
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    We all know what a brain is. A doctor will tell you that the brain is the organ of the body in the head. It controls our body's functions, movements, emotions and thoughts. But a brain can mean so much more.

    A brain can also simply be a smart person. If a person is called brainy, he is smart and intelligent. If a family has many children but one of them is super smart, you could say, "He's the brains in the family." And if you are the brains behind something, you are responsible for developing or organizing something. For example, Bill Gates is the brains behind Microsoft.

    Brain trust is a group of experts who give advice. Word experts say the phrase "brain trust" became popular when Franklin D. Roosevelt first ran for president in 1932. Several professors gave him advice on social and political issues(问题)facing the U.S. These professors were called his "brain trust".

    These ways we use the word "brain" all make sense. But other ways we use the word are not so easy to understand. For example, to understand the next brain expression, you first need to know the word "drain". As a verb, to drain means to remove something by letting it flew away. So a brain drain may sound like a disease where the brain flows out the ears. But, brain drain is when a country's most educated people leave their countries to live in another. The brains are, sort of, draining out of the country.

    However, if people are responsible for a great idea, you could say they brainstormed it. Here, brainstorm is not an act of weather. It is a process of thinking creatively about a complex topic. For example, business leaders may use brainstorming to create new products, and government leaders may brainstorm to solve problems.

    If people are brainwashed, it does not mean their brains are nice and clean. To brainwash means to make some accept new beliefs by using repeated pressure in a forceful or tricky way. Keep in mind that brainwash is never used in a positive way.

(1)、According to the text, if you're the CEO of Bai Du you can be called         .
A、the organ of Bai Du B、the brain drain of Bai Du C、the brains behind Bai Du D、Bai Du's brain trust
(2)、Roosevelt successfully won the election probably because         .
A、he got his brain trust B、he got the help of word experts C、he was smart at giving advice D、he was the brains behind America
(3)、From the passage, we can infer that         .
A、to drain a lake means to fill it with a lot of water B、brainy and brainwash are never used in a negative way C、brainstorming is not a good choice for a political leader for lack of creativity D、a country suffers a "brain drain" when educated people move to other countries
(4)、The author explains the "brain" expressions by         .
A、making comments B、making comparisons C、using examples D、analyzing origins

    Selena Gomez and I are scheduled to meet at a low-key coffee shop in Encino. Not wanting to keep the superstar waiting,I arrived at nine,20 minutes early. As I was catching up on e-mails,Selena quietly scooted into the seat next to me. No bodyguard. Not even a drop of make-up. She was ten minutes early and so inconspicuous that no one else in the restaurant looked up so much. Elena was wearing Bebe shorts. She had a baby face and ordered a hot chocolate.

    After making a small talk about what she wore for the shoot,she dived into the subject of her career. Elena declared 2012 the year of movies. She filmed three:SpringBreakers , a drama;The  Getaway , an action flick;and HotelTransylvania , a comedy. Each is a marked move away from the teen style that made her a household name.

    Now that her Disney days are behind her,Selena is at that unstable point in a child star's career where she is trying to grow up—both as a person(she turned 20 in July) and as an artist. "Being part of the Disney Channel was such a blessing,and I'm super happy with what my show accomplished,but acting is something I would like to take on more seriously." She continued,"I don't necessarily feel accomplished. I want to create a whole different persona when it comes to acting."

    Selena has been working full-time since she was seven years old and scored a role on Barney & Friends. In 2007 when she was offered the lead in WizardsofWaverlyPlace , Selena,her mother,and her stepfather uprooted from Grand Prairie,Texas,to L.A.,where they are settling now.


    Gabriella's family immigrated to the US from Peru when she was two years old. As a compound bilingual (双语使用者), Gabriella develops two linguistic codes at the same time, with a set of concepts, learning both English and Spanish. Her teenage brother, on the other hand, might be a coordinate bilingual, working with two sets of concepts, learning English in school, Spanish at home. Finally, Gabriella's parents are likely to be subordinate bilinguals who learned a second language by translating it into their mother tongue.

    Regardless of accent and pronunciation, all types of bilingual people can become fully proficient in a language. It seems that the difference may not be apparent. But recently brain imaging technology has given a glimpse into how specific aspects of language learning affect the bilingual brain. It's well known that the brain's left hemisphere (半球) is in charge of logical processes, while the right hemisphere is more active in emotional and social ones. Language involves both types of functions. "Critical Period Theory" says children learn languages more easily because their developing brains let them use both hemispheres in language learning, while in most adults, language relies on one hemisphere, usually the left.

    Before the 1960s, bilingualism was considered a handicap that slowed the children's development by forcing them to spend too much energy distinguishing between languages. But a recent study did show that bilingualism may make you smarter. It does make your brain more complex, healthier, and more actively engaged, and even if you didn't have the good fortune of learning a second language like a child, it's never too late to do yourself a favor and make the linguistic leap from "Hello" to "Hola" "Bonjour" or "nihao" because when it comes to our brains, a little exercise can go a long way.


