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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Babies made from three people approved in UK

    Babies made from two women and one man have been approved by the UK's fertility regulator. The historic and controversial move is to prevent children from being born with deadly genetic diseases.

    Doctors in Newcastle—who developed the advanced form of In Vitro Fertilization or IVF (人工授精)—are expected to be the first to offer the procedure and have already appealed for donor eggs. The first such child could be born, at the earliest, by the end of 2017.

    Some families have lost multiple children to incurable mitochondrial (线粒体的) diseases, which can leave people with insufficient energy to keep their heart beating.

    The diseases are passed down from only the mother, so a technique using a donor egg as well as the mother's egg and father's sperm has been developed.

    The resulting child has a tiny amount of their DNA from the donor, but the procedure is legal and reviews say it is ethical (伦理的) and scientifically ready.

    "It is a decision of historic importance," said Sally Cheshire, chairwoman of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA). "I'm sure patients will be really pleased by what we've decided today."

    But some scientists have questioned the ethics of the technique, saying it could open the door to genetically-modified (转基因) 'designer' babies.

    The HFEA must approve every clinic and every patient before the procedure can take place. Three-person babies have been allowed only in cases where the risk of a child developing mitochondrial disease is very high.

    Prof Mary Herbert, from the Newcastle Fertility Centre, said, "It is enormously pleasing that our many years of research in this area can finally be applied to help families affected by these devastating diseases".

    "Now that we are moving forward towards clinical treatments, we will also need donors to donate eggs for use in treatment to prevent affected women transmitting disease to their children."

    Prof Sir Doug Turnbull, the director of the Welcome Centre for Mitochondrial Research at Newcastle University, said, "We are delighted by today's decision. We will also provide long-term follow up of any children born."

    NHS England has agreed to fund the treatment costs of the first trial of three-person IVF for those women who meet the HFEA criteria, as long as they agree to long-term follow up of their children after they are born.

(1)、Why is it historically important to approve babies made from three people?
A、It helps couples who lose the ability to give birth to a baby. B、It marks a foundation stone to change babies' appearances before birth. C、It stops deadly genetic diseases passing down to newly-born babies. D、It turns out to be an advanced form of In Vitro Fertilization.
(2)、Which of the following is TRUE about mitochondrial diseases?
A、They pass down on to babies from their parents. B、They prevent people's heart from functioning normally. C、Some children infected can be cured with proper treatment. D、Babies can be infected with them through a donor's egg.
(3)、How can a clinic or a patient be approved of applying the three-person baby technique?
A、Only when the baby to be born needs it to survive. B、Only when the patient gets financially prepared. C、Only when the clinic gets scientifically ready. D、Only when the technique is ethnically accepted.
(4)、What is the author's attitude towards the approval of babies made from three people?
A、Supportive B、Indifferent C、Worried D、Objective

    Watching a 3D movie can more than double the concentration powers and cognitive(认知) processing of children, a new research claims.

    A study made by visual technology firm RealD and led by child psychologist Dr. Richard Woolfson suggests that children aged between 7 and 14 experienced twice the cognitive processing speed and performed better in testing after watching 20 minutes of a 3D film. This is despite suggestions that attention spans(时期) in children have shortened in the last decade due to unlimited to access to entertainment, including on-demand TV, gaming and social media. A 2015 study claimed that watching 3D content had a similar effect to brain-training exercises.

    Consumer psychologist Mr. Fagan said that the increased stimulation(刺激) found in watching something in 3D "exercised" the brain and improved performance in the short term. "3D films can play the role of ‘brain-training' games and help to make children ‘smarter' in the short term," he said. "The shortening of response times after watching 3D was almost three times as big as that gained from watching 2D; in other words, 3D helps children process aspects of their environment more quickly. This is likely to be because 3D is a mentally stimulating experience which ‘gets the brain's juices flowing'."

    The experiment saw children given a range of cognitive tests before watching 20 minutes of a movie in either 2D or 3D and being tested again. The results showed those who saw the 3D content reacted faster and performed bettering the second round of testing. Mental engagement also rose by 13% among 3D watchers. Child psychologist Dr. Woolfson added that “supportive parenting” and regularly listening to classical music can also aid a child's memory.


