has poor eyesight.
(4)、What may be the author's opinion on eReaders?
A、eReaders have an advantage over traditional books in every way. B、It depends on people's needs whether to buy eReaders or not. C、People should choose eReaders instead of paper books for environmental reasons. D、The disappointing weakness of eReaders will be improved.
    What makes 15,000 men and women run for hours, and what makes them run through the streets on a cold day without coats? I was one of those runners.  The race is called marathon (马拉松).
    I had never run more than eight miles before, and here I was training. Since the race is in April, I had to run throughout the winter, and in Boston, winters are cold. For most people, just putting on their shirts, sweaters, jackets, and hats is exercise enough. I found myself out on the dark streets, running along ice sidewalks (人行道). Even in gloves, my fingers got so cold that they looked like red carrots. My nose didn't get warm until lunchtime!
    Finally, the big day arrived. The weather was cold, with ice and rain. Bang! The gun sounded, and we started. I didn't go anywhere at first because I was standing behind so many people. I had to wait for them to move.
    At first, the running was easy.  The other runners just seemed to pull me along. Somewhere around the 20-mile mark I even said to myself, "This is nothing, why did I train so hard?"
    Then I hit "the wall". "The wall" is what marathon runners call the special point. I knew my body reached the point and I thought I couldn't go any more. I was out of breath and my legs turned into pieces of wood.  I was almost falling down.  I can't remember anything about the last five miles of the race.
    I kept running though. At last, I heard a voice at the finishing line.
    "You look good," my friend Ted said. "How did it feel?"
    "Wonderful !" I replied.
    For everything, if you devote yourself into it, there will be a way. I finished the race, at least, in my heart, I was the winner.


    Smog(雾霾) is a big problem in many Chinese cities. But it seems that besides wearing a mask, few of us know what has caused the smog and what to do to beat it. Chai Jing, a former news hostess with China Central Television, discussed the questions in her documentary Under the Dome.

    The 103 - minute film was published on major Chinese video - sharing websites on Feb 28. In the film, Chai visits polluted places and talks to officials and scientists. She comes to the conclusion that burning too much coal and oil are the main causes of PM2.5 and smog.

    To make things worse, according to Chai, the coal and oil we are burning is of poor quality and don't meet the standards for environmental protection. Therefore they have produced more harmful gas to pollute the air.

    To solve the problem, Chai suggests that we should clean our coal and oil or replace them with cleaner energy such as natural gas. In her film, Chai also pointed out that ordinary people can do something to help control smog too. For example, we live a greener life by using more public traffic. Or if we see things that could harm the environment, we can try to stop it. In one scene from the film, Chai sees a dirt mound in a building site exposed in the air, and asks the person in charge to cover it. When she sees a restaurant cooking without any suitable filter facilities, she calls the hotline 12369. The restaurant installed the filter a week later.

    Chen Jining, the new minister of environmental protection, praised Chai. "This film encourages ordinary people to care about the environment. This is what we need in the future. "


    Scientists in Britain and the United States have made a new kind of enzyme(酵素) that eats plastics (塑料). With its help, plastics can be turned into smaller parts and go away quickly. Scientists believe that, in the future, it could solve the problem of plastic pollution.

    The enzyme is able to break down PET, a form of plastic. PET was first made in the 1940s and is now widely used to make plastic bottles. It can remain in the environment for many years and pollute large areas of land and water. So it has always been a headache to deal with the waste from PET and other plastics.

    The researchers made the discovery (发现) while examining the structure of a natural enzyme in Japan. They found that the natural enzyme was helping to break down PET plastics. So, they decided to make small changes to the enzyme by adding some amino acids (氨基酸). It made the natural enzyme's plastic-eating abilities work faster and better.

    John McGeehan, one of the lead researchers, said, "We've made an improved enzyme. It's better than the natural one. And we are trying to make more improvements to it." He went on, "The enzyme is not harmful to humans or animals, and it is friendly to the environment. So we are considering putting it into wider use."

    The team is now trying to make the enzyme break down PET in large quantities (大量地).

    "We'll see that the plastic pollution may be stopped with this technology. However, there is still a long way to go," John McGeehan added.

