
试题 试卷


题型:阅读还原 题类:真题 难易度:普通



A. skilled kids may forget green hands

B. so an adult should always be present

C. But swimming can also be dangerous

D. a few seconds can make a big difference

E. Or you could hit your head on the bottom

    Summer is here. One of the best ways to cool off on a hot summer day is to jump into a swimming pool. Swimming is great exercise, and a trip to a pool or beach is a good way to have fun with friends. , so it's important to stay safe as you do it. Here are a few things you can do to swim safely.

    ●Swim only in areas set for swimming.

    Don't swim unless there is a lifeguard (救生员) on duty. If you're on a beach near the ocean, this is especially important. In some places, fast currents (急流) can sweep swimmers away without warning. So if a sign says "no swimming", please take care.

    Be careful when diving (跳水) into the water headfirst.

    Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe. In natural water, don't dive unless you know that the water is deep enough. , causing injury (伤害) or death.

    ●Make sure you have a partner with you.

    Nobody knows what will happen while you are swimming. If something goes wrong, you can get help from that person as soon as possible. In this situation, .

    ●Pay close attention to children's safety.

    Kids who don't know how to swim should wear life jackets. But by themselves they are not enough, . If you have a pool at home, put a fence (围栏) around it in case children fall in. And if a child disappears, check the pool first.


    China had one of the earliest civilizations(文明) in the world. ⑶We know the Chinese had a written language as early as 1500 BC. You can see that Chinese writing is very different from the writing in other countries. The Chinese use a different character for each word. People in many countries have to learn only 26 letters but people in China have to memorize about 600 characters before they can do even basic reading and writing.

    A man in China, named Confucius(孔子), was teaching the people of China what they should and should not do. He was a great wise man. His teachings filled several books and became a way of life for the Chinese, and many other people in Asia. Confucius taught that people should listen to their kings, and also that rulers should take care of their people. He taught people to listen to their parents and teachers and to be kind to others. He said, “⑷Don't do to others what you would not want others to do to you.

    Many inventions were made and used in China before the rest of the world even heard of them. By 600 AD the Chinese had invented printing. After a few centuries, they made the compass, which was a great help to sailors. A compass can tell north from south. The Chinese were the first to discover how to make explosive powder(火药).

    From all this, you can see that the Chinese were very busy making things that the rest of the world found really exciting and helpful when people learnt about them.



    Giving a speech in front of your class can be challenging. However, you can do something to make it success. First of all, you need to do something about your topic. For example, choose a topic about something you like, such as something that interests you or someone who is close to you. Once you've chosen your topic, try to find useful information about it online or from the library. As you do this, write down the information that supports your ideas in a valuable way.

    Rehearsing(排练) your speech is also important. For this, you'd better write the script (讲稿) just like talking to your friends. Keep your script simple. Use interesting examples or stories to show your ideas. Once you finish your script, read it out loud to yourself and remember it. After that, write down 2 to 3 points that you may forget on a note card. Finally, you have to practice your speech in front of something or someone until you don't have to look at your note card.

    In the end, it's time to give the speech. At this time, stand straight and hold your head high. This will show that you're confident. Show your listeners that you're excited by smiling before you begin and throughout the speech. Pause(停顿) after finishing a sentence, or after saying an important point. It will allow you time to collect your thoughts.

    If you're out of breath while speaking or if your words start running together, you're most probably speaking too fast. If this happens, take a breath and slow down. While talking, look at your listeners, like friends. What's more, if you don't remember the next word or line, pause for one or two seconds to look at your note card. Before you begin speaking, take a deep breath, smile at your listeners, and then go on.

{#blank#}1{#/blank#} to give a successful speech

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}for your speech

Choose a topic you are {#blank#}3{#/blank#}in.

Collect information on your topic from books or on the {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

Write down the useful information.

Rehearse your speech

Write a script in a {#blank#}5{#/blank#}way.

Read the script, and make a note card that can help you {#blank#}6{#/blank#} the content.

Keep {#blank#}7{#/blank#}your speech until you can make it very well.

Give your speech

Use proper body language to show that you are {#blank#}8{#/blank#} and excited.

Pause at the {#blank#}9{#/blank#}of a sentence or after saying an important point.

{#blank#}10{#/blank#}speaking too fast.

Look at your listeners while giving the speech.

If you forget what to say next, look at your note care, breathe deeply, smile at your listeners, and then go on.


    If your children are learning to read, it's wonderful! Whatever they're reading, they're probably super-excited readers! But the fact is, reading is skill {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Create a comfortable reading place.

    Choose a special place with right furnishings(装饰), blankets and pillows for your children put a bookcase of your children' s books. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} If your children feel like they have got their own special place for reading, they will probably spend time in their little space with all their new favorite books…


    If you want your children to learn to love reading, set aside a few minutes every day to read together, no matter how busy you are. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Plan to go to bed a few minutes earlier each night so your children have the time to choose a book to read. Besides, reading aloud to your children can make them more willing to read on their own.

    Make the library and bookstore a special treat.

    Whether your kids are big readers or not they are only children. They may be excited about new clothes and toys, but not books! Try to use that excitement to help your children love to read. Making a special treat of spending some time at the library or bookstore can be the perfect way to get your children excited about reading {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Set aside time to read together.

B. Ask your children about their favorite books.

C Reading together is the perfect way to relax before bedtime.

D. This special place may push your children to start 10 love reading!

E Here are some useful ways 10 help make your children love reading!

E. Let them have fun around there and they can choose whatever excites them.

