
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

浙江外研版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷(五)(含听力音频)


    I'm a man. My name is Jiang Hongshi. I'm thirty. I'm from Wenzhou. I work in an office of a big company in Hong Kong now. My birthday is on 26th,May. My postal code is 110081. And my telephone is 07318853693. I like ball games very much. And my favourite music is country music. Yang Lan is my favourite famous person. I want to learn more English from the net school. Can you help me fill my personal information in the form?

Personal Information

Name:Jiang Hongshi

Sex(性别):    Birthday:


Job:an office worker of a big company

Postal code:410081


Favourite sports:

Favourite music:country music

Favourite famous person:


    On Noah's Ark(诺亚方舟), Noah and his animals were playing games happily and noisily, but suddenly a woodpecker(啄木鸟) made a hole in the bottom of the ark. As water began entering the boat, the hole got bigger, so more water came in and things got a bit worse.

    One by one, different animals tried to fix the hole and they even tried to show that they were better than others and everyone wanted to be the animals that could save the ship. Each animal tried its best but still couldn't help. Everyone was frightened and worried that the boat would sink. That was, until the bee started talking. The bee explained to everyone how bees always worked together as a team, each one doing the job they were best at. On hearing this, all the animals set about working together, each one playing their part by using their won special talent. The birds lift the ship up with their mouths, and moved their wings greatly to make the boat up above the water a little. The elephants drank the water in their trunks(树干) and shot it back into the sea. The fastest animals ran here and there to collect things.

    And so, by working together for two and half an hour, the animals stopped the water form coming into the ship completely and they were safe in the end.

The place where the water entered the ship through


The animal that told the importance of working together


The thing that the animals were using to play their parts


The time that the animals spent in stopping the water form coming into the ship


The end of the animals were


