
试题 试卷


题型:阅读还原 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

浙江新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下册单元测试卷(十一)(含听力音频)



    Develop an "ear" for that language. This means that you should always listen to what others are saying and then repeat it.


    For everything that you have in your house, label(贴标签)its name in this language. You can place these labels in your living room, kitchen, and even the bathroom. You would be surprised by how quickly you've picked up so many new words by using this method.


    Find some books to read. You will find it easier to read if you choose the ones that you're interested in. You should remember the useful phrases and beautiful sentences while reading.


    One of the best ways to learn a new language is to find a partner. So try to make more friends and find a partner to help you. You will find you can talk with others in that language more and more fluently(流利地).


    If all these methods can't help you, take some training classes. It may cost you a little bit of money, but they can really take your language learning to a new level.

A. Do some reading

B. Put labels on things you have

C. Have training classes

D. Practice with a partner

E. Listen and repeat

下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A,B,C,D,E,F)中选出 符合各段意思的首句,选项中有一项是多余选项。

Family Traditions

    Where are your family traditions? The following information comes from several readers:

JARED:{#blank#}1{#/blank#}We take turns picking a movie to watch together. It's fun because I watch something my parents like, and they watch something I like. My mother likes old black and white movies, so I see a lot of them! We also make pizza and eat it in front of the TV.

WINNIE:{#blank#}2{#/blank#} My favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs. My mom usually cooks, but my dad and sister help. On my sister's birthday, we eat pizza. On my mom's birthday, we have chicken, and on my dad's birthday we have steak. Of course, we always have a birthday cake, too. What are your family tradition? The following information comes from several readers:

DANNI:{#blank#}3{#/blank#}My family is really busy. We have a large family, and it's not easy for everyone to get together at the same time. On that day, we go to a nice restaurant and we talk and talk and talk.

SUZIE:{#blank#}4{#/blank#}After dinner, we go to the living room and play a board game, such as Scrabble  or Monopoly. We have about seven different ones we play, but we only play one game a night. I plan to keep this tradition after I start my own family.

ROB:{#blank#}5{#/blank#}I get up early and make something special, such as a mushroom omelet with fruit salad. Then I put it on a tray with a newspaper and a flower, and bring it to my mother for breakfast in bed. She always acts surprised, but I do it every year.

A.Every Friday night we have games night.

B.On our birthdays we get our favorite meal.

C.Once a month we have movie and pizza night.

D.Every year, on Mother's Day, I make breakfast for my mother.

E.On Friday nights my parents watch movies while I play games.

F.On the first Saturday of every month we go out to eat together.

信息归纳: 阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容完成下面的信息卡。

    Here is a story of a dog. It saved his owner, Audrey Stone, who was a lady and had poor vision (视力).

    Figo, an eight-year-old dog, is Audrey Stone's third service dog. "He protects me and loves me. We are friends," Stone said.

    On a Monday, Stone and Figo were on their way back from their "usual daily walk". When they prepared to cross a street, "I gave him the order to cross the street," Stone said.

    "I said, 'Forward.' And we were in the middle of the street and it happened so quickly, but people said he just jumped at the school bus and saved me," Stone said.

    The school bus was carrying two children to a learning center. Luckily they were not injured. Stone said she didn't remember much of the accident, but one image (画面) stayed with her: a wounded Figo staying by her side, holding up his wounded right paw (爪子).

    "I knew he was hurt," she continued. "I remember Figo standing there, looking at me, trying to get close to me, but he didn't know what to do. Because he knew I was hurt." Figo had an operation (手术) on his right front leg. Figo's vet (兽医) said his leg was getting better.

    Stone said she was sure of one thing, "I'd have been sad if he had got killed." But, she added, they both lived to tell the story.

Information Card

⒈The name of the dog's owner


⒉The age of the dog


⒊The time when the story happened


⒋The reason why Stone had to have service dog


⒌The man/thing that saved Stone


