
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Stop reading for a minute and think about what you see when you look up at the sky on a clear night. You probably see many stars(星星). Long long ago, farmers watch some stars to know when to plant their crops. Travellers did so to find their way in the dark. Today stars are still important to some people.

    Scientists find that most stars are very big. In fact some stars are so far away that it would take millions of years to get to them even by spaceship.

    Another thing we know today about stars is that some are made up of(由……组成) hot gases. The gases are so hot that they send out light. If you watch a star carefully, you may notice that it twinkles(闪烁) sometimes. As you may understand, light from a star must shine through the air before you can see the star. Air is always moving, it makes light from the star move back and forth. When the light moves, it makes the star twinkle. Stars also have different colours. The colours of a star depend on how hot it is. To our surprise, the cool stars are red and the hottest stars are white.

(1)、Long long ago, travellers      to find their way in the dark
A、made a fire B、used a lamp C、watched stars D、used sticks(棍)
(2)、Why does a star sometimes twinkle?
A、Because its light travels through the moving air. B、Because its light is too bright. C、Because it is made up of hot gases. D、Because it is too dark.
(3)、Red stars are      .
A、hot B、cold C、warm D、cool
(4)、Which is the TURE according to the passage?
A、Today stars are not important to people at all. B、It took us a short time to get to the stars by spaceship. C、You can see the star before it shines through the air. D、Farmers knew when to plant their crops by watching some stars.
(5)、The gases can send out light because    .
A、they are very far away B、they are very hot C、they have different colours D、they can move
I have been using the Internet since I was five years old, when my dad first sat me down in front of a computer and connected me the World Wide Web.
I've always felt like a master of the Internet world. AOL Instant Messaging, MSN, Gmail, Facebook. Myspace—I've got it all under control. I thought there was nothing more to it besides checking my e-mail and wasting my time, until I was introduced to electronic commerce(e-commerce): business on the Internet.
Some online business are run from one- room home offices. Others have hundreds of employee(雇员)spread across five different continent. Have you ever heard of Amazon. com, Yahoo. com?
My friends often said they got cheap textbooks off Amazon.com, or had a good deal(交易)on Steve Madden boots that were on sale at SteveMaden.com. Unfortunately for me, I continued my "e-commerceless"Web-surfing, unaware(不知道)of all the deals I was missing out on.
That is, of course, until my sister finally sold the idea to me.
"Why are all these packages arriving in the mail for you, Katy?" I asked her one day. Strange envelopes had been put on our doorstep for weeks now, each one always addressed to my sister and we all know little sisters should never be getting more mail than their elders!
"Oh, it's the things I ordered online!" she answered. I watched speechlessly as she opened them. There was no way our parents were letting her spend that much money- online or off!
"How much did all of this coat?"
"Oh, only about $15in all!" She said excitedly. "Everything on eBay is on sale! It's way better than going to the mall."
I felt as if my entire life, there had been a store right in my backyard that I had never walked into! That week, I ordered a used Spanish textbook for my summer course online for 10 percent of the publishing price. A few days later, I bought an iPod protector and a book or two via the wonderful eBay.com.


    Although cats may be one of the most popular pets today, little is known about how and when humans and cats set up their close relationship.

    The earliest evidence for human–cat interaction dates back to prehistoric Cyprus(史前塞浦路斯), where the remains of a wild cat and a human — dated 9,500 years old — were found buried together

A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has confirmed the first direct evidence of a human–domestic cat relationship among Chinese farmers 5,300 years ago. Researchers studied the bones of cats, dogs, deer and other animals unearthed in an excavation (挖掘) near a village in Central China. By using some ways, scientists showed that the cats were living on a mostly millet(黍)–based diet, just like the domesticated dogs and pigs from the site.

"The most reasonable explanation for a high consumption of millet–based food is that the cats had formed a stable and mutual relationship with humans and could easily feed on rodents (啮齿动物) around human villages, find leftover food or even have been fed by people intentionally," said Hu Yaowu from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, whose research focuses on the relationship between humans and domesticated animals.

    "It is very interesting for us to find the consumption of millet-based foods by the cats, since this kind of evidence had long been missing.” Hu explains. Since cats usually eat meat, such a diet would be unexpected, unless the cats were being fed by people, the study argues. The researchers also found that one of the cats survived to reach old age, implying that it had a safe place to live and enough to eat.

Why the farmers wanted to keep cats nearby or make them "pets" could be answered by other evidence. Chinese archaeologists found some storage containers were specifically designed to keep out rodents — a vermin (害兽) that cats could certainly have helped with.

The simplified theory is that rats were attracted to the food of farmers, and so were harmful to farmers. Cats were attracted to the rats, and so farmers formed a mutually beneficial relationship with cats, taking care of them in return for pest control.


    Do you know what the hump(驼峰) of a camel is used for? If you answered to store water, guess again. In fact, a camel's hump is a place for storing fat.

    Most animals, including humans, store fat throughout their bodies, under their skin. But camels store their fat in one place, their hump. A hump can weigh as much as 80 pounds. Why do camels keep their fat this way? The answer is most likely because of their environment. Camels can go up to two weeks without eating because they have this fat to live off.

    Also camels are great at handling(处理,应付) changes in body temperature. Their humps can help the camels keep cooler. Their coats also help them adapt(适应) to the heat. While the coat is thick, it reflects(反射)the sunlight and protects the camel from the heat that rises off the desert sand.

    There are two kinds of camels, those with one hump and those with two humps. Camels with one hump are called Dromedary or Arabian camels. They live in the dry deserts in West Asia. Camels with two humps are called Bactrian camels. They live in Central and East Asia.

    Besides their humps, camels have a lot of interesting facts. They can live between 40~50 years. They can carry about 400 pounds and run up to 40 miles per hour. It's true that camels can go long time without drinking water, and they can drink about 26 gallons of water at a time. Camels can also close their nostrils(鼻孔). So whether a camel has one hump or two, it is one amazing animal that is very well adapted to its environment.


    We need animals. Every animal has its place in the balance(平衡) of nature. We should try to help save the animals.

    Some people think zoos are good places. The zoos give the animals the comfortable and safe living places. If the animals get hurt or ill, people will take care of them. The zoo is a good place to know the rules in the wild world. We can be much closer to nature. We can know more about the animals in the zoos by watching, listening even smelling instead of just looking at the pictures in books.

    Some people don't think animals feel happy in the zoos. Animals like pandas, wolves and bears usually live in the wild. They play and find food by themselves. They are free and happy in the wild. If they are in the zoos, food is enough and rooms are comfortable. They do not need to do their best to find food to eat or places to stay in. They just walk around, sleep day and night, but they are not free at all.

    I think we should build national parks as wild life nature reserves to protect animals. If we do nothing, animals will get fewer and fewer.

Help save the animals

In the{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

The zoos{#blank#}2{#/blank#} the animals with comfortable and safe living places.

People will look{#blank#}3{#/blank#} the animals if they get hurt or ill.

People can be much {#blank#}4{#/blank#}to nature.

People can{#blank#}5{#/blank#}, listen even smell to know more about the animals.

Animals don't{#blank#}6{#/blank#} about their food or rooms.

Animals just walk around,{#blank#}7{#/blank#}day and night, but they are not free at all.

In the wild

Animals play and have to find food on their{#blank#}8{#/blank#}

Animals are{#blank#}9{#/blank#} and happy.

I think we should build national parks to {#blank#}10{#/blank#} animals.

