
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教版(新课程标准)高中英语必修4 Unit 4同步练习三


A Lesson Plan from Life Planning Education: A Youth Development Program

    Purpose: To learn about body language and how to use body language.

    Materials (材料): Cards; container

    Time: 25-35 minutes

    Planning Notes:

    ·Write the words below on cards:

    angry disappointed shy afraid sad happy nervous excited bored

    ·Place the cards in the container so volunteers can draw them out one at a time.


    First make sure that all volunteers know what body language means (expressing feelings through body movement and facial expressions). Go over the following instructions:

    ·I'll need at least 9 volunteers to play a game similar to charades (猜词游戏).

    ·The first volunteer will draw a card with a feeling written on it and act out the feeling without using words.

    ·The rest of the group will guess what feeling is being communicated. Once someone correctly guesses the feeling, the next person in line will draw a card and act out what is written on it, again without words.

    ·The game will continue until there are no more cards or until time is up.

    At last, end the activity using the discussion points below:

    ·Can you give examples of when someone's body language communicated a different message from what he/she actually skid?

    ·Sometimes one person is offended (冒犯) by another's body language. How can you work to keep that from happening? Answers may include: be honest and direct; match your nonverbal messages to your verbal ones; be aware of (清楚) cultural attitudes toward different kinds of body language.

(1)、To whom is the text most likely written?
A、Teachers B、Students C、Volunteers D、Young parents
(2)、What do we know about the game?
A、One volunteer draws all cards. B、Volunteers guess feelings one by one. C、Each volunteer is given 25-35 minutes. D、Feelings on cards are shown nonverbally.
(3)、What are you advised to do to avoid offensive body language?
A、Learn about different cultures. B、Behave humorously. C、Act indirectly. D、Just let it be.

    How Did the Ancient Chinese Keep Food Warm in Winter?

    Facilities like electric rice cookers, microwaves, and electric kettles, make it easy for people to keep food warm and enjoy a comfortable winter. So how did Chinese people in ancient times keep food warm in winter without these? In fact, ancient Chinese people used their own methods of heat preservation as early as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

    ☆ “Wen Ding”, ancient rice cooker

    One of the major functions of an electric rice cooker is to keep food warm. The “Wen Ding”, an ancient cooking container, served the same purpose, but instead of using electric energy, the ancient cooking container preserved heat by burning fuels like charcoal.

    The “Wen Ding” unearthed in Nanjing in 1989 is thought to be the oldest of its kind discovered in China, dating back to the Stone Age. The craftsmanship of making the “Wen Ding” was developed in the Bronze Age. The bronze Ding from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties took on different shapes and structures.

    ☆ “Ran Lu”, ancient small hot pot

    The “Ran Lu” is a small size cooking vessel (器皿) made of bronze, which can be divided into three parts. A charcoal stove forms the main structure, with a bottom tray to hold charcoal ashes, and a movable cup at the top. Some experts have concluded that the vessel's structure suggests it may have been used as a small hot pot and that these vessels became popular in the Warring States Period (475—221 B.C.).

    ☆ Bronze You, ancient kettle

    The Bronze You was one of the most common wine containers during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The Bronze You can also be used to warm wine. For example, the Bronze You with beast mask design, unearthed in Jiangxi Province, has an opening where charcoal could be placed. Just as people today can't do without an electric kettle, the Bronze You allowed people to enjoy a hot drink.

    ☆ Bronze Yan, ancient steamer

    Although the “Wen Ding” was effective at keeping food warm, the ancient Chinese people later found that its burning process produced pollution. As a result, the Bronze Yan made with a two-tier structure and used to steam rice and other grains. After the Eastern Han Dynasty (25A.D.-220A.D.), further improvements to the Bronze Yan led to the modern-day steamer.


    In the coming months, we are bringing together artists from all over the globe, to enjoy speaking Shakespeare's plays in their own language, in our Globe, within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for. Please come and join us.

    National Theatre of China   Beijing︱Chinese

    This great occasion will be the National Theatre of China's first visit to the UK. The company's productions show the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre. This production of Shakespeare's Richard III will be directed by the National's Associate Director, Wang Xiaoying.

    Date & Time: Saturday 28 April, 2:30pm & Sunday 29 April, 1:30pm & 6:30pm

    Marjanishvili Theatre   Tbilisi | Georgian

    One of the most famous theatres in Georgia, the Marjanishvili, founded in 1928, appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world. This new production of As You Like It is helmed (指导) by the company's Artistic Director


    Date & Time: Friday 18 May, 2:30pm & Saturday 19 May, 7:30pm

    DeafinitelyTheatre London | British Sign Language (BSL)

    By translating the rich and humorous text of Love's Labor's Lost into the physical language of BSL, Deafinitely Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare's comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.

