
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    When I was in middle school, I felt I was always letting people down. Once I brought my 1 Daisy to my home. I noticed that all my family members seemed to 2 Daisy better than me.

    I felt very 3. I even thought they didn't love me. I wondered whether they would miss me if I died some day. 4 I told my mum, "Daisy is more patient than I have ever been. You must want her to be your daughter instead of me."

    My mum explained that Daisy was a lovely girl, but 5 could replace (代替) me in the family. She said I was the only person who could fill my role. She made me realize that even if I made 6, I was a beloved member of the family who could never be replaced.

    From then on, I tried to 7 out who I was and what made me special. I look at 8 in a new way. Then I started to be positive (积极的) towards my life, and I was happy about who I 9 was. I came to feel much better as I knew that no one could ever replace me.

    Each of us holds a special place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So 10 that you will be replaced. You can't be.

A、daughter B、son C、friend D、uncle
A、like B、know C、understand D、learn
A、lucky B、sad C、bored D、glad
A、But B、So C、Though D、Whether
A、anybody B、somebody C、everybody D、nobody
A、mistakes B、faces C、wishes D、decisions
A、put B、find C、look D、clear
A、itself B、herself C、himself D、myself
A、nearly B、hardly C、really D、almost
A、forget B、worry C、consider D、think
Denny Crook was a famous photographer(摄影师). He traveled all over the world, taking pictures for magazines and newspapers, and won many prizes.
“I'll do anything to get a good photo,” he often said. “I'll go anywhere at any time, even if it is 1.”
And he told the2. He had photos of earthquakes, forest fires, floods and even wars. If something interesting happened, Denny went to photo it.
He was a married(已婚的) man and his wife often asked him to take her with him, but he always 3.”I'll travel for my work, not for 4,” he told her . “You won't enjoy yourself, and I won't have 5 to look after you. Sometimes there's not even anywhere to6, and I have to sleep outside. I often don't have a good 7or a bath for days. You won't like it.”
“Denny, I'm not a child,” his wife didn't 8. “I can look after myself. Please take me with you the next time you go overseas.”
Denny did not say anything, but he9about it, and when he was asked to go to Africa he said to his wife, “You can come to Africa with me if you want to. I've got to take photos of wild 10there. It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable.”His wife was very11, and at first she had a very enjoyable time.
Then Denny went to 12 some lions to photo. His wife went with him, but before long they became separated(分开). She walked down one path while he walked down the other.
Suddenly, Denny heard her 13. He ran back and saw her running towards him. A huge lion was running after her. Quickly Denny took his camera out of its case and14 it at his wife and the lion. Then he shouted, “15, woman! I can't get you both in the picture!”

