
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Alabama: Priester's Pecans

    Dessert in the South basically starts and ends with an ooey­gooey pecan (核桃) pie. Especially in Alabama, where the pecan is the official state nut. While there are plenty of farms that pick and package pecans, perhaps the most famous is Priester's, a family­run business that's been supplying Alabama with its favorite nuts for over seven decades.

    Alaska: Salmon jerky

    Forget beef jerky (肉干) ­ in Alaska, it's all about the salmon jerky. Home to five different species of the flavorful fish (king, red, pink, silver, and chum), the northernmost state produces nearly one­third of the wild salmon consumed around the world. Bonus: Salmon is one of the seven healthiest fish you can eat.

    Arizona: Saguaro cactus

    The largest cactus (仙人掌) in the United States, the saguaro cactus is found only in Arizona's Sonoran Desert. Living to be up to 200 years old, the cacti, whose flower is also the state's flower, are generally around 30 feet tall and can grow unlimited arms. Want to see for yourself? Visit one of these 10 outstanding desert escapes in America.

    California: Wine Guide

    It isn't called "Wine Country" for no reason. Northern California, specifically Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley, produce over 60,000 registered wine labels, making vino (酒类产品) the state's most valuable agricultural product. If you're looking for the most popular varietals (优质酿酒葡萄汁), the top two frequently planted grapes are chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon.

(1)、How long has the Priester's farm lasted?
A、About 7 years. B、About 30 years. C、About 70 years. D、About 200 years.
(2)、Which state is famous for salmon?
A、Alaska. B、Arizona. C、Alabama. D、California.
(3)、Where does the text probably come from?
A、A library guide. B、A news report. C、A project handbook. D、A travel guide.

    Food production does great harm to our environment. There are many procedures involved in the manufacture of food that result in greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Some procedures require the consumption of large amounts of fossil fuels, such as the transportation and storage of food products. Other factors that cause great damage to our environment include the overuse of fresh water.

    The production of beef is more damaging to the environment than that of any other food we consume. Raising large numbers of cattle requires the production of large amounts of food for the animals. It's estimated that producing one pound of beef requires seven pounds of feed.

    Land use is also a problem. If the cattle are free-range cattle, large areas of land are required for them to live on. This has led to disastrous forest cutting and the loss of rare plants and animal species, particularly in tropical rain forests in Central and South America.

    Another problem specific to beef production is methane emissions (甲烷排放). Although many people are aware of the damaging effects of carbon dioxide, they don't realize methane's global warming potential is 25 times worse, making it a more dire problem.

    Unfortunately, beef consumption is growing rapidly. This is the result of simple supply and demand factors. Specifically, there are two main causes of demand that are encouraging the production of more supply. First, the increase in the world population means there are more people to consume meat. The second factor is socioeconomic advancement. As citizens in developing nations become financially stable, they can afford to buy more meat.

    Therefore, one way to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions is for people around the world to significantly cut down on the amount of beef they eat.


    The following is a selection of the 2017 summer programs offered at colleges and universities around the world.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Kowloon, Hong Kong

July 26-31

PolyU is offering a 5-dayprogram for Grade 10 or 11 students wishing to explore the field of engineering and understand various engineering disciplines.We are looking for 6-8 students from the same high school to join the program, along with 1-2 accompanying teachers.Students can enjoy a special program fee of $200 (all-inclusive).The said fee is ignored for teachers.

Program Contact Email: denquiry@polyu.edu.hk

Queen's University: Kingston, ON

August 13-18

The Summer Enrichment Experience at Queen's gives students the opportunity to learn beyond the school classroom with engaging and challenging courses, motivating them to explore and apply new knowledge.After the experience, students will return to school with renewed energy, and excitement for learning.

Program Contact Email: linda.lamoureux@queensu.ca

University of Missouri: Columbia, MO

July 13-28

The Career Exploration Summer Program is a 2-week program in which Explorers experience a taste of various 21st century career paths.The program includes professional site visits to Fortune 500 companies, nonprofit organizations, and U.S. Government Buildings.Social activities include free time at the on-campus Student Recreation Center, watching professional sports teams, and exploring new places during program field trips.

