
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

鲁教版(五四制)初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A同步测试


    Chogori(乔戈里峰)stands on the Chinese-Pakistan border. Chogori is from the Tajik language, it means" high, great and magnificent". Internationally, it is better known as K2. Chogori is about 8, 611 meters high, and it is the second highest mountain in the world.

    And Chogori is not Qomolangma. On the one hand, Chogori is a steeper(更陡峭的)and more dangerous peak. In fact, it is the most difficult peak to reach in the world. The first two people to reach the top of Chogori—Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni from Italy—did it in 1954. In 1986, the first woman did it too. Since 1954, only 281 people have reached the top, and 49 others have been killed (However, Qomolangma has been reached 3, 000 times and only 15 climbers lost their lives). Of all the over 8, 000-meter-high peaks, it has the highest death rate.

    On the other hand, this great peak is for professional climbers only. Here, no commercial(商业的)climbing organization will provide you any services, and even top-class climbers will choose their climbing partners with a particularly eagle(鹰)eye. The leader of a Japanese K2 team said when organizing his team in 1982, "We are professional climbers, and all know that if we run into trouble at a height of 8, 000 meters on K2, it is impossible to get help. If you do not have the confidence and determination(决心)to face possible trouble, you should not go!"

    This is Chogori! In the eyes of the top-class climbers, it is the most beautiful peak, and it is the danger that attracts them.

(1)、Where is Chogori?
(2)、What's the height of Chogori?
(3)、When did the first two people reach the top of Chogori?
(4)、Which is more difficult and dangerous to reach, Qomolangma or Chogori?

    Many would agree that when we think of Christmas, we probably think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this.

    A Christmas Carol is a famous novel written by Charles Dickens. It is about an old man named Scrooge. He only thinks about himself and doesn't treat others nicely. He just cares about whether he can make more money. And he hates Christmas. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn't want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit him.

    That night, three ghosts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. Then the second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, takes him to see how others are spending Christmas this year. Everyone is happy, even poor people. The last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, takes him to the future. He sees that he is dead but nobody cares. Scrooge is so scared that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is already the next morning on Christmas Day!

    He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person. He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. And that is the true spirit of Christmas!


A. French Club

Do you know Paris (巴黎)? Can you speak French? Want to learn French? Join the French club now! Meet on Friday. Call Joyce at 8223-3278.

B. Music Club

Do you like music? Can you play the violin, the piano or the drums? You can have a great time in our music club on Wednesday. Come and join us!

C. Cooking Club

Are you good at cooking? Do you enjoy delicious food? Learn to cook in Room 302 every

Tuesday. Call Tom for more information if you are interested.

D. Kung Fu Club

Can you do Chinese kung fu? We have the best coach (教练) from Shaolin Temple! Come and have fun. Call Fred at 8961-3042.

E. Volunteer Club

Do you want to help others? Every Sunday afternoon, we'll visit the old people's home and help them: clean the room, cook dinner for them or tell them stories.

F. Chess Club

    Can you play chess? Do you want to be a good chess player? Join us now and you can learn to play chess every Thursday. Call Mr. King at 8491-3086.

{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Kate: My friends and I really like helping others.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Mike: Cooking is boring. I love music and I can play the piano.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Gina: I can't play sports, and I can't cook, but I can speak a little French.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Jack: I can play chess a little. But I really want to be a chess player.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Scott: I like Jet Li and I'm really interested in Chinese kung fu.


    If you lose 12 times, will you just give up? Dale Carnegie, a pioneer in public speaking and self-development, kept trying. And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.

    Carnegie was born in 1888 in the central United States. As a son of a farmer, the boy had to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk the cows. When Carnegie first entered college, he felt hopeless because of his clothes and ordinary (普通的) looks. His mother encouraged him, "Why not try to be better in other things instead of just dress and good looks?"

    Carnegie tried to be more active in college. He joined the debate (辩论) team. But one after another, he lost 12 times. The young man was so disappointed in himself that he even thought of ending his own life for so many failures.

    But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside. His hard work brought good results at last. In 1906, Carnegie won a famous speech match and became widely famous.

    The young man made his own words come true: "Believe that you will succeed, and you will." In order to share his success, Carnegie started schools and wrote books. More than 50 million copies of his books have been printed in 38 languages. They are still helping people on the road to success.

Information Card

Carnegie's father's job


The person who gave Carnegie courage


The group Carnegie joined in college


The place where Carnegie did the practice


The age when Carnegie became famous



Time Management

    Do you ever wish you had more time? Everyone gets the same amount of time each day. But here are some ways to use those hours better. As a popular saying says, "Work smarter, not harder."

    The most important way to manage your time is to set priorities(优先权).{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Also, consider whether or not they are urgent—if they need to be done right away. It can be easy to forget important tasks that aren't urgent, so make time for them.

    Decide ahead of time what you're going to do at certain times each day. Schedule times not only to meet people but also to do things alone. Then you can make sure everything gets done.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Are you smarter in the morning, afternoon or evening? Schedule difficult tasks for times you feel good, saving easy ones for when you're tired.

    Write down what you need to do and when. I keep two to-do lists: one for the present tasks and one for larger projects I'm working on.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And I don't get discouraged by looking at a long list of items I can't finish. I focus on the shorter list of each day's tasks.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}When someone wants to give you a task, think carefully. Is it really important enough to spend your precious(宝贵的)time on? Could someone else do it instead?

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}If you're in charge of running a meeting, keep it short. Reading articles or talking to friends online can also use up much of your time. Don't allow it.

    In the end, using time well is about making a good plan and sticking to it.

A. Think about the time of day you work best.

B. That way I can make sure I don't forget anything.

C. Figure out(弄明白)which of your tasks is the most important.

D. Often, managing time means saying no to things that aren't so important.

E. Meetings also tend to be a waste of time, so avoid them whenever possible.

