
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Ou Pingqin was a teacher in a special school (for deaf and mute(聋哑)students),who has recently been considered the Most Beautiful Teacher in China.

    After graduating from a college, she went to this school alone and worked there for nearly twenty years. The headmaster of the school said, “She worked hard and taught well. She was a backbone teacher in our school. She was also the most welcome teacher among the students. For students, she was like a mother. They called her Little Mother.”

    One day, when she was talking with her students in the dormitory. It looked as if something heavy would fall off. It was dangerous. At that time, without any hesitation(犹豫), she pushed two students away, but she was hit heavily. However, she continued working with great pain later.

One of her officemates (同事) said, "Ou Pingqin was not only a teacher but also a mother to her students in her class. She cared about their studies and even their life. She was very strict in her work."

    A student's parent said, "She was very warm-hearted. My son lost his father who supported the family. Every month, the teacher gave him 100 yuan to buy books from her own income." She gave all her life to the teaching and her students, but she didn't marry when she died at the age of 36.

    Ou Pinqin's deeds have drawn much attention in the country. She was the students' Little Mother, but gave them great love.

(1)、From the report we know _________.
A、Ou Pingqin was born in Yangxin B、Ou Pingqin was old C、Ou Pingqin had a son D、Ou Pingqin didn't marry
(2)、The underlined word “backbone” in the passage means _________in Chinese.
A、驼背 B、中枢 C、骨干 D、脊椎
(3)、Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the report?
A、She saved the students in danger. B、She bought books for herself every month. C、She graduated from a college. D、She helped the poor student.
(4)、In the report, Ou Pingqin was praised by many people except _________.
A、her mother B、her student's parent C、her officemate D、her headmaster
(5)、The best title of the report is _________.
A、Save Students B、A Teacher's Life C、Little Mother, Great Love D、Beautiful Mother

    Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh(1853-1890) killed himself by shooting himself in the chest(胸膛).

    This is what van Gogh himself told his brother, the doctors and the police just before he died.

    However, in a new book Van Gogh: The Life, two Pulitzer (普利策奖) Prize-winning authors, Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith, argue that van Gogh may have been murdered. They believed that the artist was protecting a 16-year-old boy named Rene Secret, who shot him accidentally.

    Van Gogh's statement that he shot himself was accepted because he had been mentally unstable(精神状况不稳的) for two years. He suffered from psychotic(精神病的) attacks and imagined things that were not really happening. Art critics (评论家) believe that his unstable mental state is shown in his work, describing his style of painting as shaken. Some of his most famous paintings, such as The Starry Night, were produced during this period.

    Van Gogh is among a number of creative minds who suffered from mental health problems. In fact, mental illness is so common among famous creative figures that scientists have studied whether there is link between creativity and insanity(精神错乱). Research began in the 1970s, but the idea that an unstable mind could be linked to creative genius(天才) was already around in ancient Greece.

    Some scientists believe mental illness, in its more manageable state, gives artists creativity. Research has found that doing creative activities can also be therapeutic(有疗效的) for people suffering from mental illness. Painting, writing, or making something can be a positive way for people to express their thoughts.

