
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    When you're closing your eyes and hitting your pillow, you're probably not giving much thought about the sleeping position throughout the night. Most people don't change their sleeping positions throughout their lives. The following is why you might want to pay more attention: Your sleeping position can actually say a bit about who you are and what your personality is like.

    There are many sleeping positions. The fetal (胎儿的) sleeping position is generally the most common sleeping position. Fetal sleepers sleep on their side, they move into a position in which their body makes a rounded shape. People who sleep in the fetal position are often quite sensitive and generally shy. They are often worried or nervous and don't focus their attention on the main problem, but get into trouble on very small pieces of information.

    The log (木头) sleeper rests on the side with a straight body when hands and legs are kept at the sides. These sleepers are often relaxed, but also can easily believe lie-tellers. If you're a log sleeper, you might want to keep in mind that it's good to be easy-going and have less stress, but don't be so quick to go with the flow (流) at all times.

    The third one is the soldier position. Soldier sleepers typically lie on their backs with both arms close to their sides. In general, they are the strong and silent type. However, they can also put the pressure on. "They can be quite strict with themselves as well as others," a scientist added.

(1)、The writer mentioned _____ sleeping position(s) in the passage.
A、one B、two C、three D、four
(2)、The underlined word "sensitive" in Para. 2 means "_______".
A、脆弱的 B、敏感的 C、果断的 D、热心的
(3)、Tim is a log sleeper, and he may _______.
A、be worried and may care about details (细节) B、like keeping quiet when he stays with his friends C、face the pressure he has bravely D、be easy to go with the flow.
(4)、Which is not TRUE according to the passage?
A、most people have the same sleeping position in their lives. B、the fetal position is the most common sleeping position. C、the log sleepers are relaxed but easily believe lie-tellers. D、soldier sleepers lie on backs with hands behind the head.
(5)、What's the best title for the passage?
A、Different Sleeping Positions B、Sleeping Positions And Personalities C、Healthy Sleeping Positions D、Sleeper's Personal Life

    We always think that it's OK for us to leave our plants home during our vacation as plants won't scream like pets, right?

    A recent study done by a group of scientists at the Tel Aviv University has discovered that some plants will scream when they are under stress.

    The research was carried out on tomato plants and tobacco plants by cutting their stems (茎) and depriving (剥夺) them of water. A microphone was placed 10cm away from them. When their stems were cut, the plants started "screaming" between 20 and 100 kilohertz, and the scientists guess that this scream is probably meant to warn other plants nearby.

    When the tomato plants' stems were cut, 25 ultrasonic (超声的) pain sounds were recorded in an hour, and at the same time, 15 ultrasonic pain sounds were recorded from the tobacco plants. When they were deprived of water, the tomato plants recorded even more pain sounds with 35 pain sounds in an hour while the tobacco plants recorded about 11 pain sounds.

    The plants also acted differently to different kinds of stresses. For example, the tobacco plants gave out a stronger "scream" when they were deprived of water than when their stems were cut. But plants that were in no immediate (立刻的) danger gave out less than one ultrasonic sound per hour.

    The group of scientists said that plants are not as quiet as we had always thought, but in fact their voices are so high-pitched that we just can't hear them.

    Last year, another study has found out that plants feel pain when they are touched or hurt and they will give off a terrible smell.

