
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



A. Get more purposeful.

B. Worry ruins creativity.

C. Do what you should be doing.

D. We need to stop letting life just happen.

E. Make new plans and then move forward.

F. Here are some effective ways to deal with it.

G. You do the same things as the people around you do.

Ways to Worry Less

    Do you want to worry less? Of course you do. That's like asking if I can send you free bacon. Worry is like black mold—it appears in damp conditions and spreads uncontrollably. And very often we don't realize it's there until it's killing us. We must get rid of worry before it destroys us. But how should we do it?

    Do what you need to do.

    You ought not to avoid tough projects or hard conversations. If you don't do what you should be doing, you will end up spending the rest of the time worrying about the must-do things. Believe it or not, the anxiety that comes from the worry is much worse than the task we're worried about.


    I think many of us act like we're puppets (木偶) in a play and we're waiting for something or someone to put us in the right place. We just react to whatever is going on. We need to live purposefully. Nothing can cause more worry than purposelessness.

    Make plans.

    You can't succeed without making plans. Making plans will enable you to achieve your aims more smoothly. However, your plans aren't set in stone. You can adjust your plans flexibly. Accept changes.

    There are other ways to lessen worry. As long as you are determined to take action, you will live a worry-free life.


Advice for High School Students

    As a person who is graduating from high school very soon, I have some suggestions for students in high school or students who are soon going to be high school students.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} I am sure others can benefit from reading them and will not make similar mistakes like me.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Do not value first impression highly. Don't dismiss a person or an idea too early just because you immediately get a bad impression. You will miss many opportunities because of that.

    Although something seems bad at the first impression, it does not mean it is bad all the time. Try to give everything a fair chance.

    Don't try to please everybody. There is no way you can please everybody or get everybody to agree with you.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} It is a huge waste of time.

    Have respect for authority. No matter how much you may dislike them, just remember that teachers and parents care about you and they are only doing their jobs.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Don't argue with them and just obey them.

    Realize a high school is not the real world. The real world isn't a closed environment. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} What is rewarded in high school such as popularity and agreement is different from what is rewarded in the real world. If high school isn't working out for you, you may find yourself better at handling the real world.

A. Do not be too quick to judge.

B. So just learn to say the word “No” a lot.

C. Listen to their advice and consider it carefully.

D. Many of these are based on regrets that I have.

E. Bad habits are hard to break and remain with you for a long time.

F. Don't spend any effort trying to please others who will never like you.

G. It is a free society where people accept responsibility for their actions.


    Do you know that you have “body amour(防弹衣)”? Yes, you do. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here are three protective body parts and how they work.


    Your skin might not feel much like the outside of an armoured tank, but it really gives you a lot of protection. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Skin also protects our bones, muscles and insides by covering them up. Our skin may not be that tough when we touch it, but it can be very tough when it counts. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The skin may get scraped(擦伤)and become bruised(青肿的), but it helps to keep our bones safe so that they don't break easily.

    Eyelashes(眼睫毛)and Eyelids

    The little soft eyelashes attached to our eyelids are constantly working to blink(眨眼)away dust that would hurt our eyes. Our eyelashes and eyelids use reflex actions to close when danger comes near. Actually if we had to tell our eyelids to close, we could not do it fast enough to offer any real protection for our eyes. When our eyes and brain notice something that might be dangerous, they use lightening fast reflexes to close.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.


    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} This is a kind of body amour that is very useful, since the sun shines down on our heads all day. Without this covering of hair it would be easy for us to get sunburnt on the top of our heads. We lose about 50 individual hairs from our scalp every day. But most of us have lots of new ones that are replacing them.

A. Think about what happens when we fall.

B. This protection keeps our eyes safe and sound.

C. But you might not know how the armour works.

D. Some of your personal armour might affect you.

E. The hair on our heads protects our soft scalps(头皮).

F. By closing eyes, your eyelashes block out light closer to you.

G. Our skin is the biggest organ in our entire body and it helps to keep us safe.


    The color of animals is by no means a matter of chance; it depends on many considerations, but in the majority of cases tends to protect the animals from danger by making it less outstanding Perhaps, it may be said that if coloring is mainly protective, there ought to be fewer brightly colored animals. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. The kingfisher itself, though so brightly colored, is not easy to see.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Thus, for instance, the lion, and the wild donkey are all sand—colored. “Indeed, in the desert, neither trees, brushwood, nor even undulation (起伏) of the surface afford the slightest protection to its enemies.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.” says an expert.

