
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



The Teenage Brain

    Parents, teachers, and others who deal closely with teenagers know how difficult the adolescent (青少年的) years can be. This was thought to be due to the "foolishness of youth." Now, brain-imaging technology allows scientists to study the physical development of the brain in more details than ever before. Their discoveries have led a new theory of why teens act this way.

    Recently, scientists have discovered that though our brains are almost at their full size by the age of six, they are far from fully developed. Only during adolescence do our brains truly "grow up." During this time, they go through great changes, like a computer system being upgraded. This "upgrade" was once thought to be finished by about age 12. Now scientists have found that our brains continue to change until age 25. Such changes make us better at balancing impulses (冲动) with following rules. But a still-developing brain does this clumsily (笨拙地). The result, scientists believe, is the unpredictable behavior seen in teenagers.

    The studies show that teens are more likely to take risks. Luckily, the news isn't all bad. As brain scientist B. J. Casey points out, the teen brain inspires such behavior in order to help teens prepare for adult life.

    One way the brain does this is by changing the way teens measure risk and reward (回报).

    Researchers have found that when teens think about rewards, their brains release more of the chemicals that create pleasure. Researchers believe this makes the rewards seem more important than the risks, and makes teens feel the excitement of new experience.

    Research into the structure of the teen brain have also found that it makes social connection seem especially rewarding. As such, teens have a strong need to meet new people. Because it is still developing, a teen brain can change to deal with new situations. So it connects social rewards with even more pleasure. In this way, the brain encourages teens to have a wide circle of friends, which is believed to make them more successful in life.

    Unluckily, this need for greater rewards can sometimes lead teens to make bad decisions. However, it also means that teens are more likely, and less afraid, to try new things or to be independent. And in the long run, the impulses of the teen brain are what help teens leave their parents' care and live their own life successfully.

(1)、According to Paragraph 2, what have the scientists discovered now?
A、A changing brain helps follow the rules. B、Our brains finish upgrading by age of twelve. C、Our brains are fully developed by the age of six. D、A developing brain can cause unpredictable behaviors.
(2)、The writer probably agrees that     .
A、teenagers should learn from their bad decisions B、many teenagers are able to change their behaviors C、the way the teen brain works makes them less afraid D、the impulses of a teenage brain should be controlled
(3)、What can we learn from the passage?
A、The teen brain makes risks less exciting. B、The impulse of teen brain can benefit teenagers. C、Teenagers with more friends are more successful. D、Teenagers make wrong decisions because of their brain.

    Haiyan is 7 years old. Her parents gave her an iPad as a gift for her birthday. A month later,her eyesight(视力)dropped to 300 degrees. This is serious for such a young child.

    Many children in China are facing the same problem: iPad using is bringing problems to their eyesight. The problem is so common that newspapers even call the iPad the "No. 1 killer of children's eyesight!"

    "There are about 30 shortsighted children coming every day, "said Hu Dali, an eye doctor at Guiyang Aier Eye Hospital. "Half of those children have poor eyesight because they have played with phones and iPads for too long. "

    Doctors and scientists say children's vision(视觉)is not yet fully developed and their eyes get tired more easily. The screen of an iPad uses very bright(明亮的)LED backlight. If children look at an iPad screen for a long time, their eyes do not have time to rest. This will make their eyesight worse over time.

    Doctors advise that users should hold their iPads between 40-60 centimeters(厘米)away from them. The brightness of the screen should be comfortable for children. Parents should also stop their children from using an iPad for more than one hour every day.

IPad brings (1){#blank#}1{#/blank#} to children's eyesight.


Many children's eyesight (2){#blank#}2{#/blank#}because of using iPads or phones.


◆Children's eyes get tired easily.

◆The screen of an iPad uses bright backlight.

◆Using eyes for a long time (3){#blank#}3{#/blank#} a rest makes eyesight worse.


◆Users shouldn't hold their iPads too (4){#blank#}4{#/blank#}to eyes.

◆The brightness should be comfortable.

◆Parents should help children control(控制)the (5){#blank#}5{#/blank#}of using iPads.


①As missing children get older,they become quite different from the faces in their last﹣known photographs,which makes finding the really difficult. Now AI(人工智能)can make it easier to match any found children to those old photos. 

②Police can use software(软件)to age photos of missing people,but it seems to work best in adults

③Unlike adults ,the faces of children change greatly as time goes by,and matching photos of found children to old images(画像)(数据库)of missing children is difficult. "Even with a recent face image of a child,it is quite hard for a human to recognize(辨认),who the child is from a large data set of child face images," says Debayan Deb at Michigan State University. 

④Now Deb and his teammates have created an algorithm(算法)to work out the problem. They created a face﹣recognition algorithm on data sets,which have images of nearly 1

⑤AI learned to match recent photographs of children with images taken 2. 5 years earlier. The correct matching rate can be 80 percent. With one year between the two photographs,it was 90 percent correct at recognizing faces. This dropped to 73 percent after three years. The new AI might help to improve accuracy (准确性)of this kind of software

⑥Deb's next goal(目标 )is to make the age gap wider. His team also hopes to develop an app to fight against the sale of children. 

