
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A few months after Wu Xingu was congratulated by teachers for graduating from the university, the 23-year-old has been making his dream of relieving tens of thousands of teachers in China from drowning in marking papers(改卷) a reality.

    Yitiku, an online software system based on Wu's idea, eases the workload of teachers by doing many of the functions that they did, such as selecting the test questions, forming an exam paper, and preparing exercises for the students.

    The features of Yitiku may sound quite simple, but this idea won his company millions of dollars from China's Internet giant Tencent in January. The unexpectedly successful fund raising story became a popular conversation starter among the people in the education business.

    "I can say it's quite an achievement for me and our company. As far as I know, I'm the first CEO born after 1990s that Tencent has invested (投资) in, and we are the first online education company they have invested in." Wu Xingyu told China Daily.

Different from other online companies that treat students as clients (客户), Yitiku has chosen teachers as their focus. "We make the work of teachers easy. Usually it takes two to three hours for them to prepare a new exam paper. Now it's just three clicks." said Wu. He is quite satisfied with the major feature of the software.

    Sitting in his 10-square-meter office in Zhonguancun, a hub of innovation (创新) in Beijing, Wu looks confident and chatty when talking about his business. His fast-speed answers give people an impression that he has years of experience in the online education sector. The fact is that he had been putting most of attention in directing courses at an art college until about a year ago.

(1)、The best title for this passage might be      .
A、23-year-old wants to ease workload of teachers B、the achievement made by a boy born after 1990s C、Yitiku, an online software system loved by teachers D、A 23-year-old surprises the China's Internet giant
(2)、Yitiku has the following function EXCEPT      .
A、designing test papers B、choosing the test questions C、teaching the students D、grading papers
(3)、The underlined word "hub" in the last paragraph means      .
A、special center B、small house C、big market D、supermarket
(4)、What will be continued after the last paragraph?
A、Wu's family background B、how Wu got the great idea C、what Wu studied in an art college D、Wu's experience in directing courses

    A sense of humor is something highly valued. A person who has a great sense of humor is often considered to be happy and socially confident. However, humor is a double-edged sword. Sometimes it can damage self-respect and annoy others.

    People who use bonding humor tell jokes and generally lighten the mood. They're thought to be good at reducing the tension in uncomfortable situations. They often make fun of their common experiences, and sometimes they may even laugh off their own misfortunes. The basic message they deliver is: We're all alike, we find the same things funny, and we're all in this together.

    Put-down humor, on the other hand, is an aggressive type of humor used to criticize others through teasing. When it's aimed against politicians, as it often is, it's extremely funny and mostly harmless. But in the real world, it may have a harmful effect. An example of such humor is telling friends an embarrassing story about another friend. When challenged about their teasing, the put-down jokers might claim that they are "just kidding," thus allowing themselves to avoid responsibility. This type of humor, though considered by some people to be socially acceptable, may hurt the feelings of the one being teased and thus have a bad effect on personal relationships.

    Finally, in hate-me humor, the joker is the target of the joke for the amusement of others. This type of humor was used by comedians John Belushi and Chris Farley—both of whom suffered for their success in show business. A small amount of such humor is charming, but routinely offering oneself up to be embarrassed destroys one's self-esteem, and fosters depression and anxiety.

    So it seems that being funny isn't necessarily an indicator of good social skills and well-being. In certain cases, it may actually have a negative effect on interpersonal relationships.


    Can you imagine walking into a gym and seeing dogs lifting weights or cats jogging? We're being a bit silly thinking of dogs and cats going to the gym, but we do have a reason. Just like human beings, pets that don't get enough exercise can become overweight.   
   Overweight pets can develop serious health problems just like we can. So, if you have a pet, part of being a good owner is making sure that your pet gets the right amount and kind of exercise.

    Before you start your pet on an exercise program, be sure to schedule a check-up for your pet and ask your veterinarian how much and what type of exercise your pet needs.

    Just like humans, pets need to be started out slowly. Over time, they will get fit and be able to exercise for longer periods of time. If you exercise alongside your pet, you'll benefit, too!

    Starting out, you might want to play with your pet for 15-20 minutes at a time. Gradually, you can turn those plays into several 30-minute walks or jogs each week. If your pet is especially active, you can extend them to an hour or longer.

    Of course, some pets, such as cats, may not be easy to take for a walk or a run. These pets still need exercise, though. Don't underestimate the value of energetic indoor play, such as games of chase, for these types of pets.

