
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版(深圳•广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册Unit 3 自主检测


    Years ago a heavy rain hit Chongqing and made the Yangtze River rise.

    When the rain stopped, people found that a dog, later named Huahua, swam across the river to an island(小岛)twice a day for two weeks. Why? Because Huahua's four children were there. The mother dog swam there every day to feed her babies. This story touched many people

    Not only humans but animals are responsible. Animals know love as we humans do, and Huahua is only one of them. British scientist Jane Goodall spent 14 years living with chimpanzees(黑猩猩) in Africa. She found that chimpanzees cared for each other when others got hurt or lost parents.

    Two birds in Chengdu showed their parental love. Their baby was hurt and fell on the street in the centre of the city. Cars were driving past but the brave parents flew down to the road and took the little bird away with their claws(爪子).

    Animals not only love their own children, but also care for other animal babies. A chimpanzee named Anjana in an American animal research centre takes care of a baby lion. She feeds the lion carefully every day. "They are just like mother and son, "said a worker at the centre.

(1)、Why did Huahua swim to the island twice a day?
A、To look for food. B、To feed her children. C、To play around. D、To visit her friend.
(2)、The underlined word "responsible" in the second paragraph means "_______".
A、勇敢的 B、多愁善感的 C、有责任心的 D、长寿的
(3)、Who saved the little bird on the street?
A、People from one of the cars. B、A chimpanzee. C、A baby lion. D、The bird's parents.
(4)、Which of the following is the best title for this story?
A、Humans' love for animals B、Love for the young C、Love among animals D、Give a hand to animals

    One windy spring day, I noticed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites. Colorful creations of different shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds flying and dancing. As the strong winds blew against the kites, a string (线) kept them in control.

    Instead of blowing away with the wind, they rose against it to achieve great heights. They shook and pulled, but the restraining (控制的) string and the cumbersome (笨重的) tail kept them in control, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled against the string, they seemed to say, "Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!" They rose beautifully even when they fought the restriction of the string. Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose (松散的). "Free at last," it seemed to say. "Free to fly with the wind."

    Yet freedom (自由) simply put it in the control of an unkind wind. It fell down to the ground and landed in a mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. "Free at last", free to lie powerlessly in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to stop lifelessly against the first obstacle (障碍物).

    How much like kites we sometimes are. The Heaven gives us adversity (逆境) and rules, rules to follow from which we can grow and get strength. Some of us break away from the rules so hard that we never reach the heights we might get to. We keep part of the rules and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

    Let us each rise to the great heights, knowing that some of the rules that we may be angry about are in fact the strong force that helps us achieve.


    One day. Many years ago, when I was working as a psychologist in England, David was brought into my office. His face was pale(苍白)and he looked at his own feet.

    David lost his father when he was two years old and lived with his mother and grandfather ever since. But the year before he turned 13, his grandfather died and his mother was killed in a car accident. His teacher told me that he refused to talk to others from then on.

    How could I help him?

    David didn't say a word. As he was leaving. I put my hand on his shoulder.

    "Come back next week if you like, "I said.

    He came and I suggested we played a game of chess. He agreed. After that we played chess every Wednesday afternoon in complete silence. Usually, he arrived earlier than he agreed. It seemed as if he enjoyed my company. But why didn't he ever look at me?

    "Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his pain with." I thought.

    Months later, when l was looking at his head, he suddenly looked up at me. "It's your turn, "he said. After that day, David started talking. He finally had friends in school and he even joined a bicycle club. He wrote to me a few times. Now he had really started to live his life.

    Maybe I gave David something. But I learned a lot from him. I learned how time makes it possible to overcome(克服)what seems to be so painful. David showed me how one without a word—can reach out to another person. All it takes is a shoulder to cry on, a friendly touch and an ear that listens.

