
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    The clock always seems to be ticking rather too fast in the doctor's office and the queue of patients outside the door seems to be pressing rather too hard. Some say it's high time for the model of short, sharp one-to-one appointments to give way to shared medical appointments (SMAs共享医疗预约).

    SMAs are doctor-patient visits in which a group of patients receive patient education and counseling (咨询), physical examination and medical support in a group setting. Typically SMAs are designed to have one or more doctors attend to a group of patients who share a common illness or medical condition. In contrast to one-to-one visits, SMAS provide a longer appointment time-frame as well as the opportunity for patients to have improved access to their physicians and meanwhile pick up additional information and support from peers.

    However, doctors who have pioneered the shared appointment approach report that there are significant challenges involved. Dr. Sumego, director of shared medical appointments, Cleveland Clinic, identifies culture change as the most significant challenge. Physicians and nurses are trained in a model of personal service and privacy; the SMA approach is a fundamental challenge to those fixed ideas. They need shared goals and a way of testing the innovation against agreed standards. Dr. Sumego says, "The physicians may be worried about the possible chaos and efficiencies that are marketed. They also have to make the patients understand what their appointment is, and what the expectation is."

    "So, if an organization was looking to start shared medical appointments, I would advise them to start the buy-in from a few champion physicians, develop the work-flow and develop some experience. Provide some support behind what that best practice should look like. Create some standards so that, as the concept spreads, you can employ that experience to start the next shared medical appointments and the next."

(1)、What is the purpose of the SMA approach?
A、To improve medical service. B、To promote doctors' reputation. C、To conduct medical research. D、To meet patients' expectation.
(2)、According to Dr. Sumego, what prevents the SMA approach from being widely adopted?
A、Personal service. B、Fixed ideas. C、Lack of equipment. D、Shared goals.
(3)、What can the underlined "buy-in" in Paragraph 4 be replaced by?
A、practice B、organization C、purchase D、support
(4)、What can be learned about the SMA approach in the last paragraph?
A、It is currently being questioned. B、It is impractical in some areas. C、It will enjoy wide popularity soon. D、It should be carried out step by step.

    The Verizon Innovative App Challenge gives kids a chance to create apps that can solve problems in their community.

    Do you want to make a difference in your community? The Verizon Innovative App Challenge can get you started. The first step is to think of a problem in your community. The next step is to create an app that can solve the problem.

    Groups of five to seven students in middle school or high school, led by a teacher, can enter the contest. First, teams compete on a local level. Teams that make it to the next round receive $5,000 for their schools. Finalists present their app ideas to judges in a live webinar (网络研讨会).

    Next, the judges pick national winners. The top eight teams receive an additional $15,000 for their schools, and each team member receives a Samsung tablet. Plus, the winning teams get the chance to bring their app to life.

    A group of six girls from Los Fresnos, Texas, won the second annual Verizon Innovative App Challenge. They came up with the Hello Navi app concept, short for “hello navigation”. The app was designed to help visually­impaired (视力受损的) students navigate their school by using an internal compass and voice­over technology. Read more about the team in September 19, 2016 issue of TIME For Kids: Edition 3-4.

    Do you have an app idea that could help solve a local issue? The deadline to register is November 24, 2016. Find more information and register your team at www. verizonfoundation. org/appchallenge.

    Here are some tips from the Verizon Foundation to get you started:

•Get your team together for a brainstorming meeting. Write out all the ideas that come to mind.

• Don't ignore challenges. Think of the problems that exist in your community.

•Ask family, friends, and people in your community to share their thoughts about problems that they want to see solved.


    A heartbroken dog whose owner died two months ago is missing her so much that he attends services every day at the Italian church where her funeral was held, patiently waiting for her to return.

    Tommy, a seven-year-old dog, belonged to Maria Lochi, 57, and had been her faithful partner after she adopted him when she found him in fields close to her home. Mrs. Lochi adopted several dogs she found but friends said she developed a close friendship with Tommy and would walk to church with him every day, where he would be allowed to sit patiently by her feet.

    Father Panna said, “He's there every time I celebrate Mass and is very well behaved. He doesn't make a sound, and I've not heard one bark from him in all the time he has been in. He used to come with Maria and he was obviously devoted to her. I let him stay inside as he was always so well behaved and none of the other people ever complained to me. He's still coming to Mass even after Maria's funeral, he just sat there quietly. I didn't have the heart to throw him out. I've just recently lost my own dog so I leave him there until Mass finishes and then I let him out.”

    Tommy's been adopted by everyone in the village now and he is everybody's friend. Everyone looks out for him and leaves food for him, although it would be nice to find a proper home for him.