    As you start exercising with your pet, here are some things to keep in mind:

    Make sure your pet has plenty of water before, during, and after exercising.

    If you have older pets, don't push them as hard.

    Watch the heat! If you are outside, exercising with your pet will be best early in the morning or later in the day.


    China is known as a state of manners and ceremony. Many proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation such as "polite behavior costs nothing" or "showing respect each other" and so on. For instance, there is an interesting short story. Once upon a time, a man went on a long tour to visit his friend with a swan as a gift. But it escaped from the cage on the way. Though he tried hard, he got hold of nothing but a feather. Instead of returning home, he continued his journey with the swan feather. When his friend received this unexpected gift, he was deeply moved. And the saying "The gift is nothing much, but it's the thought that counts." was spread far and wide.

    Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a greeting. This tradition has a history of more than 2, 000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival. And shaking hands is more popular. Bowing, as to show respect to the higher level, is often used by the lower like subordinates(下级), students, and attendants. But at present Chinese youngsters prefer to simply nod as a greeting.

    When you start a talk with a stranger, the topics such as weather, food, or hobbies may be good choices to break the ice. For a man, a chat about sports, stock market or his job can usually go on smoothly. Similar to Western customs, you should be careful to ask a woman private questions. However, relaxing talks about her job or family life will never put you into danger. Though Chinese are said to be implicit(含蓄的), they are actually humorous enough to be pleased about the jokes of Americans.


    I live on the West Coast of British Columbia with my husband and three children. Our day started like any other day. My husband left for work in the north of the town, which is an hour and a half's drive. The younger children caught their bus to school ten minutes away. Our oldest attends high school and is a 40-minute drive away. I work at home in the office, working on the computer.

    It was November 2006 and the news had reported gusty winds. When the winds started to get strong I shut the computer down and tried to phone my husband. I left a message telling him the winds were blowing at 80 to 90 km/hr. As I hung up the phone, I heard a tree crack. I went outside and stood in the driveway. Another tree exploded and my heart was racing.

    When the school bus carrying the youngsters arrived, I ran to get them. No sooner had we made it to the house than another tree exploded. The children were clearly scared, so I loaded them up into the car and we parked in the middle of the yard, where no trees could land on us, it was starting to get dark.

    My oldest son didn't come home on the bus and my husband was stranded at work. I called the high school and reached my son. He said he was stranded and didn't know what to do. I called a friend in town for help. He managed to get my son home to me. Finally, my husband managed to get home.

    We had been prepared for such events, as we had a generator, candles, a wood stove, fresh water, batteries and two freezers full of food. We were without power for five days. But we didn't panic we had all the emergency equipment we needed. Thankfully, none of our neighbours were injured, but the damage was extensive. We are witnessing climate change. We need to be prepared.


    Western conservation groups are seeking stricter laws to deal with trade in endangered wildlife, but Dr. Paul Jepson warns that this isn't the best solution. He highlights the case of the Bali starling (八哥). Bringing in tougher laws created unexpected outcomes, which contributed to the bird's extinction in the wild in 2006.

    He said that the traditional law enforcement (执行) approach that outlawed (宣布……非法) ownership of the Bali starling in the 1980s and 1990s increased rather than reduced the demand for wild-caught Bali starlings. The bird has become a popular gift among the rich of Indonesia, who can gain more status by owning one.

    Instead, a case-by-case analysis might be needed. Last year, he said, a bird association set up a network of breeders (饲养者) among the owners of Bali starling on the island of Java. By introducing a "crowd-breeding" model, it transformed the bird into a species whose price and source of supply were publicly known. This lessened the status of keeping such birds and thereby reduced their profitability to black market suppliers.

    Another case was on Nusa Penida, an island southeast of Bali. A Balinese conservation group planned to release starlings on the island. Critics tried to block the plan, saying the island was outside the birds' native zone. Eventually, the Governor of Bali came up with a proposal. The starlings were given to a local temple as a ceremonial offering before they were released. This gave the Bali starling status as a "sacred bird", giving them protection under customary laws. Now the released starlings established a breeding population on Nusa Penida.

    Dr. Jepson commented, "I do not want to criticize the international approach seeking tighter law enforcement, but this case study shows we should not oversimplify how we respond to the problem of the wildlife trade. There is a growing body of evidence that shows more different approaches are sometimes needed to fit with the local social and political realities. We should tailor solutions on more of a case-by-case basis."

