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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研版(2019)高中英语必修一Unit 2同步练习


    A recent study followed nearly 1,500 old people for 10 years. It found that those who had a large network of friends lived longer than those with fewer friends by more than 20%.This study isn't the only one that shows friendships can be good for our health.

    Lots of research has shown social support and good health are connected. One recent study focuses on people with ovarian cancer. It says those with lots of social support had much lower levels of a protein connected to more dangerous cancers. This made their treatments (治疗) work better. In another study, women with breast cancer in a support group lived twice as long as those not in a support group. They also had much less pain.

    Sheldon Cohen, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, says strong social support helps people deal with stress. "There may be more benefits as well," Cohen says. "Friends encourage you to look after yourself better. And people with more friends have higher self­confidence, so they feel they have more control over their lives."

    Other studies show people with fewer friends are likely to die sooner after having a heart attack, compared with people having a strong social network. Having lots of friends may even lower your chance of catching a cold. "People with social support have fewer immune (免疫的) problems and lower levels of stress," says Tasha Howe, who works at Humboldt State University. "We are social animals, and we were born to be in groups," Howe says. "We have always needed others to survive better. It's in our genes." People with a big social group are likely to be more at peace, which leads to better health, Howe says.

(1)、What does it mean when people have high levels of the protein mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A、They have a stronger social network. B、The treatments for cancers work better. C、They have low risk of developing cancer. D、They have high risk of developing dangerous cancers.
(2)、What does the underlined word "benefits" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A、Advantages. B、Stresses. C、Methods. D、Concerns.
(3)、What can we infer from Tasha Howe's words?
A、Humans really need friends. B、Humans should live peacefully. C、Certain stress is good for our health. D、There are many ways to have good health.

Three Boys and a Dad

    Brad closed the door slowly as Sue left home to visit her mother. Expecting a whole day to relax, he was thinking whether to read the newspaper or watch his favorite TV talk show on his first day off in months. “This will be like a walk in the park,” he'd told his wife. “I'll look after the kids, and you can go and visit your mom.”

    Things started well, but just after eight o'clock, his three little “good kids”—Mike, Randy, and Alex—came down the stairs in their night clothes and shouted “breakfast, daddy.” When food had not appeared within thirty seconds, Randy began using his spoon on Alex's head as if it were a drum. Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat(节拍). Mike chanted “Where's my toast, where's my toast” in the background. Brad realized his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds.

    Life became worse after breakfast. Mike wore Randy's underwear on his head. Randy locked himself in the bathroom, while Alex shouted again because he was going to wet his pants. Nobody could find clean socks, although they were before their very eyes. Someone named “Not Me” had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes. Brad knew the talk show had already started.

    By ten o'clock, things were out of control. Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter. Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his colour pencils. Randy, thankfully, appeared to be reading quietly in the family room,but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands. Brad realised that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible.

    At exactly 11:17, Brad called the daycare centre (日托所).“I suddenly have to go into work and my wife's away. Can I bring the boys over in a few minutes?” The answer was obviously “yes” because Brad was smiling.



    Zhang Kui first learned he could perfectly mimic(模仿)the sounds of animals when he was a child. The 29-year-old, who grew up in a poor family in Qiyang, Human province, today is a full-time performer of kouji.

    Zhang was 15 when his father died in 2003. He dropped out of school and joined his uncle's theater. Zhang bought CDs to study how to mimic the sounds of musical instruments and animals. He performed shortly afterward at a small theatre. “Although I wasn't that skilled, I got a lot applause(掌声). It was my first time on the stage. And then more and more audience came to watch my performances.” he said.

    He moved to Guilin in 2004, where he found work as a waiter at a karaoke bar. In 2005, Zhang went to Guangdong province and performed outside supermarkets to sell shampoo. “They paid me less, so I had to perform at bars at night.” said Zhang. He also worked as a condtruction worker. In 2007, he went to Beijing to learn from Niu Yuliang, a Beijing Kouji master. He worked as a gatekeeper to pay his way. He went to Niu on weekends and during the holidays to learn.

    Zhang's skills improved and he has since performed on more than 20 television programs. In September 2013, he was invited to Switzerland, in 2004, he performed in Africa, Europe and North America.

    Last year, he made a short film about the art and said it was the first film on the subject. The film will be on this year, and he said he hoped to draw more attention to the art. He also plans to give lectures on this traditional art at universities.


    I was on my way home from work, cutting through the Bryant Park. On that day, the sun seemed to set faster than usual, and suddenly I found myself walking in the dark. I was less than half a mile from my apartment, but the path would lead me over a bridge, across train tracks, and through an unlit underpass.

    Then I heard him – a stranger running alongside me, partly obscured(遮掩) by the bushes. My mouth went dry; my legs felt like water. But I didn't pick up my pace – instead, I stopped, turned, and faced him. He came out of the bushes and said he'd been watching me "for a long time".

    As he walked beside me, I guided us towards the edge of the park. When we reached the bridge, a train rumbled(轰鸣着缓慢行进) past, and he seized the moment, attacking me with a knife around my throat. The self-defense skills I had learned years before kicked in, and I pushed my finger into his eye, hard. And then came the shock: That didn't frighten him away. My mind flashed back to a tip from an old guitar teacher: "Press the strings like you're squeezing a flea(跳蚤)." I put all my strength into that finger, and finally he let go.

    I was shaking with fear, but I looked him straight in the eye and began to back away. I turned to run the hell out of there, but then I remembered another self-defense lesson: Never run, because then you're a target. So I walked away alone – through the dark tunnel as I dialed 911 with trembling fingers. If you ever find yourself in this situation, use these self-defense skills that you already know. They can really make all the difference to you.



    Welcome to Harvard University Housing and thank you for choosing to live with us. To help you make a smooth transition please read the information below on panning your arrival.


    Dogs living with you in your pet-friendly apartment must be vaccinated(接种疫苗) for rabies and licensed with the City of Cambridge every year.

    International Students

    Consider unlocking your phone prior to leaving your home county. This will enable you to use a SIM card from a company such as campus SIMS or US Mobile in your phone after you arrive. Those SIM cards may be available at the Property Management Office.


    If you plan on bringing a moving van or truck it will not fit under the overpasses(天桥) on Soldiers Field Road and Memorial Drive. Plan your route in advance to avoid a risky and costly problem.

    Parking arrangements for trucks and vans must be made in advance as well. Visit your property page for information about parking your car.

    Furniture and Lighting

    Most HUH units have no furniture-the unit is empty except for a stove and a refrigerator. You need to bring, buy, or rent a bed, other furniture, and household items. In many HUH units, rooms do not have overhead lights, so you also may need table or floor lamps.

    If you want to stock up on groceries and some household items as soon as you arrive, please find information about "Grocery Shopping" by clicking the drop-down menu.

