
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    One of the most outspoken supporters that I know of women and girls is actually a man. As co­founder of the ONE Campaign, my friend Bono spends a lot of time speaking out against global poverty (贫困). Together, we're working to get out a simple, powerful message: poverty is sexist.

    Women and girls are more likely to be in poverty, less likely to get an education and more likely to suffer bad health. And when they are born into poverty, it is much more difficult for them to lift themselves and their families out of it.

    Why? One reason is that breaking out of poverty takes time­and that is a resource women around the world are short on. On average, women spend about twice as much time as men in doing the unpaid work that makes life possible for everyone, like cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping and caring. In developing countries, the gap is even much bigger. As a result, women have no time to finish their education, learn new skills, open a business, develop personal relationships or even go to the doctor. They dream of creating a better future for their children, but they can not spare the hours to put those dreams that they have into action.

    The fact that the potential of so many women and girls is going unrealized is a sad thing­but it is also an opportunity for us. We need to recognize, reduce and redistribute the burden of work that is holding them back. Because if women have time to invest (投资) in themselves and their ideas, they could transform the world.

(1)、According to the author, what makes it more difficult for women to climb out of poverty?
A、Sexist prejudice. B、Heavy burden of housework. C、Impossible dreams. D、Bad health.
(2)、What seems to be the author's attitude toward reducing female poverty?
A、Casual. B、Doubtful. C、Optimistic. D、Unconcerned.
(3)、Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A、Why poverty is sexist. B、What global poverty is. C、How to reduce female poverty. D、How to break down sexist prejudice.


    In the coming months, we are bringing together artists from all over the globe, to enjoy speaking shakespeare's plays in their own language, in our globe, within the architecture shakespeare wrote for. Please come and join us.

    National Theatre Of China   Beijing|Chinese

    This great occasion(盛会) will be the national theatre of china's first visit to the UK. The company's productions show the new face of 21st century chinese theatre. This production of Shakespeare's Richard III will be directed by the National's Associate Director,Wang Xiaoying.

    Date&Time:Saturday 28 April, 2.30pm&Sunday 29 April, 1.30pm&6.30pm


  Marjanishvili Theatre   Tbilisi l Georgian

    One of the most famous theatres in Georgia,the Marjanishvili,founded in 1928,appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world. This new production of As You Like It is helmed(指导)by the company's Artistic Director Levan Tsuladze.

    Date & Time :Friday 18 May, 2.30pm&Sunday 19 May, 7.30pm


    Deafinitely Theater  London l British Sign  Language (BSL)

    By translating the rich and humourous text of Love's Labour's Lost into the physical language of BSL,Deafinitely Thertre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare's comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.

    Date&Time:Tueaday 22 May, 2.30pm & Wednesday 23 May, 7.30pm


Habima National Theatre Tel Aviv l Hebrew

    The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-languege theatre worldwide. Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution,the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s. Since 1958,they have been recognized as the national theatre of Israel. This production of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.

    Date Date&Time:Monday 28 May, 7.30pm &Tuesday 29 May, 7.30pm


    High school plays a major role in shaping up your future and your whole development. Extracurricular (课外的) activities along with the studies can be very helpful. Make yourself take part in various activities and at the same time try to stand out in your studies. When you move out to college these efforts that you put in may count for a lot.

    High school is not just about books or classes. Schools always provide opportunities for students to socialize (社交). There are various group tasks designed which allow the students to learn to work together.

    High school is the right time for you to discover yourself and bring out some of your hidden talents. In your lessons, you may find that you are better at English than you were earlier or have grown an interest for Math. High school also provides many other opportunities for students to take part in. These help develop leadership skills and management skills at an early age, which in turn is a way of preparing students to manage and plan their careers (事业) better.

    Balancing all activities is an experience in time management. If you have taken up a part-time job along with your high school you would have to arrange your time for studies, and extracurricular activities. Such management can go a long way in teaching you to manage things better when you take up a job. Moreover, they help build your character. You would be better prepared for additional stress that you may feel sometimes.

    When at high school you should pick up your classes wisely. Depending upon what you like and your career plan you should choose suitable classes. Doing something that you hardly like may get you very low grades as well as lose valuable time. Take up interesting and challenging classes that would allow you to put in those extra efforts.


    Drive through any suburb in the U.S. Today, and it's hard to miss the recycling bins that have become companions to America's trash cans. Recycling has become common, as people recognize the need to care for the environment. Yet most people's recycling consciousness extends only as far as paper, bottles, and cans. People seldom find themselves facing the growing problem of e-waste.

    E-waste rapidly increases as the techno- fashionable frequently upgrade to the most advanced devices, and the majority of them end up in landfills (垃圾填埋地). Some people who track such waste say that users throw away nearly 2 million tons of TVs, VCRs, computers, cell phones, and other electronics every year. Unless we can find a safe replacement, this e-waste may get into the ground and poison the water with dangerous toxins (毒素), such as lead, mercury, and arsenic. Burning the waste also dangerously contaminates the air.

