
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Here are some professions Americans consider to be the most honest. Maybe the rest of us can learn from what these people do to establish good relationships with others.


    Jack Jacob, Age: 44, Fountain Valley, California

    I try to introduce myself in a pleasant way. I sit down. I don't stand. I make good eye contact with the patient and his or her family. Communication skills are key, as well as showing understanding and availability. For a physician, the most rewarding thing is when someone who has seen your work chooses you.


    Chrissy Keane, Age: 41, Crofton, Maryland

    I don't know that being an engineer means you are automatically trustworthy. However, I do think that most engineers like to follow rules and be organized. They tell you what they think, whether you want to hear it or not. Those are important elements in building trust.


    G. M. Cox, Age: 64, Fort Worth, Texas

    As a police officer, I have the best interests of the people I serve in my heart and in my actions and I'm going to treat everyone the same way. I always want to go up to people and speak to them with respect. Don't talk down to them. You have to establish and maintain that trust. Be equal!

(1)、What does Jack Jacob think important to do his job?
A、Being communicative. B、Experience. C、Self-introduction. D、Being open-minded.
(2)、How does G. M. Cox treat people in his job?
A、Actively. B、Equally. C、Cautiously. D、Strictly.
(3)、What do the three people mentioned in the passage have in common?
A、They follow rules. B、They are warm-hearted. C、They deserve trust. D、They are good organizers.

    BEIJING — The launch of a new manned space mission brings China closer to the establishment of a permanent space station, international experts say.

    Chinese taikonauts, Jing Haipeng, 50, and Chen Dong, 37, were blasted off into space onboard Shenzhou-11 at 7:30 am Monday and will spend 30 days in the Chinese space laboratory Tiangong-2.The launch marks a key step toward China's plan to eventually operate a permanent space station. The successful launch of the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft is another step forward to put China among leading players in space technology, said Alexander Zheleznyakov, a Russian expert on history of space flights. China's experimental space lab will help provide solutions for spacecraft of different functions to approach and anchor, and for a long-term operation of life support system, said Zheleznyakov. Shenzhou-11 is scheduled to anchor on Wednesday with Tiangong-2, which is part of China's plan to build a permanent space station by 2022.

    China can now test technologies for cargo spacecraft anchoring, life support system operation and water recycling to ensure a long-term continuous operation of its space station in the future with less dependence on renewal from the Earth, he said. If all goes well, China will launch the unpiloted Tianzhou-1 cargo ship next spring to autonomously tie up with Tiangong-2. Tianzhou-1 will be capable of automatically transferring rocket fuels, a vital requirement for space station grouping and maintenance, according to a report by Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS).

    "That will further their anchoring abilities needed for the larger space station," Johnson Freese was quoted." Tiangong-2 is supposed to be able to stay in orbit for two years or longer, so that's taking them (Chinese) really close to 2019 or so. I think this will be their last big technology test phase before going to their large space station," said Freese.


    A new keyboard can tell whether you are its owner. The keyboard records information about the typing pattern and sends it to a computer program. The program then checks to see if the pattern matches the right user. If not, an alarm sounds, and the computer locks the typist out. It locks out anyone else, even if the person knows password. What's more, this device needs no batteries. It harvests all the energy it needs from the action of your typing. Besides, the keyboard is also self-cleaning and the keys are free of damage from water, oil and dirt.

    The keys of the new keyboard are made of the same inexpensive plastic that might be found on any other standard keyboard. But instead of being smooth, the keys have millions of tiny plastic nanowires (纳米线) on their surface area to every key, increasing the effective contact area between the plastics and fingers. This ensures that there's enough power to run the keyboard as someone types.

    Liming Dai, a scientist, did not work on the new keyboard, but he thinks the design could be important in getting better performance from a variety of devices. “It could also be applied to a touch screen, for instance,” Dai says. “Then smart phones and notepads could harvest energy from the action of someone typing or drawing.”

    “Future work might make the keyboard even more useful,” Dai adds. “A later design might build tiny capacitors(电容器) onto the nanowires,” he suggests. Capacitors are little devices that temporarily store electric charges. Those might then LEDs to light a Keyboard in the dark.

    Zhonglin Wang is a co-designer of the new keyboard. His team has build a working model of the keyboard. “If a company decides to fund(投资) its production, this keyboard could be in stores in as little as two years,” says Wang.


    You'll need to take a deep breath before hearing this news. An astonishing 93% of kids around the world live in environments with air pollution levels that are damaging their health, according to a new report by WHO.

    Air pollution is to blame for the deaths of 543, 000 kids under 5 in 2016, with more than one in four deaths of children under five years old being related to environmental issues. Exposure (暴露) to air pollution can damage the health of kids in a variety of ways, either causing or being associated with everything from low birth weight to childhood obesity and so on.

    "The large toll of disease and death revealed (揭示) by these new data should result in an urgent call to action for the global community especially for those in the health department WHO stated. "Strong action to reduce exposure to air pollution offers an opportunity to protect the health of children." The report stressed that health experts should communicate with families, communities and policy-makers about the serious risks of air pollution exposure. "Although more researches into how air pollution affects children's health will continue to be valuable, there is already evidence to justify strong, swift action to prevent the damage it clearly produces," WHO added.

    Disease caused by dirty air is more common in low-and-middle in some countries, especially those in Africa, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific regions. Poor countries in these areas have the highest levels of exposure to household air pollution due to the use of polluting fuels and technologies for basic needs like cooking, heating and lighting.

    Advised solutions include cleaner transport, cleaner cooking and heating fuels and technologies energy-efficient housing and urban planning, safer industrial technologies and better waste management.


    Are you interested in travelling? Here are famous national parks where travellers mostly like to go in America.

    ⒈Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    Visitors: 11,388,893

    The name "Great Smoky Mountains" comes from the fog over this mountain range situated along the North Carolina-Tennessee border. Established in 1934, it is not just home to a diverse ecosystem of plants and animals, but also home to rich Appalachian cultures. Visitors there can see over 100 waterfalls, go boating on Fontana Lake and hike the Appalachian Trail. It's also an excellent vantage point to see the leaves change in the fall.

    ⒉Grand Canyon National Park

    Visitors: 6,254,238

    The Grand Canyon is the result of over 70 million years of geological events creating the Colorado Plateau, glaciers and valleys, while the Colorado River carved its way through the valleys. It is truly a natural splendor!

    When President Roosevelt first visited it in 1903, he said, "The Grand Canyon fills me with awe. It is beyond comparison – beyond description."16 years later, it was signed by President Woodrow Wilson, officially viewing the Grand Canyon a national park.

    ⒊Yosemite National Park

    Visitors: 4,336,890

    In addition to being a national park, Yosemite is designated as a World Heritage Site. Yosemite National Park is in Central California in the western Sierra Nevada. Though it covers around 1,168 square miles of area, visitors spend most of their time in the 5.9 square-mile area of the Yosemite Valley where there are some most famous sites like Yosemite Falls, and Cook's Meadow Loop.

    ⒋Zion National Park

    Visitors: 4,504,812

    Settled in Southwestern Utah is Zion National Park. It has some of the most unique landscapes packed with mountains, valleys, rivers, desert and forests.

    Zion National Park is also an important place to study ancient humans who made the area their home about 8,000 years ago. Some of the park's most notable attractions include Angel's Landing, Kolob Arch, the Narrows, etc.