Program Contact Email: mucoemie@missouri.edu


Best Inventions

    Sun Power

    People who buy solar panels (嵌板)for their home hope to help the environment and save some money. But they end up with large metal boxes on their roof. Tesla, a car company, solved the problem. The solution is the Solar Roof. It is a series of tiles (瓦) made to look like traditional roofing material while using the power of the sun. Tesla developed it with SolarCity, a longtime provider of solar panels. It is now available to the public.

    Talking Tech

    Echo gives users the ability to talk to their tech. Apple's Siri and Microsoft's Cortana do that too. But in many ways,Amazon's version,Alexa, which is built into Echo,is more powerful. Alexa has grown since it was put on the market in 2014, and today, you can use it to turn on the lights, order a pizza, and more. Echo costs $ 180. Amazon recently developed a junior version, the $ 50 Echo Dot.

    Spin and Roll

    Goodyear is reinventing the wheel. It introduced its Eagle 360 spherical tire (球形轮胎) in March, 2016. The tires allow cars to move in many directions, including sideways, and at angles to handle slippery surfaces. The key is magnetic levitation (磁悬浮). Tires are fixed to cars, but Eagle 360s float beneath them. They're meant for self-driving cars of tomorrow.

    Cycle Safety

    Jeff Woolf had a serious bike crash. If he hadn't been wearing his helmet, he would have been badly hurt. He wondered why so many riders didn't wear helmets. That turns out it was mostly because helmets were big and hard to carry around. Woolf, an engineer, came up with Morpher. The helmet is made from interwoven plastics (交错编织的塑料). It is strong, but it's also flexible enough to fold almost totally flat. That makes it easy to carry. Morpher is priced at $ 119.


    One recent night, while I was leafing through its pages of an old journal, my eyes met a quote by the British writer Graham Greene that I had marked. “A prejudice had something in common with an ideal.” In other words, ideals general descriptions of people's expectations of themselves and others can often lead us to unreasonable ideas. It got me thinking about how we often allow ourselves to generalize about groups of people. We like to stereotype people by the color of their skin, the year of their birth or any other related factors.

    I grew up in a multi-racial corner of America. The different groups were often subject to narrow stereotypes: Jewish people were “greedy,” Mexicans were “poorly educated,” and Asians were “good at math.” These labels were taught to us from a young age. They wormed their way into our belief systems, harming how we came to see others. It made me sad growing up to see people repeat these stereotypes as if they were true. The rush-to-judgment of people breeds a culture of discrimination (歧视).

    You can also see these over-generalized description being made against today's Chinese people. Whether it be a lack of interest or worry among millennials (千禧一代) being described as “monkish,” or “dad-fashion (复古作风)” which has given the “greasy middle-aged men” tag, stereotypes always seem to gain a foothold in the consciousness of our society. But these generalizations do real harm as these myths may become part of the wider population.

    It's about time that we, as a society, walked away from generalizations and stereotypes. I leave you with the words of Martin Luther King Jr. from his famous “I Have a Dream” speech: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” By reserving judgment and really getting to know the individual, you might just find your irrational ideas have no foundation.


    Here are some events in the following months. Have a look and pick out your favorite.

    AVCS Informational Tour

    Aliso Viejo Christian School, a highly rated private school, which serves children in grades, invites potential families to its annual AVCS informational tour. Come and see its facility, meet its staff, check out its curriculum and amazing programs. The tour would love to share the school with you and answer any questions.

    Location: AVCS Campus

    German Immigrants Exhibition

    German immigrants played a huge role in shaping Indianapolis through the 19th century. They brought educational reform, political activity and greenhouse farming. In addition to produce, these immigrants also kept their communities full of flowers and trees, know about this part of history in October.

    Location: Indiana Historical Society

    Whale Watching

    Gray whales migrate (迁徙) annually along the west coast of North America. They can be seen from the Orange County coast from December through early April. Summer and fall bring the giant blue whales. They can be seen from June through September. Since the gray whales migrate just a few miles off the coast, simple sail from Newport Beach enables you to see these spectacular creatures in their natural habitat.

    Location: Newport Beach

    Sunday Brunch(早午餐)

    Sunday brunch is a wonderful way to enjoy your weekend. At View Restaurant, Sunday brunch is always accompanied by champagne, spectacular views and unique atmosphere. The menu includes traditional breakfast foods and lunch favorites like barbeque and fresh fish selections. You can also choose to view sporting events in the restaurant. With enough variety to satisfy every appetite from kids to adults, this is one Sunday brunch you'll keep coming back to!

    Location: View Restaurant

