
试题 试卷


题型:阅读填表 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通




    The population of Earth is still going up. There will be less and less good land for growing crops in the future. People worry that there will not be enough food for everyone in the middle of this century.

    Recently scientists have discovered one strange plant named fedtschenkoi(玉吊钟)may help. It can absorb(吸收)carbon dioxide(CO₂) at night. It only needs 10 times less water than food plants like beans. This means it can grow in the desert(沙漠).

    In which ways could this plant help us?

    Since deserts are increasing in size because of the changes in Earth's climate, growing plants there will be more and more important. Although it is dangerous to eat this plant, scientists can still study something about it: how it absorbs CO₂ at night while many other plants only do this during the day, and why it is suited to the desert.

    There is another direction to take the research in. Producing a desert plant to eat will be difficult, but there is still possibility to use the genes(基因)from this plant and put them into food plants.

    The other way is to grow this type of plant for fuel(燃料). At the moment we grow plants for fuel in good land. If we do it in deserts instead, more good land can be used to grow plants for food.

    Desert plants have special qualities, which could be an answer to our future food or energy needs. Scientists are working hard on it.

The Desert Plant Could Help

The problems of the future

◆The population on Earth is becoming   than before.

◆There is less and lessland for growing crops.

◆There will not be enough food in the future, which makes people

The discovery of the scientists

◆It is an plant named fedtschenkoi.

◆Food plants like beans need 10 times water than it does in deserts.

The ways it could us

◆The scientists are studying how it absorbs CO₂ and why it isfor living in desert.

◆It is to use genes from one plant and then put it inside another.

◆It will be better if we can grow plants for fuel in deserts   than in good land.


◆Because desert plants have special qualities, it mayour food and energy problems in the future.



:I think kids learn better by studying for tests. If you actually sit and study what you are supposed to learn, you'll remember it. Hands-on projects might end up making a kid feel stressed if they are trying to finish on time, and If you are stressed, you might not learn as much.  {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

:When people study, they remember what was in the book. If they know they have a test, they will most likely to take notes on all the important information to help them with the test, so they will learn it better.  {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

:With a hands-on project, you can be creative while you learn. It's also a lot more fun than sitting at a desk with flashcards. Plus, with a hands-on project, you can learn more than you expected. It's more satisfying to learn on your own without someone explaining it to you.  {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

:Hands-on projects are better. When you are studying for a test, it can get boring and then you can get distracted(注意力分散的). You learn better doing projects because it is not boring and you experience new things depending on what you are doing.  {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

:I think kids learn hands-on projects because they have to consider the topic, instead of just memorizing information that they'll forget about after the test. Also, completing a project is good for spending time with your friends or family.  {#blank#}5{#/blank#}


    Running two miles on the playground isn't a fun thing to do for most students. But students in Miss Brown's class at Mark Twain School in the USA gladly put on their running shoes. They wanted to raise money to help a dog in need.

    Miss Brown told her students about Peter, a dog who had a hard start in life. At less than a year old, Peter's owners found out that he was not healthy. Something was wrong with his body. Medicine could help but it was very expensive. For Peter to have a better life, he needed surgery (外科手术). But his owners couldn't afford that. Finally, they had to leave Peter at the animal hospital.

    "I love dogs and when I hear about Peter, I felt so sad for him," says student Tony.

    Miss Brown's class decided to hold a Jog-a-Thon to raise money for Peter's surgery.

    "At first I felt like the Jog-a-Thon was just to get us to exercise," says Mike "but then I wanted to help this dog."

    "I just wanted to make a difference in Peter's life," adds student Chance Wood.

    News of the Jog-a-Thon spread throughout the school. Before long, five other classes also took part in the event. "I started receiving money from all kinds of people in our school community," says Miss Brown. "We raised $3,180.64 in all."

A {#blank#}1{#/blank#} activity


A dog named Peter had {#blank#}2{#/blank#} problems before he was one year old.

Medicine and surgery can {#blank#}3{#/blank#} his health, but his owner didn't have enough {#blank#}4{#/blank#} to pay for them.


Miss Brown's class made their {#blank#}5{#/blank#} to raise money for Peter by {#blank#}6{#/blank#} an activity. The activity is called {#blank#}7{#/blank#} which is about running.


In Miss Brown's class, students felt sorry for Peter and wanted to {#blank#}8{#/blank#} his life.


They raised $3,180.64 in all and {#blank#}10{#/blank#} five classes joined the event.


    Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She has become the voice of girls throughout the world.

Born in Swat Valley in Pakistan in 1997, Malala lived a quiet life until 2009, when the Taliban(塔利班), an Islamic organization of violence(暴力) took control of her village.   ①   . They believed educating girls was against Islam. But Malala didn't agree. She wouldn't give up her education and kept going to school.   ②    "What is wrong with us girl students? We want all girls to get their schools back," she wrote. Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley.

      ③    On Oct.9, 2012, when Malala was taking a bus home, a Taliban man got on the bus with a gun in his hand. A bullet immediately hit her in the face. Luckily, the shot didn't kill her. She was taken to a hospital in the UK. The shot didn't kill her courage, either.   ④    Her courage made her famous.

    She has spoken at the United Nations, met world leaders and written a book named I Am Malala.

    OnOct.10, 2013, the EP awarded Malala the top human rights prize. They said," She is an icon(符号) of courage for all teenagers who dare to follow their aspirations(愿望)."

A. However, her actions also put her in danger.

B. They stopped girls from getting an education.

C. Now she is still calling for education rights for girls.

D. And she started to write a blog against the Taliban.

