
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

A Life in Danger

    Lucy, aged 15, lives in Bournemouth with her parents. Her parents aren't poor, and she was at a private school when she started getting bullied. This made her very unhappy and she began to misbehave. She made some new friends who went clubbing a lot. Later she even took drug and stole money to buy drug. Her parents were so worried about their daughter and so angry about her behavior that they decided to send Lucy to Turn-About Ranch (TAR), a tough camp for problem teens in Utah, in the USA.

Lucy didn't like the idea of going to the ranch(牧场)in Utah, but after spending three months there, she's changed her attitude. She said, "The staff at TAR cared about our emotional well-being but they also wanted us to be disciplined and respect the rules. They told us not to take any drugs, not even tobacco or alcohol, and they made us get up at 6.30 a.m. every day and to school work as well as jobs around the ranch. TAR is a real, working ranch with cows and horses, which we had to take care of.

At TAR they asked us not to wear make-up or jewelry or use hair products. They told us that teenagers with problems often use a cool appearance as a mask to hide behind and that they needed to break down those barriers to help us look inside at the confusion which causes our problem behavior. They also wanted us to take responsibility for all our actions."

Her time there has made her more self-confident, less aggressive and much happier. She's started a college course, she's got a part-time job, and she's also doing voluntary work helping underprivileged children. She hasn't taken any drugs since she left TAR. Lucy says, "TAR made me think very hard about the friends I used to see and where my life was going. I realized that the drugs were starting to become the only thing in my life that I cared about, which meant I stopped enjoying other things and treated people badly. I ought to have realized that, and I know I shouldn't have done a lot of things that I did. The ranch has really opened my eyes. They told me to believe I could achieve something with my life, and from now on I want to try."

(1)、What problem at school started to change Lucy's behavior?
A、That she made some new friends. B、That she was studying in a private school. C、That she stole money to buy drug. D、That she was bullied at school.
(2)、Why does TAR have rules about appearance?
A、They have to do schoolwork at TAR. B、They are supposed to take care of the animals at the ranch. C、Cool appearance is the barrier to reflection on one's inner self. D、Keeping cool appearance takes much time and money.
(3)、How does Lucy feel about the future now?
A、Upset. B、Confused. C、Fair. D、Hopeful.

Dear SJ,

    Losing a best friend is never easy.

    Your problem, is not just that you miss your best friend, it is that you feel empty and lost without her friendship.

    It takes time to get over a lost, and during that time, your mind is getting used to a new way of being. This is usually a good thing, even if it feels like a bad thing.

    Now that you are on your own, you are being forced to learn to be by yourself and to rely upon your own inner voice for guidance. I am sure that this feels strange for you, but if you can hang on for a bit longer, it may work to your advantage.

    Best friends are cool, but it is important to know the difference between missing someone and being too independent upon them.

    At your age, girls do tend to stick together and having a good boyfriend may not yet be the better choice. Your friend is leaving you, her best friend, for a boyfriend. Boyfriends are completely different from best friends. The distinction is that boyfriends come and go, while girl friends often stay in your life throughout high school, and even afterwards. It is a completely different sort of bond.

    I suggest that you take advantage of this period in your life to expand your horizons. Enjoy the freedom of having no best friend for a while, and hang with the group. By the time your former best friend breaks up with her boyfriend, you will be in a completely different place, a far better place.

    And, by the way, next time you feel empty and lost, try to write about it in a diary. In several months, you will look back and read it with curiosity about yourself. “Who was I then, and what could I have been thinking?”


    Childhood is a happy time, right? Not necessarily. Consider these facts.

Depression(抑郁症) may occur in as many as 1 in 33 children.

    Once a child has an episode of depression, he or she has a 50 percent chance of experiencing another episode in the next 5 years.

    Suicide(自杀) is the 6th leading cause of death for 5-to-15-year-olds.

    If your child experiences 5 or more of these signs or symptoms for at least 2 weeks, he or she may be experiencing depression or mental illness.

