
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版(深圳•广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 2 Numbers第3课时Grammar


    Michelle Wie, from America, is like a lot of other young girls in many ways. She is a good student, and she likes reading, drawing, and computers. However, in some other ways, she is very different. She doesn't spend much time going out with friends or shopping or going to parties. She's very busy practising golf.

    Michelle Wie is the best woman golfer for her age in the world. She was born in 1989. In 1999, at the age of 10,she began to win games. At 13, she could hit the ball farther than most of the women in the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA). At 14, she showed she could hit the ball farther than most men.

    Wie began playing golf at the age of four. When she grew older, she played about four hours a day on weekdays and seven hours a day at weekends. Another thing that helped her was that she was tall. Now Wie is about six feet tall. She has the flexibility of a dancer and also is very strong. And it's clear that she loves the game.

(1)、When did Michelle Wie start playing golf?
A、At 4. B、At 10. C、At 13. D、At 14.
(2)、What does she often do after school?
A、Go out with her friends. B、Shop with her family. C、Go to parties. D、Practise golf.
(3)、What makes her a successful golfer?
A、Dance. B、Practice. C、Drawing. D、Computers.
(4)、Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A、Michelle Wie, a good student B、Michelle Wie, a young winner C、Women golf players D、Golf games for women
    When I was a teenager growing up in Russia, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way I could do this was to work in the local brick factory in my town, or get married. I was nervous when I told my father I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say, "No! You are going to college." He took me by surprise when he said, “OK. We'll go to the brick factory.”
    Two days later, he took me to the factory. I had a very romantic idea of working in a factory. I had imagined everyone to be friends working together and having fun. I even imagined there would be music and singing. I guess I had watched too many movies as a teenager.
    When we arrived at the factory gate, my father spoke to the guard and one minute later we were inside. My father said, “Take your time. Look around.” I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was horrible. I ran back to my father and said, “I want to go home.”
    He asked me, “What do you think of the factory?”
    "It's terrible," I replied.
    "And marriage is even worse!" he said.
    I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard so I could get into a good college. I enjoyed studying English so I decided to major in languages at college. Thanks to my father and our trip to the brick factory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the factory!