    They say if you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life. We say if you travel for work, you'll never have a boring commute(上下班往返) a day in your life. If the typical 9-to-5 isn't working for you, here are some options that will pay you to travel. No matter your current skill set, you can probably do it somewhere else.

Represent abroad

    The State Department is actively hiring Foreign Service Officers, and it's probably easier than you think to become one. You'll have to a lot of tests, but if you pass, you'll spend the next years of your life working around the world. A Junior Foreign Service Officer starts at $71,000 a year.

    Teaching English as a Second Language abroad is one of the best ways to deepen understanding of another culture. There's no need to be a certified English teacher in order to go abroad. In this program in China, soon-to-be teachers go abroad to obtain their Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL) certifications. A beginning teacher in China will earn $2,500 for working six months, plus room and board.

    A cruise ship is a floating village. Therefore, any job that you could have in a village you could have onboard a ship-even auctioneering(做拍卖师). Carnival is hiring an art auctioneer to work aboard a luxury cruise ship. The only qualifications necessary are a college degree and public speaking skills. Going…going…sold.

Write the rails

    Writers can reimagine themselves as rail-surfing Jack Kerouacs, crossing the country and writing from coast to coast on the Amtrak Writer's Residency. The application process consists of two questions, as well as the opportunity to provide up to a 20-page writing sample. Amtrak will select 24 writers to participate in the program with the help from a panel of judges. Although the project won't replace a full-time job, it's really a fun opportunity. The application period for 2016 has closed, but applications will reopen in the fall.


    Competition occurs naturally between living beings which co-exist in the same environment. In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it highly, believing that it is responsible for social progress and prosperity(繁荣). Others say that competition is bad ;that it sets one person against another ;that it leads to unfriendly relationship between people.

    I have taught many children who held the belief that their self worth relied on how well they performed at tennis and other skills. For them playing well and winning are often life and death affairs. In their single minded pursuit(追求)of success, the development of many other human qualities is sadly forgotten.

    However, while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take an opposite attitude. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary players, they strongly blame competition. Among the most vocal are youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures from their parents or society.

    Teaching these young people, I often observe in them a desire to fail. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse :”I may have lost, but it doesn't matter because I really didn't try.” What is not usually admitted by themselves is the belief that if they had really tried and lost, that would mean a lot. Such a loss would be a measure of their worth. Clearly, this belief is the same as that of the true competitors who try to prove them-selves. Both are based on the mistaken belief that one's self respect relies on how well one performs in comparison with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve (缓解) can we discover a new meaning in competition.


    Valerie Jarrett, 58, is serving as a top adviser to President Obama and has been close to the first family since the early 1990s. Joe Heim from WashingtonPost had an interview with her.

    Joe Heim: What do you think of a reporter who interviews you for 25 minutes, then later finds out his recorder stopped working and asks you to do the interview again?

    Valerie Jarrett: That he's human. Everybody could make mistakes.

    Joe Heim: You're considered the president's closest adviser. What do you think the role of an adviser is?

    Valerie Jarrett: I think so as that the president's management style is very effective (有效的), all of his advisers should speak openly about their advice.

    Joe Heim: What misunderstandings are there of you?

    Valerie Jarrett: A little-known fact is that I started my life very shy and remained very shy well into adulthood. Painfully shy, I would call it. And I often share this, particularly with young people, because it's something I really had to work hard to overcome. And for all the shy people out there I say, you, too, can overcome it. But it took a lot of hard work on my part, and I discovered along the way that just because you're nervous and you have butterflies in your stomach doesn't mean that it has to show. My point in sharing it with you is that part of life is pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone (舒适区). And if you're going to grow, you have to learn how to take on new challenges that you might not be good at.

    Joe Heim: Will you stay until the end of his term?

    Valerie Jarrett: I serve at the pleasure of the president. If he wants me to stay, I will.


    Budget Hotels (经济型酒店) in Bloomsbury

    Bloomsbury is one of the most central areas in London. There are many traditional-style small hotels. The hotels listed below are our picks of the best budget hotels in the area.

