
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    When she was at the age of 9,Katie planted a cabbage seed(种子)in the garden outside her house. She took care of it every day by watering it, weeding(除草)it and giving it plant food. At last, it grew to be HUGE! More than 18 Kilograms huge!

    Katie wanted to do something special with this very special cabbage. With her mom's help, Katie made up her mind to donate(捐赠)it to a local soup kitchen to help feed the hungry people in her community(社区).

    When she arrived to make her donation, she saw a long line of people waiting for food. Then Katie gave her cabbage to the guests. As people thanked her, she knew she could do more to help. With the help of her parents and school, Katie's Krops was born! Katie's Krops creates gardens to grow food that is donned to local soup kitchens to feed the hungry.

    Katie's dream is to end hunger around the world. So, after she created several gardens in her community, she decided to do more. She wanted to help other kids create gardens in their own communities!

    There are now about a hundred Katie's Krops gardens growing all over the United States! Kids between the age of 9 and 16 take care of them.

(1)、What is "something special" Katie did at last in Paragraph 2?
A、Giving the cabbage plant food. B、Helping morn in the local soup kitchen C、Giving the cabbage to people in need. D、Creating gardens to grow food.
(2)、Who are running the Katie's Krops gardens in U.S.?
A、Hungry people there. B、Teenagers from 9-16. C、Katie and her parents. D、The local soup kitchen.
(3)、What does the underlined word "them" in the last paragraph mean?
A、Cabbages. B、Kitchens. C、Gardens D、Kids
(4)、How does the story of Katie sound?
A、Encouraging. B、Tiring. C、Boring. D、Silly.

      A girl who graduated from a world famous university wanted to do translation work for authority leaders. She was so happy when she entered the British Embassy (大使馆). She thought it was the greatest happiness in her life as many graduates wanted to get that job and she was one of the few people who got it!

But when she started her new job, she realized that it was just a job of answering calls and recording staff members'arriving and leaving times. It was supposed to have no future. For some time, she felt disappointed and didn't know what to do. However, she didn't want to give up this job. She thought about it for one or two days and finally she decided that she would try her best to do this job. From then on, she learnt to appreciate her own job. She wrote down the names and phone numbers of the staff members on a notebook so that she could remember them. She found great pleasure in dealing with the daily chores. When a phone call came in, she picked up the phone as soon as possible. When someone asked her about who was not in the office, she would give the right name and even the time when he or she left. Nobody could do that except her.

Her excellent work received praise not only from the embassy's members, but also from people in the local government. A leader of a famous company in Britain was deeply impressed by her, so he invited her to work for him. After that she became the leader's personal translator and she was appreciated by the foreigners.

      We cannot choose our destiny(命运), but we can choose the attitude with which we face our life. Maybe the attitude could change our destiny.

