
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Many animal and plant species have become extinct and many more are in critical danger. Finding ways to protect the earth's wildlife and conserve the natural world they inhabit (居住) is now more important than ever.


    The Dodo is a classic example of how human caused damage to the earth's biology. The flightless Dodo was native to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It lived off fruit fallen from the island's trees and lived unthreatened until humans arrived in 1505. The easily controlled bird became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals introduced to the island by humans such as pigs, monkeys and rats. The population of Dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in 1681.


    The Rhino (犀牛) horn is a highly prized item for Asian medicine. This has led to the animal being hunted in its natural habitat. Once widespread in Africa and Eurasia, most Rhinos now live in protected natural parks and reserves (保护区). Their numbers have rapidly decreased in the last 50 years, and the animals remain under constant threat from poachers (偷猎者).

    The Giant Panda

    The future of the World Wildlife Fund's symbol is far from certain. As few as 1, 000 remain in the wild. The Chinese government has set up 33 panda reserves to protect these beautiful animals and made poaching them punishable with 20 years in prison. However, the panda's distinct black and white patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose (造成) one of the most serious threats to the animals continued existence.


    The International Whaling Commission is fighting to ensure the survival of the whale species. Despite the fact that one-third the world's oceans have been declared whale sanctuaries (保护区), 7 out of 13 whale species remain endangered. Hunted for their rich supply of oil, their numbers have decreased to just 300. Collisions with ships, poisonous pollution and being caught in fishing nets are other major causes of whale deaths.


    The last 100 years has seen a 95% reduction in the numbers of remaining tigers to between 5, 000 and 7, 000 and the Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers are already extinct. The South China tiger is precariously close to disappearing, with only 20 to 30 still alive. Like the Rhino horn, tigers' bones and organs are sought after for traditional Chinese medicines. These items are traded illegally along with tiger skins.

(1)、Which group of the following animals has already died out according to the text?
A、The Dodo and the Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers. B、The Rhino, Whale and the South China tiger. C、The Rhino, Panda, Whale and Tiger. D、The Dodo, Rhino and Giant Panda.
(2)、________ can serve as a cure for certain diseases.
A、The Dodo's delicious meat B、The panda's black and white patched coat C、The whale's rich oil D、The Rhino horn and tigers' bones and organs
(3)、Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A、The number of South China tigers has reached crisis point. B、The whale is the representing mark for the World Wildlife Fund. C、People hunt for the endangered animals for high profit. D、Many animals are threatened with extinction as a result of human activity.
(4)、Which of the following is mentioned in all the descriptions of those wild animals?
A、The way of their life. B、Why they are hunted. C、The reason for their extinction or being in danger. D、Punishment for hunting wild animals.

    Music is magic! Music speaks louder than words and it is a “language” that the whole world can understand. A piece of music can produce a response in the heart and mind. Like feeling an electrical current or receiving a personal radio signal, music has a spiritual effect on a person. Different kinds of music influence people in different ways.

    I have listened to music all my life. When I was twelve years old, the Beatles came to America and my whole world opened up. Maybe young people today cannot understand the influence of the Beatles when they exploded across America. Their influence changed the way we dressed, looked, acted and spoke... even our culture. The Beatles arrived in America from the UK just under three months after the assassination(暗杀) of President John Kennedy, which had put America into a great depression. And the freshness and lively spirit of the Beatles was exactly what the country needed to refresh itself.

    Music links the heart of the hearer with that of the composer. This means that it mixes the spirit of the composer with your spirit when you listen to it. And the music can take your spirit out of your body and transport you into another world. Music has a great way of touching people. Music can make you laugh, cry or shout. It's also a great source of inspiration.

    Try this one day and notice what happens: make yourself a cup of tea, sit on your sofa and play one of your favorite songs. Close your eyes, and soon you'll find yourself creating vivid mental images—matching the music that you are listening to.


    The popular wisdom for years has been that drinking in moderation (适度)—that's one “standard” drink a day for women and two for men-is linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular (心血管的) disease. But recent studies are casting some doubt on that long-held learning. Science now says it depends on your age and drinking habits.

