
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



    It's every parent's worst nightmare there's a fire in the house, the alarms are beeping, but the children are sleeping on. Now scientists have found a better way to rouse slumbering youngsters. Researchers in the US have discovered that playing a child a recording of his mother's voice is about three times more likely to wake him up than a traditional alarm.

    Writing in the Journal of Pediatrics, Smith and colleagues report how they compared the effects of four different smoke alarms on 176 children aged between 5 and 12 years old, none of whom had hearing difficulties or were taking any medication that affected their sleep. While one alarm featured a high-pitched beep the sort of commonly found in households the other three featured the voice of the child's mother calling either the child's name, giving instructions such as: "Wake up! Leave the room! ", or both. Each child slept in a lab-based room that resembled a real bedroom.

    The results show that vocal alarms appear to be more effective than high-pitched beeps. About 90% of children woke for a voice alarm compared with just over 53% for the traditional alarm.

    “High pitched beeping alarms don't wake up children well at all under about 12 years of age, "said Dr Gary Smith, a co-author of the research from the Nationwide Children's hospital in Ohio, although

he said at present it is not known why. He said it was important to look at developing better alarms.

    Prof Niamh Nic Daeid, director of the Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science at the University of Dundee, said the research found a human voice combined with a low-frequency pulsing tone was far more effective in waking up children than a traditional high-pitched alarm. She also noted that more work was needed to explore whether other familiar sounds, such as a dog barking, might also prove effective in rousing children.

(1)、What does the underlined word "slumbering" mean in Paragraph1?
A、resting B、sleeping C、lying D、waking
(2)、Which of the following statements about the research is NOT TRUE?
A、In the research, no kids had taken medicine with sleeping effect. B、176 children were required to hear 4 different kinds of alarms. C、During the research, high-pitched beeping alarm was used. D、Each kid slept in a real bedroom.
(3)、Why is it difficult to wake up kids under about 12 years of age with high pitched keeping alarms?
A、Because high pitched beeping alarms are not so effective as voice alarms. B、Because high pitched beeping alarms are three times more likely to rouse kids. C、Because voice alarm is a better developed alarm D、It is unknown so far.
(4)、What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A、A human voice with a low-frequency pulsing tone was more effective. B、The sound of dog-barking is more effective in rousing children. C、Other familiar sounds might be found effective in waking up kids. D、Traditional smoke alarm is no use at all.
(5)、Which of the following do you think is the best title of the passage?
A、Mother's voice more effective in fire alarms B、Say "NO "to high pitched beeping alarms C、Sleeping in high pitched beeping alarms D、How to develop a better alarm

    A new App has been used in South Africa to benefit (有助于)the relationship between wildlife and humans.

    Roadwatch, created by the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT),is designed to let drivers   record any roadkill they see on the country's highways.

    It may seem like a strange idea, but EWT says that it could become the perfect platform for receiving important information. Information on where endangered species (物种)are living and the danger that they are under from traffic can help to inform decisions on conservation of matters (物质守恒)in the future.

    People can use the App through Facebook, WhatsApp, SMS and Linkedin to report the   species, location, time and date of the creature that has been seen on the road.

    Wendy Collinson field officer at EWT suggested that it could lead to more people taking care on the roads and paying more attention to animals that may be trying to cross the roads. One of the biggest problems is with reptiles (爬行动物)and snakes, which she believes people hit on purpose, as they are generally seen as scary. However, they are important to the health of ecosystems, just as all creatures are and also need to be protected.

    Emily Taylor from EWT said, “Roadkill simply hasn't been studied here. The road ecology and how many endangered species are being killed, is something we need to know more about. We want people to report as much as possible.”

    There have been some other Apps to use in relation to wildlife spotting in South Africa, but most of them are about animals that have not been knocked down, including those helping to collect information of where certain species have been seen, such as in parks.

