
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Some of the best research on daily experience is rooted in rates of positive and negative interactions, which has proved that being blindly positive or negative can cause others to be frustrated or annoyed or to simply tune out.

    Over the last two decades, scientists have made remarkable predictions simply by watching people interact with one another and then scoring the conversations based on the rate of positive and negative interactions. Researchers have used the findings to predict everything from the likelihood that a couple will divorce to the chances of a work team with high customer satisfaction and productivity levels.

More recent research helps explain why these brief exchanges matter so much. When you experience negative emotions as a result of criticism or rejection, for example, your body produces higher levels of the stress hormone, which shuts down much of your thinking and activates(激活) conflict and defense mechanisms(机制). You assume that situations are worse than they actually are.

    When you experience a positive interaction, it activates a very different response. Positive exchanges increase your body's production of oxytocin, a feel-good that increases your ability to communicate with, cooperate with and trust others. But the effects of a positive occurrence are less dramatic and lasting than they are for a negative one.

    We need at least three to five positive interactions to outweigh every one negative exchange. Bad moments simply outweigh good ones. Whether you're having a conversation, keep this simple short cut in mind: At least 80 percent of your conversations should be focused on what's going right.

    Workplaces, for example, often see this. During performance reviews, managers routinely spend 80 percent of their time on weaknesses and "areas for improvement". They spend roughly 20 percent of the time on strengths and positive aspects. Any time you have discussions with a person or group, spend the vast majority of the time talking about what is working, and use the remaining time to address weaknesses.

(1)、The underlined phrase "tune out" in Paragraph 1 probably means.
A、stop listening B、change mind C、sing aloud D、be crazy
(2)、What will happen if you experience negative emotions?
A、The situations are sure to become worse. B、Much of your thinking will be prevented. C、You will feel an urge to improve and become better. D、You'll be motivated to resolve conflicts with people.
(3)、From Paragraph 4, we can learn that    .
A、we need a positive feeling to beat one negative feeling B、positive interactions have greater effects than negative ones C、our conversation should center on what needs improvement D、the effect of negative feelings lasts longer than that of positive ones
(4)、What is the best title for the passage?
A、Harmful Negatives B、More Positive Interactions C、How to Be a Productive Manager D、Less Time on Strengths

Shower Radio — Warranty (保单) and Directions


Before using the radio, please read all directions, and put warranty information in a safe place. You may need to refer to the warranty information later.


The radio is warranted for one year. If it fails to work because of problems of materials, please return it to the address on the warranty card.

We will not pay shipping costs for returning the radio. We will either repair or replace the radio. At least four weeks is needed to examine the problem and repair the radio. If you have not heard from us within six weeks, call our customer service department at 1-800-123-4567.

Radios that are returned not for problems of materials will pay service fee and the cost of the repairs. Customers will be informed of the charge by postcard. Radios will not be returned until these fees are paid.


The radio is designed and built to operate well in a damp environment.

To Operate the Radio

1). Put two AA batteries following the introduction.

2). Turn the POWER dial in a clockwise direction until it clicks.

3). Press the station selector button for your desired station. The station's call number will be visible on the digital screen.

4). To switch between AM or FM stations, move the AM/FM switch.

To Operate the Timer

1). Each time the Timer Set button is pressed, five minutes will be put on the timer. The amount of time on the timer will be visible for five seconds on the digital screen.

2). When the timer doesn't work, a sound will be given off. The timer may be reset again after one minute.


Before returning the radio for service, please check the following items:

Problem: Radio cannot be heard.

1). Check batteries.          

2). Check Power/Volume Control.

Problem: Timer does not work.

1). Check batteries               

2). Follow directions for setting timer.

3). Turn the power control on.      

4). Adjust the volume control.


    Are you interested in higher education in the United States? The following advice might help you.

●College, University or Institute

    College and universities offer undergraduate degrees in arts and sciences. And both can help prepare young people to earn a living. But many colleges don't offer graduate studies. Universities are generally bigger, offer more programs and do more research. An institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activities. Seventy-five percent of freshmen go there with a strong interest and involvement in the arts.

●The Application Process

    International admissions officers advise students to apply to at least three schools. You may be able to apply online and pay the application charge with a credit card, or by mail. You should study the websites of schools to find information about how and when to apply, how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is available.

●Get a Student Card

    If you requesting a visa for the first time, you will have to go to an American embassy or consulate(领事馆). You will need to bring a government form sent to you by your American school that shows you have been accepted. A consular official will also take your picture and your fingerprints. You will also need banking and tax records that show you have enough money to pay for your education.

●Financial Aid

    American schools provide aid, like scholarships, fellowships, to almost half of foreign graduate students, but only ten percent of undergraduates. But grants, which, unlike a loan, does not have to be paid.



    It was with heavy hearts that my son and I worked to prepare his car for a milestone journey—the day he moved across the country after twenty years of living under my roof.

    Our work went slowly into the afternoon.The Sunday baseball game came on.Our hometown Cardinals were playing the Atlanta Braves.I overheard bits of the TV broadcast—Atlanta took a two-run lead as we were packing the trunk.After that I became absorbed in glum thoughts about his departure and forgot about the game.Suddenly I heard the door open.“Dad,”he said,“let's watch the game.They're only down by a run.”

