
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



A man came to see a doctor

    "Put out your tongue," the doctor said."OK. You can put it back now." the doctor said. "It's clear what's wrong with you"

"But, doctor", the man said. "I don't think..."

    "Don't tell me what you think." the doctor said." I am the doctor, not you. They sit all day long and get no exercise. What you need is to walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day.

    "But I walk every day," the patient said.

    "Oh, yes. You walk a few meters to the metro station I'm talking about a walk in the park for 20 minutes every day."

    "Please listen to me, doctor!" the patient shouted. He got angry with this doctor who thought he knew everything. I'm a postman "

    For a moment the doctor was silent. Then he said quietly. "Could you please put your tongue out again?"

A. The man put out his tongue.

B. I walk for seven hours every day.

C. You need more exercise.

D. I see hundreds of people like you

E. that's not real walking

Do you know what school life is like in Singapore? In Singapore, a class only lasts half an hour, but there are no breaks between classes. The students only have a 30-minute tea break after 3 or 4 classes.
They do not do eye exercises. Yao Suyu said our eye exercises were unfamiliar(不熟悉)to her. “I'd like to introduce them to our school,” she said. “They're very useful!”
In Singapore school ends at 1:50 p.m. But students joined other classes after school such as dance clubs and choir(合唱团). Yao says she joins dance club twice a week and it lasts from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Singapore's population(人口)includes Chinese, Indians(印度人), Malays(马来人 )and Westerners. But there is no special school for any one of the groups. The students in Yao's school are mainly Chinese, Indians and Malays. “The Indian students take Indian language classes when we study Chinese,” said Yao. “But if an Indian student is interested in Chinese, he or she can study it, too.”
In Singaporean schools, teachers teach in English. It's the official(官方的)language in Singapore. Singaporean students have to take different courses after school. Like most Singaporean students, Yao took other courses in Chinese, math and English.
{#blank#}1{#/blank#} How long does a class last in Singapore?
{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Do the students do eye exercises in Singapore?
{#blank#}3{#/blank#} When does school end in Singapore?
{#blank#}4{#/blank#} What does Singapore's population include?
{#blank#}5{#/blank#} In which language do teachers teach in Singaporean schools?


    We have only one earth. It is the only environment for humans, animals and plants to live or grow in. However, we are polluting our earth every day. Good news is that the whole world has realized the serious problems and has taken action to fight against it.

    World No Tobacco Day (May 31)

    The first World No Tobacco Day is April 7, 1988. Since 1989, it was changed to be May 31st every year. The purpose of the World No Tobacco Day is to encourage people not to smoke.

    World Water Day (March 22, 1993)

    United Nations named 22 March as the first World Water Day in 1993. It's a day to celebrate water. It's a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future. It is celebrated around the world every year.

Earth Hour ( 2007)

    Earth Hour started for the first time on March 31, 2007 in Sydney, Australia. Since then, the last Saturday of every March was named as Earth hour day that year. On March 19, 2016, more than 350 famous buildings in 178 countries around the world turned off the lights for one hour to remind people to save electrical power.

    Actions in China to save our environment

    Smoking is not allowed in all indoor public places from 2014.This is the first time for China to care about personal health in public places.

    Ban(禁令) on free plastic bags. Since June 1, 2008, free plastic shopping bags are not allowed to provide in all supermarkets, shopping malls, and other places. It is to encourage people to use cloth bags or baskets for their shopping things.

Theme:The only environment for all the{#blank#}1{#/blank#} things has serious problems, but the whole world has done{#blank#}2{#/blank#}to prevent pollution.

Actions around the world

No Tobacco Day

Started on April 7,1988,then changed to May 31st every year. Encourage people to {#blank#}3{#/blank#} up smoking.

World {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Day

Started on March 22nd 1993, celebrated around the world every year.

Earth Hour

Started for the{#blank#}5{#/blank#} time on March 31st 2007, turned off lights for an hour to{#blank#}6{#/blank#} electrical power.

Actions in {#blank#}7{#/blank#}

Public places

Smoking is allowed in{#blank#}8{#/blank#} public places to care about personal health.

Supermarket &

Shopping malls

Encourage people to {#blank#}9{#/blank#} cloth bags or baskets for shopping things. You need to{#blank#}10{#/blank#}if you use plastic bags provided by the supermarket.