     However, e-waste often contains reusable silver, gold, and other electrical materials. Recycling these materials reduces environmental problems by reducing both landfill waste and the need to look for such metals, which can destroy ecosystems.

    A growing number of states have adopted laws to ban dumping e-waste. Still, less than a quarter of this waste will reach lawful recycling programs. Some companies advertising safe disposal in fact merely ship the waste to some developing countries, where it still ends up in landfills. These organizations prevent progress by unsafely disposing of waste in an out- of- sight, out- of- mind location.

    However, the small but growing number of cities and corporations that do handle e- waste responsibly represents progress toward making the world a cleaner, better place for us all.


    For many reasons, I didn't choose to go to university like most of my family members, schoolmates and even best friends. I can't say that I didn't have moments of doubt about my decision. As the last term of school was coming to a close, I began to feel very anxious about the choice I made to be different and start an apprenticeship(学徒).

    Although my A-level results day was the one that I felt extremely proud of, I knew that the general feeling from most of my teachers was disappointment. I completed my application, did a series of ability tests and interviews, and at last nine months later—I began an apprenticeship with Sellafield Ltd.

    As soon as I started, I knew straight away that I made the right decision. From the people I met, to the on-the-job training that I was experiencing, I began to feel a real sense of purpose and could see a successful career in an industry that I found so interesting and challenging, paving the way in front of me. I never thought when I was in sixth grade that I would be working in the nuclear industry, but now I can't imagine working anywhere else.

    Since finishing my apprenticeship over two years ago, I've had countless opportunities to develop myself both academically and personally. I've bought my first home; I was chosen to be a part of the Government's Get In Go Far apprenticeship campaign, and offered an amazing and unique secondment(人员借调) with the Environment, Health, Safety and Quality department at Sellafield.

    I have no doubt that without my apprenticeship I wouldn't be in the position I am today, but equally I know that it was only the beginning for me.

    My apprenticeship inspired me to explore different career paths in the nuclear industry, and it gave me the confidence to know that I can succeed in shifting from one position to another.


    Gardening is popular in many parts of the world. This outdoor activity gives us beautiful plants, pleasant smelling flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables. But it also does a lot of good to our health.

    Gardening connects people. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So it is a perfect chance to meet and spend time with your neighbors. Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and gardeners are no different. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens almost as much as sharing flowers and vegetables from their gardens.

    Gardening is a great activity for children. It gets them outdoors and off computers, televisions and cell phones. Gardening is also a great teacher. It can teach a child about where food comes from and healthy eating. It also helps them to understand that the natural resources (资源) are not inexhaustible and the importance of using them carefully.

    Then, when you garden, you must move around. All the different movements needed for gardening, like bending and lifting, work small muscles (肌肉) in the body. And you can easily get good exercise when you are digging holes or pulling grasses.

    In a study, researches looked at more than 2,800 people over the age of 60. They studied their lifestyle habits, activities and health over a 16-year period. They found that gardening could lower the risk of future dementia (痴呆) by 36%. Gardening requires people do many repeated actions, such as picking off dying flowers. These actions have a calming influence on the brain. The brain is still active but not in the same way when we use computers.

    You'll feel wonderful when what you grow in a garden looks, smells, feels and tastes good.


    I began smoking at 13, with a friend in the evenings when we were out. I never thought of the damage it brought me. But I had a bad cough after a cold, and my teeth weren't as white as my sister's, who never smoked. I no longer played any sports. Since all my friends smoked, I never felt different.

    I met and married my husband Paul when we were 22,both smoking like chimneys (烟囱). I had two children by the time I was 26, and life went on as normal. We smoked around our children, never thinking it would be doing them any harm. They both begged us to stop when they learned about the hazards of smoking. We just rolled our eyes at each other.

    My parents quit smoking, and my aunts quit smoking, but they were older. I had lots of time to quit in my life. Paul's mother died of a heart attack at only 55, after suffering two diseases caused by smoking. And still we smoked.

    At the age of 36, I had a child with a breathing problem. We moved outside to smoke, as she had such trouble breathing, and we didn't want to add to that!

    Then my father died a few years later of cancer throughout his body. Still I smoked, even as he asked me on his deathbed to try to stop. I did mean to, but I thought that I had too many worries to deal with. How would I face them without a smoke? Little did I know then that the smoking was only adding to my inability (无能) to deal with trouble, clouding my whole world in smoke.

    Then Paul had an extremely serious problem in his heart because of a condition caused by smoking. Finally, I decided to quit smoking. I knew I'd suffer greatly too if I kept smoking. Paul decided to join me, of course. He had no choice if he didn't want to die.

    Luckily, we made it. Now I have enough energy, a joy in living, and more confidence than ever before.

