
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    March1, 2019

    Dear Residents


    Sheet Pile Wall,Rip Rap Protection(抛石护岸) and Spot Repair on SA SU Road between Church and Jimmy Road, Tsawout First Nation. Our File: CPMS 6849

    Beginning April 1, 2019, our community, Tsawout First Nation, will be beginning work on the Shoreline Erosion(侵蚀)Protection project along SA SU Road between Church and Jimmy Road. Workers employed by Donn Mann Excavating and Tsawout First Nation Public Works Department will be onsite working from 7: 00 am until 5: 00 pm daily Monday to Friday until September 30, 2019.


    Traffic Delays -In order to safely and efficiently complete this construction item, there will be some lane(车道)restrictions. Car drivers must follow the polices orders, slow down the speed, and pass the construction area extremely cautiously. The construction item may cause traffic delays. We will make every effort to minimize any potential inconvenience and provide you with the latest notice when disruptions(中断)must occur. Police and emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times.

Truck Traffic -At times you will notice increased truck traffic in the construction area. Please be aware and use extra caution while driving

    Vibration -You may experience some vibration at home during the construction. The shaky motion happens due to the work being done. We recommend that you remove or secure objects on shelves and walls.

    This construction item is part of the Tsawout First Nation Shoreline Erosion Protection project that will be beginning in April 2019 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019. Please see upcoming newsletters and notices for further updates.

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation


    Rob Mortin

    Tsawout First Nation

(1)、How long will the construction item last?
A、bout 4 months. B、About 5 months. C、About 6 months. D、About 7 months.
(2)、What do you know about traffic regulations during the construction?
A、Car drivers shall pass through the construction area with great care. B、Only emergency vehicles can pass through the construction area. C、No vehicle will be allowed to pass through the construction area. D、All vehicles shall be checked before entering the construction area.
(3)、It is recommended that nearby residents should      .
A、avoid driving their vehicles in the rush-hours B、make sure that their walls are in good condition C、update upcoming newsletters and notices daily D、have their photo frames taken down from the walls

    Fort Scott High School English teacher Emily Rountree has been working this semester to raise money for Charity Water, a nonprofit organization that uses 100 percent public donations to help fund water projects in places without access to clean drinking water. Her goal was to motivate her students to use their writing in class to make a real-world difference. Twelve students got top grades for the project, and their articles will be published both in The Tribune and online. Here is one example:

    Did you know that there are many countries around the world that dont have access to safe drinking water? Just think: that could be you, or someone in your family. My name is Tanner Johnson, and I attend Fort Scott High School. In my English classes, we are trying to raise money for Charity Water. Charity Water is an organization that helps people get water in countries where there is no safe drinking water.

    In developing countries, 780 million people dont have access to clean drinking water. In Africa alone, people spend 40 billion hours every year just walking to get water. Women and children are the ones that mainly do the walking. They could be attacked or get hurt while they travel to get water. When they do get home, the water that they have brought is unsafe water from swamps, ponds, or rivers. If they had safe drinking water, they wouldnt have to worry about these problems, and they wouldnt be wasting hours of their day. Unsafe drinking water causes many different kinds of diseases that could lead to death.

    You could help save someones life, by donating $20 so we can help get them some safe drinking water. You can easily donate online at mycharitywater.org/fshsenglish, or you can send a check to Emily Rountree, payable to Fort Scott High School. If we dont help these people, then who will?


    During my early twenties, to make my parents stop feeling angry, and simply to escape, I decided to live in my birthplace for a period of time, something I'd sworn I would never do. My parents were thrilled. They prayed that I'd come back triumphantly with a picture-perfect bridegroom. That was the furthest thing from my mind as I packed my faded jeans, tank tops, boots, and a photo of my freckle-faced then-boyfriend who was of Scottish descent.

    The moment I landed in Seoul, I was aware of how much I felt like a misfit. All my life I had tried to blend into the dominant culture and couldn't. And finally, when I was in a place where everyone looked like me, I still stood out. I took it for granted that I'd feel a sense of freedom. I thought I'd blend into the landscape. This was not the case. People stared at me with curious eyes. I became conscious of my American-girl swaggering body movements and inappropriate dress.

    Collecting my courage, I traveled to the demilitarized zone on my own. I touched the high barbed-wire fence that stretched across the belly of the peninsula(半岛), dividing Korea in half. I visited thousand-year-old temples and magnificent palace gates that had survived modernization and centuries of battle. I met with distant cousins who welcomed me with outstretched arms into their homes and related heroic tales about my mother and Halmoni (Grandmother) during the war. How Halmoni had led her young children out of north to the United Nation-backed south. How my mother, at the age of thirteen, saved the life of her baby sister.

    I listened with such an overwhelming thirst that when I returned to the States a year and a half later, I began to ask my parents and Halmoni (who had immigrated to the States some time after we did) all about the past. The past was no longer a time gone by, a dead weight. I now saw that it held ancient treasures. And the more I dug and discovered, the more I felt myself being steered toward a future I had never imagined for myself. I began to write. I didn't even know I could write. My family helped me knit stories into a book using Halmoni's voice. As her powerful words moved through me I was able to reflect and meditate on the ridiculous life I had fashioned for myself. I could feel my sense of self rising. This sparked a newfound awareness and excitement. I became a spokeswoman on Korean culture, traveling to various college campuses across the country. “Be proud. Embrace your heritage.” I said to young Korean American students wearing extra-large, trendy sportswear. But the whole time I was lecturing, I had very little understanding of what that self-concept meant. I was merely talking the talk. I hadn't yet fully embraced my own identity.