    A 2017 study of nearly 2 million British with no cardiovascular risk found that there was still a modest benefit in moderate drinking, especially for women over 55 who drank five drinks a week. Why that age? Alcohol can influence the substance in the blood in positive ways, experts say, and that's about the age when heart problems begin to occur.

    Also, a 2018 study found that drinking more than 100 grams of alcohol per week—equal to roughly seven standard drinks in the United States or five to six glasses of wine in the UK—increases your risk of death from all causes and in turn lowers your life expectancy. Links were found with different forms of cardiovascular disease, with people who drank more than 100 grams per week having a higher risk of stroke, heart failure.

    Another 2018 study found that consistently drinking a moderate amount of alcohol, within recommended guidelines, had a protective effect on the heart over time. Unstable drinking habits were associated with a higher risk of heart disease, which the authors reflected might indicate broader lifestyle changes, such as poor health or stress. Former drinkers were also at greater risk.

    Overall, however, the latest thinking is that any heart benefit may be outweighed by other health risks, such as high blood pressure, certain cancers and liver damage.

Women who drink are at a higher risk for breast cancer; alcohol contributes about 6% of the overall risk, possibly because it raises certain dangerous hormones in the blood. Drinking can also increase the chance you might develop liver, mouth and oral cancers. One potential reason: Alcohol weakens our immune systems, making us more likely to inflame (发炎)—a driving force behind cancer.


    Janet Guthrie and Danica Patrick, first female Indy competitor and winner

    No complaints about woman drivers. Janet Guthrie, an space engineer who was training to be an astronaut, turned to car racing when she was cut from the space program for not having completed her doctors degree. In 1977, Guthrie became the first female Indy 500 competitor. She didn't take the lead, but Danica Patrick did. In 2005 and in 2008, Patrick became the first woman ever to win an Indy Car Series.

    Raymonde de Laroche, first female licensed pilot

    A former actress who'd been born Elise Raymonde Deroche in Paris in 1882, Raymonde de Laroche was inspired to take up flying after seeing the Wright Brothers flight demonstrations in 1907 in France. Though she wasn't the first female pilot, de Laroche was the first woman to earn a pilot's license in 1910.

    Gertrude Ederle, first woman to swim across the English Channel

    On August 6. 1926. Gertrude Caroline Ederle became the first woman to swim across the English Channel. Ederle, who lived to be 98 and died in 2003, was also an Olympic swim champion and five-time world record-holder in five swimming events

    Kathrine Switzer, Nina Kuscik and Joan Benoit, first major female marathoners.

    In 1967, 20-year-old Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to run in the Boston Marathon, even though race officials had tried to stop her. Nina Kuscik became the first woman to officially win the Boston Marathon, 1972. In 1984, American Joan Benoit became the first winner of the Women's Olympic Marathon, finishing 400 meters ahead of Norway's Grete Waitz.


    Here are some events in the following months. Have a look and pick out your favorite.

    AVCS Informational Tour

    Aliso Viejo Christian School, a highly rated private school, which serves children in grades, invites potential families to its annual AVCS informational tour. Come and see its facility, meet its staff, check out its curriculum and amazing programs. The tour would love to share the school with you and answer any questions.

    Location: AVCS Campus

    German Immigrants Exhibition

    German immigrants played a huge role in shaping Indianapolis through the 19th century. They brought educational reform, political activity and greenhouse farming. In addition to produce, these immigrants also kept their communities full of flowers and trees, know about this part of history in October.

    Location: Indiana Historical Society

    Whale Watching

    Gray whales migrate (迁徙) annually along the west coast of North America. They can be seen from the Orange County coast from December through early April. Summer and fall bring the giant blue whales. They can be seen from June through September. Since the gray whales migrate just a few miles off the coast, simple sail from Newport Beach enables you to see these spectacular creatures in their natural habitat.

    Location: Newport Beach

    Sunday Brunch(早午餐)

    Sunday brunch is a wonderful way to enjoy your weekend. At View Restaurant, Sunday brunch is always accompanied by champagne, spectacular views and unique atmosphere. The menu includes traditional breakfast foods and lunch favorites like barbeque and fresh fish selections. You can also choose to view sporting events in the restaurant. With enough variety to satisfy every appetite from kids to adults, this is one Sunday brunch you'll keep coming back to!

    Location: View Restaurant

