
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Every year on April 22, People all over the world celebrate Earth Day. It is a time to work to keep our earth clean. People plan projects to clean up the land, air and water.

    U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson first thought of the idea for Earth Day in 1962 when he saw polluted rivers and cities with smoke. He needed to get support from Americans to clean up the earth. Finally, on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans celebrated the first Earth Day! Now many countries around the world celebrate it, and you can, too.

    How can you celebrate Earth Day? Here are a few ideas:

    Join a clean-up project-Clean up your street or a favorite beach.

    Save energy-Turn off the lights when you leave a room, and use public transportation.

    Use less water.

    Reduce(减少)/ Reuse/ Recycle ― Practice the three Rs: First, reduce how much you use. Then reuse or recycle what you can.

    You can make a difference on Earth Day and every day!

(1)、People celebrate World Earth Day every year to _____.
A、have great fun B、keep our earth clean C、get to know each other D、get support
(2)、How do people around the world celebrate Earth Day?
A、By using more cars. B、By helping clean up the land, air and water. C、By polluting rivers and cities. D、By taking fewer buses.
(3)、Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A、Americans celebrated the first Earth Day. B、Three Rs mean reduce, reuse and recycle. C、Now about 20 million people celebrate the Earth Day. D、People celebrate Earth Day by helping to do some public cleaning.
(4)、The best title of this passage is _____.
A、Three Rs B、A Clean-up Project C、World Earth Day D、Save Energy
    A recent survey of 2000 parents in Britain showed that they are often afraid of science questions asked by their curious children only because they have no idea what the answer is. Here is a list of some simple questions that you can ask your parents to see if they know the answers.
    Q: Why is the sky blue?
    A: You probably know white sunlight is made up of seven colors. While it moves in a straight line when going through space, it starts to divide as it hits “raised area” in the atmosphere. The ones with longest wavelengths pass through easily. The blue , however , can be taken in by the gas molecules (分子) because it has a shorter wavelength , which in turn scatters (使分散) it in different directions. That's why when you look up at the sky, it appears to be blue.
    Q: Why does the moon sometimes appear during the daytime?
    A: The simple answer to that is because just like any other object it is being lit by the sun. As long as it is around 45 degrees or even 90 degrees off the sun, it will receive light and be able to be seen. The only time it is not able to be seen during its 28-day orbit (轨道) around the earth is when it is right between the earth and the sun. That's because its back , which is not lit by the sun, is facing us.
    Q: Where do birds/ honeybees go in winter?
    A: While the bird part is quite easy, since a lot of them get together and travel, the honeybee part is likely to puzzle your parents. It turns out that these busy insects stop being that active when the temperature drops below 50°F. Instead ,they get together in the lower central area of the hive (蜂巢)and form a ball around their queen. This helps keep both warm enough to survive the cold winter months.


    "Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell." This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unknown person who lived in Rome in AD 53 wrote it. 

We all love new inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives. But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives?

    Picture this, you're rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, the noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How happy do you feel?

Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave up feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no car, not even any electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they live a simpler live.

     One family in the UK went "back in time" to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons Benjamin, 10 and Thomas, 7, spent nine weeks in a 1940s house. They had no washing machine, microwave, computer or mobile phones. The grandmother, Lyn, said, "The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes." The boys said they fought less. Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over, such as their computer. Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a "trendy, beer-drinking granny, to one who cooked things"   


    Computers can injure you. Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example, if you fall off a bicycle and break your arm, it happens very quickly. But computer injuries happen slowly.

Your eyes

    Too much light can injure your eyes, so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should be at least 50 centimeters from the screen. Remember to look away from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest.

    When you use a computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect(反射) on the screen. If the windows is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes.

Your hands and wrists(手腕)

    Hand and wrist injuries can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you use a keyboard for a long times, follow these three rules:  1) Rest your wrists on something.  2) Keep your elbows at the same height as the keyboard.  3) Stop sometimes and exercise your hands, wrists and fingers in a different way.

Your back

    Some people sit for many hours in front of a computer. If you sit in a wrong way, you can injure your back or your neck. So you should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should be in front of your eyes. Your forearms(前臂), wrists and hands should all be parallel to(与......平衡) the floor. If you are sitting for a long time, get up every 30 minutes and exercise your arms, legs and neck.

    Enjoy your computer, but use it safely.