    People always think men are more skilled than women in driving. Nowadays women appear to have a positive image of themselves as safer drivers than men.

    In a survey done by insurer MetLife, 51% of women said they drive more safely. The evidence is on their side: Men are 3.4 times more likely than women to get a ticket for careless driving and 3.1 times as likely to be punished for drunk driving. "Women are on average less aggressive and more law abiding (手法的) drivers, which leads to fewer accidents," the report says. However, not all male drivers share the same opinion. Of the men surveyed by MetLife, 39% claimed male drivers were safer. The findings did back them up on one point: automotive knowledge. The report showed that more men are familiar with current safety equipment such as electronic stability control, which helps prevent rollover accidents.

    Auto safety unavoidably matters to money. Insurance companies focus on what classes of drivers have the lowest dollar amounts of claims, and for now, that mainly includes women. In general, women pay about 9% less for auto insurance than men. A study by the website Insweb also showed that auto insurance rates are lower for women in most states. Among individual states, women get the greatest advantage in Wyoming (where they pay 20% less), South Dakota and Washington, D.C., where their insurance costs are 16% lower.

    "More than 11, 9000 male drivers died in U.S. traffic accident in 2009, compared with just under 4,900 women drivers," according to the study. "Based on miles traveled, men died at a rate of 2.5 deaths per 100 million miles traveled, vs. 1.7 deaths for women."


    It was only a dollar. Belscher noticed it on the floor as he sat at the back of his English class. When the school day ended, Belscher wandered back to the classroom. The old bill was still there. He could easily have pocketed it without thinking twice. Instead, he picked it up and brought it to his English teacher, Mattison.

    "It wasn't my money," Belscher says. Mattison was a little surprised he'd turned the dollar in, knowing a lot of people would have just kept it. She suggested that Belscher tape(贴) it to the whiteboard at the front of the classroom, where she always puts lost things.

    Rose, another student, was in English class after break when he spotted the dollar on the whiteboard. After class, he asked Mattison why it was there. She was still waiting for the original owner to claim it, so she replied, "I don't know." Rose took the tape from Mattison's desk and taped a second dollar to the board.

    That got it rolling. The sight of the two dollar bills, side by side, started something in Mattison's students. They started asking about the purpose of the money, to which Mattison always gave the same answer: She didn't know. At that point, it was true.

    More students, curious, taped up single dollar bills. Mattison started to leave the tape on the tray of the whiteboard. The effort snowballed. Even with no clear purpose, many students wanted to be part of whatever this was. The amount continued to grow over several weeks, until it reached $175.76.

    That left Mattison to make the best decision. She kept thinking about her brother-in-law, Jack Hains. Eight years earlier, Jack had died of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a rare and devastating neurological disease(神经疾病).

    Mattison explained to her classes that Jack had raised money every spring for the ALS Therapy Development Institute, established to seek a cure for the disease. She asked the teens whether they minded if she donated the dollars in their names in honor of Jack.

    Their answer was to tape enough money to the whiteboard over the next few days to push the amount to $321.06. Mattison, choking back tears as she recalls the moment, says she carefully picked the cash off the board and made the donation just before the beginning of May, which is National ALS Awareness Month. That was Saturday. By Monday afternoon, eight more dollars had been taped to the board.


    Cao Zhawa has been planting trees for most of his life. He lives and works in the heart of Mu Us Sandyland, an area in the southwest part of Inner Mongolia.

    In 1958, when he was just 16 years old, Cao started planting trees. Cao's trees now cover an area of more than 1.3 million square meters. Cao's forest is worth an estimated 10 million yuan and can produce 100,000 kilograms oxygen, enough to sustain a full-grown adult for nearly a year.

    Mu Us Sandyland is one of the places in China most affected by erosion(侵蚀) and desertification. The amount of annual rainfall ranges from 150 to 300 millimeters, while evaporation(蒸发) between 2,000 and 3,000 millimeters. Cao recalls that his growing-up was troubled by sandstorms. This was one of the factors that motivated Cao to join and stay on the tree-planting program.

    Popularly known as the "Green Great Wall", the project, which is set for completion in 2050, would be a 4, 800-kilometer greenbelt of trees and shrubs(灌木) protecting the area from strong winds and preventing soil erosion. Since the start of the Three-North Shelter Forest Program, millions of people have joined in and become a vital part of the plan.

    However, the tree-planters face a host of challenges, with watering the most difficult among them. "When I was young, the level of groundwater was high," said Cao, "But with less rain, the trees are hard to plant and keep alive."

    Planting trees has also become harder for Cao as he ages. However, he doesn't want to leave the forest in the care of his children, and he insists the land belongs to the government. "When I die, I just want to be buried under the trees," Cao said. "Then I will be with them forever."