    Date & Time: Tuesday 22 May, 2:30pm & Wednesday 23 May, 7:30pm

    Habima National Theatre Tel Aviv | Hebrew

    The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide. Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution, the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s. Since 1958, they have been recognized as the national theatre of Israel. This production of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.

    Date & Time: Monday 28 May, 7:30pm & Tuesday 29 May,7:30pm


    There are some differences between American English and British English. Some differences are quite interesting.

    When my friend Lily from London used the word “larder”, I didn't know what it meant. Realizing I didn't follow her, she used another word. I finally knew she wanted to find something to keep some food. The next word came up when we were planning a lunch date. She jotted down the date and time in her diary, while I marked my calendar. If she called me on the phone, she would ring me up. But if the line was busy, she would say the line was engaged.

    Most times, I can know what Lily means. Last week, she regretted sending her boys to watch an early morning tennis game without their fleeces. I thought that she meant without their jackets or something like those. Other times, we have to ask each other. She recently told me a funny tale about a woman who was pissed. I wondered what had made the lady angry. It turns out that pissed means drunk.

    Here is one more example. My British friend Jane was filling out a ticket at the grocery store recently. She asked the young man if he had a rubber. When she noticed he didn't follow her, she quickly asked for an eraser, which, in England, is often called a rubber.

    In order to communicate well with the British, we Americans should learn some words that the British use differently. And I think people who learn English as a second language should also realize that there are differences between American English and British English.


    Exercise could not only benefit your body, but also imp rove your memory, researchers found recently. In their paper published on Monday, researchers from the University of California, Irvine in the United States and the University of Tsukuba in Japan introduced their experiment and conclusion.

    Scientists invited 36 volunteers who were in their early 20s to do 10 minutes of light exercise before taking a memory test in which they were shown pictures like broccoli(西兰花)or picnic baskets and asked to recall them later. The same experiment was repeated with the same group of volunteers without exercising. "The memory task was really quite challenging ,said Michael Yassa, co-author of the study and a neuroscientist (神经科学家)at the University of California, Irvine. "We used very tricky similar items to see if they would remember whether it was this exact picnic basket versus (对抗)that picnic basket. "

    Researchers also scanned brains of some of the participants during the experiment. They found strengthened communication between regions involved in the storage and recollection of memories in brains of those who had exercised. This suggested that just 10 minutes of light exercise like walking, yoga or Tai Chi might increase memory power.

    As all the volunteers in the experiment were relatively young, researchers are still working to look at the effects of light exercise on older people. " Our future goal is to try to develop an exercise prescription (处方)that can be used by older adults who might have disabilities or mobility impairments, but can still adopt very simple exercise rules of life and be able to, perhaps, delay cognitive decline temporarily," said Yassa.


    Monty Hempel is a professor of environmental sciences at Redlands University in California. He studies ecological literacy­or eco-literacy, for short. Eco-literacy is the ability to think about and understand the natural processes that make life possible.

    Monty Hempel says eco-literacy gives people knowledge about environmental problems. But he says it does not always work on getting them to change their behavior.

    Mr. Hempel wrote part of the Worldwatch Institute's latest State of the World report. He says in his article, "Some people think that eco-literacy is just a green form of science literacy. And what I have tried to ask is whether that's enough. In other words, what an ecologically-literate person needs to know might include things like the effect of environmental pollution on ecosystem, the energy systems, and all of those kinds of things that we would call the science of ecology."

    "That doesn't seem to lead to action to protect our environment ­ to protect our life-support system to the level that we need to. Just knowing a lot about the environment doesn't mean that we actually act to save it. After all, actions speak louder than knowledge."

    He adds that people may not be very worried about environmental problems if they seem far away. "Some people call it psychological distance. A lot of climate issues are worse in the Arctic and most of us don't spend time in the Arctic. And so, there's a certain distance. But there's also a distance that's happening in the world as it urbanizes ­ people spending more time in front of screens and less time out in nature. We become, if you will, disconnected from the natural systems that used to be the key to success for a human being."

    To help children discover the wonders of nature, he adds that children should learn about nature in school. But he also points out we have a high mountain for people to climb from knowledge to action.

