
试题 试卷


题型:阅读还原 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    My father doesn't know how to cook. If no one cooks for him, he doesn't eat anything.

    Today, my mother doesn't feel well. My mother and I are happy. My father says he will go shopping first.

    So my mother writes all the things on a piece of paper(-张纸) like this: ⒈cake; ⒉egg; ⒊tomato; ⒋milk; ⒌chicken.

    Then my father goes out. He brings out all the things: one cake, two eggs, three tomatoes, four bags of milk and five chickens!

    Looking at those things,

A. So he doesn't cook.

B. An hour later, he comes back.

C. But he doesn't know what to buy.

D. My father says he will cook for us.

E. my mother and I laughed (笑) and laughed.



    The population of Earth is still going up. There will be less and less good land for growing crops in the future. People worry that there will not be enough food for everyone in the middle of this century.

    Recently scientists have discovered one strange plant named fedtschenkoi(玉吊钟)may help. It can absorb(吸收)carbon dioxide(CO₂) at night. It only needs 10 times less water than food plants like beans. This means it can grow in the desert(沙漠).

    In which ways could this plant help us?

    Since deserts are increasing in size because of the changes in Earth's climate, growing plants there will be more and more important. Although it is dangerous to eat this plant, scientists can still study something about it: how it absorbs CO₂ at night while many other plants only do this during the day, and why it is suited to the desert.

    There is another direction to take the research in. Producing a desert plant to eat will be difficult, but there is still possibility to use the genes(基因)from this plant and put them into food plants.

    The other way is to grow this type of plant for fuel(燃料). At the moment we grow plants for fuel in good land. If we do it in deserts instead, more good land can be used to grow plants for food.

    Desert plants have special qualities, which could be an answer to our future food or energy needs. Scientists are working hard on it.

The Desert Plant Could Help

The problems of the future

◆The population on Earth is becoming {#blank#}1{#/blank#}  than before.

◆There is less and less{#blank#}2{#/blank#}land for growing crops.

◆There will not be enough food in the future, which makes people{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

The discovery of the scientists

◆It is an{#blank#}4{#/blank#} plant named fedtschenkoi.

◆Food plants like beans need 10 times{#blank#}5{#/blank#} water than it does in deserts.

The ways it could{#blank#}6{#/blank#} us

◆The scientists are studying how it absorbs CO₂ and why it is{#blank#}7{#/blank#}for living in desert.

◆It is {#blank#}8{#/blank#}to use genes from one plant and then put it inside another.

◆It will be better if we can grow plants for fuel in deserts  {#blank#}9{#/blank#} than in good land.


◆Because desert plants have special qualities, it may{#blank#}10{#/blank#}our food and energy problems in the future.


    We did a survey (调查) about students' free time activities yesterday. One of our questions was about exercise and of course, it is the most important one. From the survey, we knew only 25% of the girls often have activities outside. Many girls do little exercise. They don't like P.E. classes and even don't play sports. These girls may face a lot of problems. They may get fatter and weaker, And they may get some kinds of illnesses(疾病) easily. Wang Jing, a 16-year-old girl, said, "I don't like doing exercise. I like watching TV on the sofa. I spend at least three hours watching TV a day. My sleeping time is no more than seven hours a day. I often feel tired

    Some girls said, "We don't have enough time to do exercise. We must help our parents with housework because they are very tired after a day's work. We do some washing, clean the house and finish the homework. We don't have time for doing anything else."

    Everyone may have these excuses(借口) for not doing exercise. However, we must know that if we don't do exercise, we will get sick easily. As students, we'd better exercise every day. That makes us live a healthy life.

Information Card

The most important question in the survey


The percentage(百分率) of the girls who often have activities outside


The number of hours that Wang Jing spends in watching TV a day


The excuse that some girls don't have enough time to do sports


The problem that we may have if we don't do exercise