Feeling--Does your child demonstrate:

Sadness          Emptiness

Hopelessness      Guilt


Lack of enjoyment in everyday pleasures

Thinking--Is your child having trouble:


Making decisions

Completing schoolwork

Maintaining grades

Maintaining friendships

Physical problems--Does your child complain of

Headaches        Stomachaches

Lack of energy

Sleeping problems ( too much or too little)

Weight or appetite changes ( gain or loss)

Suicide risk--Does your child talk or think about:



Other morbid(生病的)


Behavior problems--Is your child:

Irritable          Not wanting to go to school

Wanting to be alone most of the time

Having difficulty getting along with others

Cutting classes or skipping school

Dropping out of sports, hobbies or other activities

Drinking alcohol or using drugs

    Sometimes, a child who causes problems at school or at home may actually be depressed, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

    If you think your child may be depressed, it's important to have your child treated. Discuss your child's problems with his or her doctor. The doctor may suggest a referral to a children's psychologist or psychiatrist.


    I'm a strong believer that learning different languages makes you look incredibly good when you're in a foreign country and can understand and speak the language. The list below is 4 apps that will help you learn a foreign language! You can download them for free.

    Babbel – Learn Languages

    Babbel is an excellent language tool to help you progress step by step with learning a new language. It helps you learn grammar along the way as you work your way through the tasks and assignments. The downside is that for full access to everything you need to pay a monthly subscription, but this will still be cheaper than taking physical lessons with a tutor!

    Duolingo: Learn Languages Free

    The app has many languages to choose from and will work through the basics all the way to advanced words and sentences. It's all completely free too! It's incredibly well designed, looks great and will help you learn, remember and progress with just a little bit of time every day.

    Tandem: Language Exchange

    Rather than have you work through tasks and memorize different things, the app lets you match with people who share your interests but speak the language you want to learn. You can then have text, voice and video conversations with people who want to learn your native language, and in return you learn theirs, all by simply communicating with each other. It's a great way to learn with only $1 a day.

    Learn English – busuu

    This app is perfect if you want to learn English. There are all sorts of audio and visual learning aids. You'll find yourself working through interactive tests and learning tools for vocabulary and dialogue.


Apple Seeds

   Circulation(发行量): 1 Year, 9 Issues

    Cover Price: $44.55

    Price For You: $33.95

Product Description: Apple Seeds is an award winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9. The cover is very soft, providing durability(耐用性) that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you — it's being sold at a more favorable discount than usual.

Better Life

    Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

    Cover Price: $44.55

    Price For You: $15.00

    Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle, Better Life is America's complete home and family service magazine. It offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management, and education.
Humor Times

    Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

    Cover Price: $36.00

    Price For You: $11.95

    Product Description: Humor Times Magazine is for those who love to laugh! Full of cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year round! In today's world, you need a reason to laugh. So let's find it in Humor Times.
News China

    Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

    Cover Price: $47.88

    Price For You: $19.99

    Product Description: News China Magazine is the English edition of China Newsweek. The magazine covers the latest Chinese domestic news in politics, business, society, environment, culture, sports and travels, etc. It is the first comprehensive news magazine for readers interested in China.


Do you continue to be healthy in social isolation? NASA is looking for people to spend 8 months locked in a Russian lab for a new experiment.

When humans go to the moon and travel to Mars, they will need to be prepared for long-term space travel and even longer stays on these far-off destinations. Currently, NASA's Artemis program aims to land humans on the moon for the first time since NASA's Apollo 17 mission landed in 1972.

While the moon is the main goal of NASA's Artemis program, the agency's larger goal is to send people to Mars. But long-term space travel and habitation won't be easy. Such missions will present both physical and mental challenges as astronauts work to not only survive, but perform important scientific research in uniquely difficult environments.

In the upcoming NASA-Russia experiment, a group of people will live in a closed facility at Russia's Institute for Biomedical Problems, which is in Moscow. This habitat facility was used in2011 for notable series of Russian mock (模拟的) Mars missions known as Mars 500. During these missions, groups of people spent 520 and 105 days on two separate missions in the facility.

The facility, according to the statement, will have "environmental factors similar to those astronauts are expected to experience on future missions to Mars". The group of people will spend 8 months living together in isolation and working on scientific research.

By living and working in this Mars-like environment, participants in this study will help NASA researchers better understand the psychological and physiological (心理和生理的) effects of isolation. These missions help researchers not only perform relevant science experiments but also see how people might get on under strange conditions for long periods of time.

So, if you're finding that living in social isolation works for you, you might be particularly well-suited for living in a Mars-like environment and this could be for you. But first, you have to qualify. NASA is looking for "highly motivated" Americans between the ages of 30-55, who must speak both Russian and English fluently and have a Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Medicine, or military officer training. Applicants with other related experience may also be considered. Those who are chosen to be a part of this group will be paid for their work.

