
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

    In the middle of a dark forest, there lives an owl(猫头鹰). All the animals know that he is the wisest(聪明的) among all of them. So they often go to him and tell him their troubles. Then the owl always teaches them what they should do.
     One day, a little bird goes up to the owl. She is crying. “what's wrong with you?” asks the owl.
    “I'm not happy at all. I don't want to be a bird,” the bird says.
   “Why don't you want to be a bird?” asks the owl.
   “I am so small, weak and useless,” she cries. “I want to be big and strong like the lion. He is very important, but I am not”
     Then the owl whispers(耳语) something in her ear. At once the bird dries her tears and goes away. One week later, the bird came back. “Oh, thank you very much. You are a very wise owl,” she says to the owl. “I am very happy now. Every day, I sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for(监视) lions and tigers. When they come near, I shout at the top of my voice. Then my friend all run and hide. They are very thankful to me. I am useful and important now”
    The wise owl smiles and says, “No one in this world is useless.”

(1)、The animals in the forest visit the owl because_____________

A、they are all afraid of him B、the owl can help them when they don't feel well C、the owl can tell them what they should do when they have some problems D、they are wiser than the owl.
(2)、The little bird is not happy because______________

A、the lion often beats her B、she thinks she is too small, weak and useless C、she wants to kill the lion D、she is very important.
(3)、The owl tells the bird_______________

A、that she is stronger than the lions and the tigers B、that she must be happy C、that she must run and hide D、to sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for lions and tigers
(4)、The underlined word “tears” means “_______” in Chinese.

A、眼珠 B、汗水 C、眼泪 D、雨水
(5)、From the story we know ______________.

A、the bird's friends are very thankful to her because she drives the tigers and lions away(赶走) B、the lions and tigers run away when they hear the bird's voice C、the bird thinks that she is useful and important now D、the owl is useless.

    " Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese (鹅)?" Cruz, 11, and Anthony, 12, couldn't agree. There was only one way to find out. So on a cold January evening, the two friends took a risk onto the frozen(冻结的) lake near their homes.

    "First, we threw a stone onto the ice to test it. We thought it would hold our weight. Then we stepped on it," Cruz said. Anthony went first. He took a few steps, then... He fell through the seemingly frozen ice!

    Cruz rushed to help his friend. The lake "ate" him, too. Cruz managed to lift himself out of the freezing water and onto some ice. He then tried to work his way toward Anthony. But the ice didn't hold, and he fell in again. This time, he couldn't get out.

    The boys were up to their necks in icy water and quickly losing feeling in their arm sand legs. Cruz had a sense that he was going to die.

    Anthony's older sister had seen all this and started shouting for help. John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby heard her.  He quickly pulled over. He caught a nearby float(浮板), kicked off his shoes. And ran into the water, clearing his way through the ice with his free hand. "It was kind of a ' Hulk smash'" Lavin later joked.

    Lavin made his way to pull the boys back to land. They were taken to hospital immediately. The doctor said their five-minute stay in the water made their body temperature drop nearly ten degrees. Luckily, the boys got well soon. They admire their fearless neighbor just as Hulk, one of Marvel Superheroes.

