
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    Some experts believe that burpee (立卧撑) is the best exercise in the world because this exercise is one that anyone can do very easily and extremely cheaply.

    How to perform the basic burpee correctly:

A.      B.      C.      D.

    Keep your back straight, squat (下蹲) down and place your hands on the floor.

    Begin in a standing position with your back straight and your arms at your sides.

    Bring your feet back to the squat position by placing your hands on the floor. Then jump straight up as high as you can after the squat position, holding your arms up directly over your head.

    Move your feet back behind you, so that you move from a squat position to a full-length leg extension. Keep both arms and legs straight and strong.

   As a form of exercise, the burpee is .

A. difficult and boring

B. useful but difficult

C. simple and inexpensive

D. simple but expensive


    I was coming back home late at night in a ”Sharing” minivan. In Hyderabad, India, it is a cheap and quick means of transport. The van drivers ply (揽客) as many as 13 people at times in a vehicle which is designed for the transport of 8 people.Our van was crowded as well. People were getting off and on at many places.

    On the journey, one girl waved her hand to ask the driver to stop. While getting down, she tripped and fell.None of us notice it,as it was dark. The driver was waiting for her to pay. It was then that we saw the girl was on her knees by the side of the road. Another passenger and l got down and held her up.

    Even in pain, the girl held up a note and asked us to pay the driver.The other passenger took the note and paid the driver.My stop was a few hundred meters away. I decided to stay with her till she was fine. I paid the driver for myself and he took off with the other passengers.

    I neither knew her nor did I know what to do, but I was there, saying some comforting words to a stranger in pain. I asked her to stand still for a few minutes. We then looked for a place for her to sit. From out of nowhere, her friend joined us.

    We made her sit in a nearby grassland and her friend rushed to get a taxi. In the meantime, she examined her leg and her ankle had swollen up (肿胀). It looked like a sprain (扭伤). Once her friend came back, they took the taxi and rushed to a hospital. Before they left, the girl thanked me and said they could manage as it was only a small sprain.

    I do not know if I did enough. But I feel I gave some comfort to her in a small way.


Students' problems

Suggestions from Editors

①I am not allowed to hang out with friends at all. My parents want me to study all the time at home. I feel unhappy. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}  

②I am too shy to speak in front of my classmates. They always laugh loudly when I am answering teachers' questions. I 'm frustrated. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}  

③My mother is a doctor. She is too busy with her work to spend the weekends with me. It seems that she doesn't care me at all. I feel lonely. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  

④A senior high school student asks me to give him 100 yuan every week without telling others. I am frightened. So I don't want to go to school now. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}  

⑤I think I work harder than others but I get bad grades. Am I too stupid? {#blank#}5{#/blank#}  

A. Nobody is born-stupid. Maybe you haven't got right ways of study yet. Ask the teachers or classmates for help if you have any questions.

B. If you feel unhappy, go to have a good sleep and you will forget everything unhappy.

C. Don't be afraid. You should tell your parents or teachers at once. Don't go out alone then.

D. Your classmates may not laugh at you. If you don't like their laughter, you should talk to them about your feelings. They might understand you. And you had better be more easygoing and be their friend. You won't feel frustrated if your friends laugh.

E. Let your parents know your friends are nice. You learn a lot from them as well as having fun with them. You study with them outsides, too

F. Tell your mother you need her company sometimes. Also you could do some chores with your mother so she can finish her work quickly. Try to understand your mother and let her understand you, too.

G. You could invite your friends to play with you at home. It's fun to play in doors, too.


    Like many countries, Britain has serious environmental problems. In 1952, more than 4, 000 people died in London because of the smog(雾霾). The government made new laws to stop smog from coal(煤) fires and factories and things became better.

    Today, London is much cleaner but there is a new problem:smog from cars. In December 1991, there was very little wind in London and pollution was much worse. As a result, about 160 people died from pollution in just four days.

    Part of the problem is the new "out of town" shopping centers. In the past, people often walked to shops near their home or went by bus. Now, many people drive to the new shopping centers. As a result, the small shops have been closed and more people have to travel to do their shopping.

    Many people think that Britain needs better and cheaper public transport(交通). Transport in Britain is very expensive. An early morning train trip from Glasgow to London(about 600km)can cost about 100 pounds, for example. A short 15-minute bus trip can cost over 100 pound.

    Many people are trying to cut the use of cars in Britain. Some cities now have special bicycle paths and many people cycle to work. Some people also travel to work together in one car to make less the pollution and the cost.

Environmental{#blank#}1{#/blank#} in Britain





In the past

Smog from coal fires and factories.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}4000 people died in 1952.

The government introduced new laws.


Smog from{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

About 160 people died in a few days in 1991.

•Provide better and cheaper public transport.

•Build special paths for {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

•Travel to work together in a car.