    When was the last time you relied on an old-fashioned map to figure out the route to an unfamiliar place? For many, the GPS has revolutionized navigation, making a paper map almost obsolete? So how has this piece of technology developed over its 26 years of existence? On February 14,1989,the first satellite in the US Global Positioning System was sent into space from Cape Canaveral, beginning the start of one of the wonders of the modern world.

    GPS stands for Global Positioning System, which is made of a network of around 30 satellites that move around the earth. The system uses a process called trilateration to find out one's position. By measuring the time it takes for the signal to reach one satellite, the GPS can determine your distance from the satellite, creating a sphere(范围) of possible locations. Measuring your distance from at least three satellites will narrow your location to the place where the three spheres cross one another, to the accuracy(精确) of about less than 1 meter!

    The GPS was first invented during the Cold War by the United States Department of Defense. In 1960, the first system, which was made of just five satellites, was put into place. It was initially created for strictly military(军事的) use; however, in 1983, as a result of faulty navigation technology, a Korean passenger plane mistakenly flew into USSR territory(苏联领土) and was shot down. In order to prevent such bad events, American President Ronald Reagan allowed civilian(民用的) use of the GPS.

    Over the next ten years, the system's accuracy improved as the network was increased to 24 satellites. And during the first Persian Gulf War, the new GPS was finally used by the military. Now scientists use the technology to track animals to better understand their movement and behavior. Parents who may be worried about their children can also use GPS technology to track them.


    Think of a seed buried in a pot. It's dark down there in the potting soil. There's no light, no sunshine. So how does it know which way is up and which way is down? It does know. Seeds send shoots up toward the sky, and roots the other way. Darkness doesn't confuse them. Somehow, they get it right.

    More surprisingly, if you turn a seedling (秧苗) or a whole bunch of seedlings upside down, as Thomas Andrew Knight of the Royal Society did around 200 years ago, the tips and roots of the plant will sense, “Hey, I'm upside down. Look! I. will turn my way to the right direction and do a U-turn.”

    How do they know? According to botanist Daniel Chamovitz, Thomas Knight about 200 years ago guessed that plants must sense gravity. Knight proved it with a crazy experiment involving a spinning plate.

    He attached a bunch of plant seedlings onto a disc. The plate was then turned by a water wheel powered by a local stream at a speed of 150 revolutions (旋转) per minute for several days.

    If you have been at an amusement park in a spinning teacup, you know that because of centrifugal force (离心力) you get pushed away from the center of the spinning object toward the outside.

    Knight wondered, would the plants respond to the centrifugal pull of gravity and point their roots to the outside of the spinning plate? When he looked, that's what they'd done. Every plant on the disc had responded to the pull of gravity, and pointed its roots to the outside. The roots pointed out, and the shoots pointed in. So Thomas Knight proved that plants can and do sense the pull.


    Most Europeans want small cars. Many Americans prefer large cars. As a result, European automakers produce a large number of economical, light weight cars, while American automakers build bigger, heavier cars.

    The price of gas has much to do with this. The petrol is expensive in Europe, so Europeans naturally prefer cars that will go a long way on a small amount of fuel. There are other reasons. Many European cities have very narrow streets. In these cities a small car is more practical and easier to handle than a large one.

    Some Americans like powerful engines in their cars. They enjoy having wider cars that are comfortable for large families and long trips. They are prepared to pay higher costs to get these advantages. Other Americans, however, have learned to like the small and smart cars. Many visitors to Europe during and after World War I discovered that small cars were fun to drive and easy to park in small spaces. They were delighted to learn how far small cars could go on a few gallons of gasoline.

    In the 1950s many Americans began buying European cars. In 1957, for the first time, the United States imported more cars than it exported. The best seller among these imported cars was a cool-looking but small car from Germany. Americans immediately gave it another name “ the bug”.

    Today, American car buyers have a wider choice. There are big cars for people who want large room, comfort, and power. And there are small cars, mostly imported but some American-made, for people who want easy parking and economical operation.


This document sets out the display standards for Glasgow Museums. This guide will help exhibition planners provide access to exhibitions in our museums. Glasgow Museums' aim is to improve access to collections by having as many items as possible on display and without physical barriers. We also try out best to protect these objects without limiting access to them.

Object Placement

·Don't place objects in such a way that they could present a danger to visitors.

·All object displays, cased or otherwise, must be viewable by all, including people who are small in figure or in wheelchairs.

Open Display

·All objects on open display must be secure from theft and damage.

·All objects identified for potential open display must be viewed and agreed on an object-to-object basis by the Security Manager of the museum.



Recommended distance to place objects out of “casual arm's length”(taken from the edge of the object to the edge of any proposed form of barrier)


*In some cases, 600mm may be acceptable, provided the plinth height is above 350mm.

Cased Objects

·All cased displays should fall within the general optimum(最优的)viewing band of 750-2000mm. Ensure everything is visually accessible from a wheelchair.

·Position small objects or those with fine detail in the front part of a case, with larger items behind.

·Position small items or those with fine detail no higher than 1015mm from floor level. Objects placed above this height are only seen from below by people in wheelchairs or people who are small in figure.

