
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Virtual (虚拟的)reality is a way to create a computer-made environment that brings the user into a virtual world. If you ever have put on a VR headset, you would know exactly what I am talking about. From an experiential view we do understand the idea, but what about the technical backend that goes into making it all possible? In this blog, we will understand the technology behind virtual reality and the basic terms about the development of a virtual ecosystem for a VR headset.

    The primary subject of virtual reality is simulating (模拟)the vision. Every headset is to perfect their method to create an immersive (浸人式)3D environment. Each VR headset puts up a screen or two in front of eyes, keeping the user away from any interaction with the real world. Two autofocus lenses (自动对焦镜片)are generally placed between the screen and the eyes that change based on eye movement and positioning. The vision appears on the screen either by using a mobile phone or HDMI line connected to a PC.

    To create a truly immersive virtual reality, there are certain requirements a frame rate (帧 率)of at least 60 fps, a refresh rate and at least 100﹣degree field of view (though 180 degrees is perfect). If either of these doesn't work according to the standards, the user will experience too big of a time difference between their actions and the response from the screen. We need the response to be less than 20 ms (1/1000 second) to fool the brain which is achieved by joining all the above in the right proportion (比例).Another matter that needs to be looked at here is to prevent netsickness because of the differences between the frame rate and refresh rate.

    Apart from the image, there are certain other things that go into creating an immersive VR experience, holding the user's attention completely in the virtual environment. For example, sound effects, when put with the image, can create very attractive effects. By using a headphone and 3D sound effects, the user can totally believe in the virtual environment. While perfecting sound effects, proper care needs to be taken about the consistency (一致)between the pictures and the sound. If you start playing frightening music in the background of a happy scene, it will just put the user off.

    In future, we will see rapid progress in creating a truly immersive digital experience. With leading players like Google, Microsoft, Oculus, and HTC making great efforts to improve the capabilities (性能),we are not far from achieving a virtual reality that would feel so much better than the real world. If you would like to develop a VR app for your business, then feel free to get in touch. With over 10 years of experience in mobile technologies, we can make every dream a reality.

(1)、A VR headset helps the user       .
A、create the vision on the screen B、understand the technical backend C、better experience a 3D environment D、keep interaction with the real world
(2)、The words "put the user off" in Paragraph 4 probably mean "       ".
A、take the user's attention away B、get the user interested C、hold the user's imagination back D、help the user understand
(3)、What is the main purpose of writing this passage?
A、To give a short introduction of VR. B、To do business with certain readers C、To predict the bright future of VR. D、To share experiences with readers
(4)、What can we learn from the passage?
A、The lower degree field of view, the better images. B、Sound effects are more important than the image for VR. C、Some big companies may create a VR better than the real world soon. D、The brain can tell the time difference when the response is more than 20ms.


    American Sign Language, often called ASL, is used by most people with hearing problems in the United States and Canada.

    Besides ASL, there are more than fifty sign languages used throughout the world today, including Mayan Sign, British Sign, Israeli Sign, and Chinese Sign. Like spoken languages, sign languages are different from each other. But all sign languages are based on sight instead of sounds.

    Sign languages have several main visual (视觉) parts that work together to express meaning. The first part is the shape made by the hands. Movement is also important. Moving the body or organs (器官) like hands affects the meaning of the shape. The place where the sign is made and the direction the hands face are crucial as well. Other visual clues (线索), such as the expression on a person's face, can sometimes change a sign's meaning. For example, a change in a smile can show whether a signer is happy, very happy, or overjoyed. Raising the eyebrows can mark a question.

    In sign languages, the visual parts are combined (结合) in different ways to create signs.

These signs stand for things, actions, feelings, and ideas. ASL has about 4,000 different signs. Like spoken  languages,  sign  languages  cannot  be  translated  word-for-word.  

    For English word may be represented by a series of signs in ASL. Or several English words may be

represented by a single ASL sign. Unlike spoken languages, the signs are organized according to sign-language grammar and the most important word or idea is signed first.

    In ASL, the letter signs are made with one hand. Signers would rarely, if ever, spell out all the words they are signing. That would be as awkward and slow as speakers spelling each spoken word. However, American Sign Language does not have signs for proper names, so signers may use the alphabet to spell these. Also, sign languages often borrow words from other languages. They may spell words using finger spelling which is done with a set of hand shapes that stand for letters of the alphabet.

    Sign languages  develop  naturally  when  people  with  shared  culture  and  needs  want  to communicate with each other. Signers are closely linked to each other, perhaps more than to speaking people in their own communities. Signers share points of view, values, needs, and problems,as well as languages.


    Brooke wanted a dollhouse and some sugar cookies. So the 6-year-old asked Alexa to get them. Alexa wasn't her mom or babysitter. It was a voice-activated home assistant powered by AI (人工智能). And it made Brooke's wishes come true. A few days later, much to her parents' surprise, a $170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookies showed up. They ate the cookies and gave away the dollhouse to a local hospital. And that's not the end of the story. When a news reporter told the story of what happened on TV, Alexa devices (设备) in many listeners' homes woke up and tried to order dollhouses!

    Alexa isn't the only AI willing to serve you. Apple Home Pod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby. People who have these devices use them mainly for listening to music, checking the weather, and setting timers. According to a report from The Information, nowadays voice shopping is rare. But many scientists predict a boom (增长) in voice shopping in the near future. Is that a good thing?

      ▲   You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it, even if you are cooking, cleaning, or driving. In addition, people with disabilities who are unable to use a keyboard or mouse can shop without any help.

    But voice shopping has its disadvantages. Unwanted dollhouses aren't the biggest problem. It's usually very easy to cancel an order or return products. The thing that worries some people is that these assistants are always listening. They have to be able to respond when you want them. So they listen for "Alexa" or "OK Google" or another order. When they hear it, they start recording the conversation. Some have worried about what happens shopping habits? And what if someone hacks (入侵) the device? The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs to turn them into spies that listen all the time. Others could do the same with any smart device.

    What do you think? Are you ready to start voice shopping?


    The world Meteorological(气象的)Day was set up on 23 March in 1960. It is celebrated every year on 23 March. The main purpose of the World Meteorological Day is to enable people to understand and support the activities of the World Meteorological Organization, to raise the attention and love of meteorological work and to promote(提升)

the application(应用) of meteorology in some human activities.

Activities and Themes

    Many different activities and events are organized for this festival. Every year, there is a special theme for people to think about and take action to make a difference. The following are the themes of the latest years.

2018—- Weather-ready, climate-smart

2017—- Understanding clouds

2016—- Hotter , drier, wetter. face the future

2015—-Knowledge of climate action

Events for Children This Year

    To call up the young people ,especially the children, to pay more attention to the climate changes and learn more about the influences that climate has on human being, different events are held for the kids and parents this year.

Children and parents can have discussions with some experts from all over the world.

    Children can act as the secretary general to make a speech and draw weather pictures with their brushes. Children and parents can also experience different man-made weather in the labs.

Tickets are need to support more events.

    Tickets: Kids under 3, free; 4-6, 5 dollars; 7-12,9 dollars; Adults,15 dollars.

For more questions or information, call the number 800-40000323, visit the website: http: //www. WMD. org/for kids. com. or email kids WMD@. center. org. 