    His red-colored eyes instantly told me that he,too,found this to be difficult and wanted to share one last father-son moment.Without hesitation I led the way to the TV set.There,we found the Cards losing 3—1.“Oh,”he said,“they're down two runs.”His voice cracked with doubt.“I thought they were coming back.”“That's fine,”I said,wanting so much to string this moment.“Let's watch anyway.”

    The Cards got to bat last.First a single,and then another.Suddenly the game became very interesting.When David Eckstein parked the third pitch(投球)into the seats,we were transformed,jumping up and down.That's when the magic moment came.The sadness of that day was replaced by the exciting baseball game,something we had done many times together before.

    Then he left.It was a sad day when I helped my son pack and get ready to move away to college.But this moment of joy mixed with sadness made the day,the trip and our life seem so right.


    Recently a new study has been carried out. It shows students who write notes by hand during lectures perform better on exams than those who use laptops.

    Students are increasingly using laptops for note-taking because of speed and legibility (清晰度). But the research has found laptop users are less able to remember and apply the concepts they have been taught.

    Researchers performed experiments that aimed to find out whether using a laptop increased the tendency to make notes “mindlessly” by taking down word for word what the professors said.

    In the first experiment, students were given either a laptop or pen and paper. They listened to the same lectures and were told to use their usual note-taking skills. Thirty minutes after the talk, they were examined on their ability to remember facts and on how well they understood concepts.

    The researchers found that laptop users took twice as many notes as those who wrote by hand. However, the typists performed worse at remembering and applying the concepts. Both groups scored similarly when it came to memorizing facts.

    The researchers' report said, “While more notes are beneficial, if the notes are taken mindlessly, as is more likely the case on a laptop, the benefit disappears.”

    In another experiment aimed at testing long-term memory, students took notes as before but were tested a week after the lecture. This time, the students who wrote notes by hand performed significantly better on the exam.

    These two experiments suggest that handwritten notes are not only better for immediate learning and understanding, but that they also lead to superior revision in the future.


    Buddy or Friendship Benches (长椅)are needed because playgrounds can be lonely places sometimes. When a school places the bench, they teach a little lesson to the kids on how it is to be used. Then when a child sits on the bench, it sends out a message to others that basically says, " Hey, I'm alone right now and would welcome the company (陪伴) of others." Kids in the playground see this and from their training, they see there is a fellow student in need. They are encouraged to come over and sit on the bench and make a new friend.

    Benches like this have been around for a while now in many schools. But in Ireland, they are trying to do something different with them. This school in Cork in the south of Ireland is the 247th to get benches from a social organization called "Buddy Bench Ireland" that doesn't just provide schools with benches, but also runs special projects with trained child psychiatrists (精神病专家).They use the bench as an opportunity to start conversations about mental health. They talk about the importance of knowing and understanding your feelings and those of others.

    Judith Ashton, a co-founder of Buddy Bench Ireland said, "The children need to understand what the bench is about, what it represents —friendship, understanding, listening to each other and the most important thing is that it's important to express feelings."

    But do children really use the bench? It's a matter of great public concern. Sinead Mcgilloway from Maynooth University carried out a study and said, " We found that 40% of the children told us that they had actually used the benches at the time of the study. And over 90% said that they would talk to a child if that child was sitting on the bench. So, there's nothing to worry about.

    Children's mental health and safety at school is increasingly a concern in many countries. In Ireland, they're hoping these benches will not only tackle problems like school violence and school bullying (校园暴力和校园欺凌), but also give students the confidence to open up about their feelings.


    Bullgatortail 10 minutes ago

    I particularly enjoy the works of Greenwich Village poet Edward Field, whose interest in cinema led to a number of poems based on old monster movies (including many about Frankenstein and my favorite, Curse of the Cat Woman).

    Litteacher 8 29 minutes ago

    There are so many to choose from! I love Robert Frost, especially "Mending Wall", mostly because he is my dad's favorite poet. However, personally I love Lnagston Hughes's poem "Dreams" because it always brings happiness to me. I am also a big fan of the older poems, such as Spenser's "One Day I Wrote Her Name Upon the Strand" because it is so simple, and "The Tyger" and "The Lamb" by William Blake because I love the language.

    Michael Ugulini 51 minutes ago

    My favorite poet is Suji Kwock Kim. Ever since I read her book of poetry "Notes from the Divided Country", I have been a big fan of her clear and thoughtful writing. My favorite poem of hers is "Borderlands", which she wrote in memory of her grandmother. It is a poem about her grandmother's experiences during the war.

    Loraaa 1 hour ago

    Hard to decide! But if I have to, I'd say Emily Dickinson. Her life was so wonderful and her opinions about life are also interesting. Her understanding of nature speaks to the heart of anyone who loves the outdoors! Dickinson also understood human nature very well. Her poems speak of love, loneliness, ect. Finally, my favorite poem by her is "I Never Saw a Moor". I love her thoughts!