    Arosfa Hotel

Arosfa Hotel lies on the corner of Torrington Place and Gower St. The Arosfa was once the home of the famous Pre-Raphaelite painter, Sir John Everett Millais. The hotel takes pride in the quality, cleanliness and value that they offer to their guests. For your comfort and safety, smoking inside the hotel is not allowed.

Address: 83 Gower St, London, WC1

    Breakfast: English breakfast

    Internet service: Free WiFi and two personal computers for guests

    George Hotel

The George is a friendly and comfortable smoke-free hotel on a quiet street in North Bloomsbury. All rooms have a work desk and tea/coffee facilities are provided. It's only a 10-minute walk from King's Cross, St Pancras railway station and Euston railway station.

Address: 58-60 Cartwright Gds, London, WC1

    Breakfast: English breakfast

    Internet service: Free WiFi

    Ridgemount Hotel

    The Ridgemount is one of the cheapest hotels in the area. A friendly place and the standard rooms with shared bathrooms are provided for guests. You can speak Welsh or English with the hotel workers. They will be happy to provide useful advice on the area.

Address: 65-67 Gower St, London, WC1

    Breakfast: English breakfast

    Internet service: Free WiFi

    Arran House Hotel

    The Arran House is a popular family-run hotel. It's a little more expensive than the other hotels in the area. Rooms with shared bathrooms are provided.

Address: 77-79 Gower St, London, WC1

    Breakfast: English breakfast

    Internet service: Free WiFi


    "Hey, Bruno! Great to see you again, man!" Zeca shouted. "Come over here and meet the boys." But before Bruno could move he was frisked by two guards. He cringed as the men searched his body for hidden guns, knives or other weapons.

    "He's clean, boss," one of the men shouted out.

    Zeca introduced all the members of his gang, including the man who worked inside the printer's who was going to steal the exams. He then explained all the details of the plan. It seemed foolproof and nothing could go wrong.

    They all shook hands and quickly left.

    Bruno's heart was beating fast. He was anxious to get away from the gang and phone Clara. He raced down the hill. Then he stopped at the bottom and looked behind him. It was clear, no one was following him. He took out his phone and called Clara.

    "Hey, Clara. Listen." He was out of breath, panting heavily. "Everything went according to plan. To my plan, of course, not Zeca's!" he added, laughing excitedly.


    "This is amazing!" the police officer said, smiling broadly, as he looked at Bruno and Clara, who were sitting in front of him at the police station. "Well done! How did you manage to come up with such a brilliant idea?"

    "Thanks. I guess it was kind of clever." Bruno answered, acknowledging the compliment with a polite smile. He felt slightly embarrassed. "Believe it or not, the idea just popped into my head while I was taking a shower. I remembered I saw an advert once on the Internet for special spy-camera sunglasses. They have a tiny, hidden, built-in video recorder. Here they're only used by detectives and law enforcement agencies, but anybody can buy them on the Internet."

    When Bruno talked to Clara before his meeting with Zeca's gang, they both agreed it would be wrong to steal the exams, and help Zeca sell them to other people. But Bruno had worked out an ingenious plan to dounle-cross Zeca and stay out of trouble himself.

    First of all, he had wisely agreed to go along with Zeca's plan, and go to the meeting with the gang of thieves. When he arrived at the hideout, they frisked him for hidden weapons, but no one ever imagined that Bruno was wearing sunglasses with a tiny built-in camera. Bruno had secretly videoed the entire meeting, making sure he had taken close-up shots of all the gang members. Their conversations with all the details of their plan had also been recorded.

    Then, as soon as he was sure that he wasn't being followed, he phoned Clara and together they went to the police with the camera and told them the whole story.

    "Thanks to this evidence we can finally catch Zeca and his entire gang red-handed," the police officer continued. "But we need you and Clara to help us. It's very important that you both continue to act as if nothing has happened. You must play along with whatever Zeca wants. We'll be following your every move from now on. Just do everything Zeca tells you to, OK?"

    The police then went to the printer's and spoke to the owner. He agreed to co-operate and they installed some hidden cameras there, too. The day of the theft they saw the thief copy the exam papers on Closed Circuit Television(闭路电视), but they did not arrest him yet.

    Then they waited until Zeca made the next move.