    The next point is the color of the mature caterpillars(毛虫), some of which are brown. This probably makes the caterpillar even more outstanding among the green leaves. What would you do if you were a big caterpillar? Why, like most other defenceless creatures, you would feed by night, and lie hidden by day. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. When the morning light comes, they go down the stem of the food plant, and hide among dry sticks and leaves around the ground, and it is obvious that under such circumstances the brown color really becomes a protection. While we may say as a general rule that the large caterpillars feed by night and hide by day, it is by no means always the case that they are brown: some of them still remain green.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}, and that the brown color is a later adaptation.

A. So do these caterpillars

B. Therefore, the color of the animals is bright

C. We can say that they formed a good habit

D. Desert animals are generally the color of the desert

E. We may conclude that the habit of hiding themselves by day comes first

F. However, there are some cases where vivid colors are themselves protective

G. So the color of birds, snakes and even smaller animals, is of one uniform sand color


    Every year, thousands of students choose to study in another country for a semester, the summer, or a year. Studying overseas can be an exciting experience for many people.

Why do you study overseas?

    Living in another country can help you to learn a language, and about another culture. You will see the world in a new way, and learn more about yourself. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Many companies today want employees who speak a second language, or have experienced living or working in another country.

    Make the right choice.

    Once you decide to study overseas, you have to make some choices. To choose the right country or school, ask yourself: Where do I want to go and why? How much do I want to pay? How long do I want to study overseas? {#blank#}2{#/blank#}


    Get your passport and visa (签证) early! Before you go, learn some of the language, and read about some common customs in your host country. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Bring some of it, and a credit card with you.

    Once you are there.

    After the first few weeks overseas, many students will feel a little homesick. They may miss their family, and familiar ways of doing things. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} When you feel sad or homesick, try to talk to others, or write your feelings in a notebook.

A. Get ready to go.

B. Learn about the country.

C. Get quick access (进入) to foreign universities.

D. Overseas study may also look good on your future resume (简历).

E. Do I want to live with a host family, with roommates, or alone?

F. Remember that it takes time to get used to a new place, school, and culture.

G. As a study-abroad student, you will pay tuition fees (学费) to the overseas institution.


    Sometimes we fall in love with something at once and sometimes it takes time. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If were lucky, we come across a poem that immediately attracts us. But usually we need to spend a little time or make a little effort to truly understand a poem. Today I'd like to share some tips for reading poetry in ways that make the experience better with the goal of improving your own poetry writing.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Sometimes a poem that seems boring on first reading becomes clear with more readings. A poem that feels meaningless becomes deeper and more meaningful. And sometimes you're just not in the right mood the first time you read a poem, but later it touches your heart. Keep a dictionary and a poetry reference book at hand when you are reading poetry. Poets are fond of using unusual words. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

Read aloud and listen to the poem. Some poems have unclear structures and hearing a poet's reading will make the poem's rhythm clear. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    After you finish reading a poem, take a few moments to consider what it is saying. Sometimes its meaning are better understood through repeated readings. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

It is hard to say that there's a right and wrong way to read poetry, but there is an argument to be made for reading practices that will enrich your experience, increase your enjoyment, and deepen your understanding of any poem.

A. Besides, a poet's reading can even help understand the poem's meaning.

B. Keep a record to track the poets you've studied and the poems you've read.

C. Other times they are grasped through reflection on a poem.

D. The same is true with poetry.

E. Reading a poem repeatedly will deepen your understanding of it.

F. Study the poet's life and read some of his other works to gain deeper understanding.

G. Instead of skipping over these words or trying to guess their meanings, look them up.


How to Live a Happy

    Happiness is what we need most with the increase of Pressure in modern life. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Fortunately, this is not the case, everyone has the ability to hang on to happiness with his own efforts. The following methods may lead you to long- lasting happiness

    Take exercise. Other than health benefits that are too numerous to mention, exercise makes you smarter, happier, improves sleep, and makes you feel better about your body. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Keeping in touch wilt nature can help you reduce stress, make you more creative, improve your memory and may even make you a better person

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Relationships are worth more than you think. Not feeling socially connected can make you stupider and kill you. Loneliness can lead to heart attack, stroke and diabetes. On the other hand, studies have shown that the longest-lived people on the planet all place a strong emphasis on social engagement.

    Challenge yourself. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Music lessons increase intelligence. Challenging your beliefs strengthens your mind. Increasing willpower just takes a little effort each day and it's more responsible for your success than IQ. Not getting an education or taking advantage of opportunities are two of the things people look back on their lives and regret the most.

    Laugh. Laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and the feet. It can even reduce the effect of pain on the body. Humor is a good way to cause laughter, {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Spend time with friends and family

B. Do something kind for the people you care about

C. However, sometimes it seems far away from us

D. Learning another language can keep your mind sharp

E. Life is always full of hope

F. It would be better if you take exercise in nature

G. Just thinking about funny moments or things can help a lot.