    The story of Tommy is similar to the 2009 Hollywood film Hachi which told of how a faithful Akita dog waits patiently for his master after he also dies. It was based on the true story of a Japanese Akita called Hachi, whose owner died in 1925 but for the next nine years he waited patiently at the railway station for his owner from where they regularly caught a train.


    I was working the overnight shift in a remote hospital in the Rocky Mountains. Late in the evening, a young African teenager was brought into the emergency department. He lived at sea level and had never been in the mountains. After skiing all day, he felt really ill. Everyone assumed it was altitude sickness.

    He was sweating and had abdominal (腹部的) pain. His heart rate increased. We sent off his lab work, and his blood sugar came back at almost 600 — normal is less than 100. His platelets (血小板), necessary for stopping bleeding, came in at 10,000; they should have been over 150,000. I did an ultrasound of his abdomen, and it looked like his belly was full of blood. This wasn't altitude sickness. And in the short time I'd been trying to figure out what was wrong, he was getting sicker. The friends he was traveling with were terrified, and rightly so.

    The mystery was finally solved with an old-fashioned microscope. When we looked at his blood, we saw some sickled (镰形的) red blood cells. That's how we were able to diagnose sickle cell trait. If you have sickle cell trait — which means you got the sickle cell gene from just one parent instead of two — you have no symptoms at low altitude, but high altitude can sometimes cause the red blood cells to turn into sickle shapes and take oxygen from vital organs. This teenager didn't know he had it, but the effect of the altitude on his blood cells was so extreme that after just a short time in the mountains, he suffered great pain.

    He needed platelets immediately, but we didn't have enough at the remote hospital. And there was a snowstorm, so the medical helicopters couldn't fly. It was a scary night. Just as we were abandoning all hope, we met an ambulance that drove halfway up from the city with blood products and transferred him to the city hospital for emergency surgery. The story has a happy ending: He recovered fully.


    Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

    During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.

    He reported the case to the police and then sat there, lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.

    Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband's name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.

    My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.

    That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.


    I'm a speaker and give hundreds of speeches every year. I spoke about appreciation (感激) last month and I used this quote by Albert Schweitzer "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by meeting with another human being. Each of us should express the deepest thanks to those who have relighted this inner (内心的) light."

    I asked my audiences to shut their eyes and think about someone who, at some time in their lives, has relighted their inner light. Then I left the room in silence for several minutes. It was always a meaningful experience as they remembered the joy they felt from another person.

    One day, a gentleman came up to talk with me and thanked me for creating a new awareness (意识) in him. He said he thought of his eighth-grade history teacher because she was everyone's favorite teacher and had really made a difference in all of their lives. Several days later, the gentleman found his history teacher and he wrote to her. The following week he received this letter:

    Dear John,

    You will never know how much your letter meant to me. I am 83 years old, and I am living all alone in one room. My friends are all gone. My family's gone. I taught 50 years and yours is the first "thank you" letter I have ever gotten from a student. Sometimes I wonder what I did with my life. I will read and reread your letter until the day I die.

    The gentleman was sad, "She is always the one we talk about when we have a get-together. She is everyone's favorite teacher—we love her! But no one had ever told her until she received my letter…"


    When you live in total messiness—cookies in your pants draws, and some old New Yorkers or apple seeds in your bed—it's hard to know where to look for when you lose your keys. The other day, after two weeks of searching, I found my keys in the refrigerator. I can't say I was surprised. But I was surprised when I was diagnosed with ADHD(多动症), when I was a junior at Yale.

    According to a new study, 11% of school-age children have received an ADHD diagnosis, a 16% increase since 2007. And rising diagnoses mean rising treatments—drugs like Adderall are more accessible than ever. However, the consequences of misuse and abuse of these drugs are dangerous.

    Yet also harmful are the consequences of ADHD undiagnosed, an all-too-common story for women like me, who have symptoms, like disorganization and forgetfulness, which look different from those typically expressed in males.

    Dr. Ellen, author of Understanding Girls with ADHD, has found around 4 million females with ADHD are not diagnosed. "The main reason is that the diagnostic criteria were developed based on those hyperactive(过度活跃)young boys taken to clinics, making it difficult for girls to be diagnosed unless they behave like hyperactive boys." Ellen says.

    Besides, the idea that young women actually have ADHD often causes skepticism. As a top student, I didn't believe my diagnosis at first. My friends were also confused, and rather certain my doctor was misguided.

    "Often, if girls are smart or in supportive homes, symptoms are masked," Dr.Ellen says. "Girls will hide their inability to meet social expectations. They see their trouble organizing, and concentrating as character flaws(缺陷)."

    These years, I am both embarrassed and exhausted by my struggles to keep track of objects, but drug has helped it and made it more bearable.

