
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Job Information(信息)

    Do you like kids? Can you help look after (照顾) kids on weekends? Then call Henry at 897-4592. We are at 32 Green Street.

    Can you dance well? Do you want to teach in a dance club? You need to work in the evenings. Please call Mike at 670-3482. Our address is 78 Guo Street.

    Are you good at Chinese? Can you teach our kids Chinese? Can you work on Sunday mornings? Come to 90 Oak Street. Our phone number is 784-3204.

    Are you a good cook (厨师)? Are you good at cooking breakfast? Come to our hotel at 68 Pine Road. Please call 483-0319 first.

(1)、Alicia wants to find a job to look after kids. Who may she call?
(2)、Melissa calls Mike at 670-3482 and gets (得到) the job. What can she do?
(3)、After reading the job information, Tom comes to 90 Oak Street. What does he want to be?
(4)、Jill likes cooking. What number may she call for a job?
(5)、Jerry wants to find a job but he can only work in the afternoon. Can he find a job?
    Shopping is popular with many people around the world. They seem to find new ways to buy things every day. They visit shopping centers, order things through the mail, or buy things on the Internet.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}  
    For young people, one of the most popular ways to shop is to use a vending machine (自动售货机). These machines offer all kinds of things and you can find them everywhere. In the USA, there are vending machines which sell CDs.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} The strangest product on sale from a vending machine is in Japan. Just put your coins in the vending machine Tokyo, press the button, and out comes a “kabutomushi”,that is, a black beetle(甲壳虫). You keep it as a pet!
   Japan now has “Robosho”—a shop with no shop assistants, only robots. A robot reads your credit card(信用卡)and then gives you what you what.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}  People are very surprised that the robots can serve them as well as shop assistants do.
    Some shops in the UK are like social clubs for teenagers. Many of them have a café inside. The Youth Station has a large nightclub for teenagers under 18, with a DJ playing music in a room that hangs the ceiling. Sports Town has a big screen, where you can see live sports from around the world.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

A . And some robots can even talk.
B .Many American people usually go shopping.
C .You won't miss any exciting ball games even when you go 

D .shopping.
E .People's shopping habits are always changing.
F .New CDs are put in the machine every week.


    The following are some project rules for the students of Sunshine Secondary School. 

    A Famous Building

    Build a model of a famous building. You can use wood, paper and glue but you mustn't use other things. You have to paint the model. Next class, you must describe your building but it doesn't have to be long.

    Musical Instruments

    You must make two musical instruments with plastic bottles. You can't use materials from toys or real instruments (乐器). In class, you have to play some music with the instruments for three minutes.

    A Short Film

    Make a film about your group. You can bring a video camera or a mobile phone from home. The film has to be in English. You can interview people in your group but their answers mustn't be long. You must play the film in class and introduce your group in three minutes.

    A Chopstick Plane

    You must make a plane with two chopsticks. You can use paper and glue but you can't use metal. You must test the plane in front of your teacher and your classmates in the playground. It has to fly for ten seconds.

Class Project {#blank#}1{#/blank#}



A Famous Building

* Use wood, paper and {#blank#}2{#/blank#} to build the model.

* Paint the model and describe it in a {#blank#}3{#/blank#} time.

Musical Instruments

* Use {#blank#}4{#/blank#} bottles to make two musical instruments.

* Play music {#blank#}5{#/blank#} the instruments for three minutes.

A Short Film

* Make a film in {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.

* Play the film in class and {#blank#}7{#/blank#} your group in three minutes.

A {#blank#}8{#/blank#} Plane

* Use paper and glue {#blank#}9{#/blank#} of using metal to make a plane.

* Test the plane in the playground and {#blank#}10{#/blank#} it for ten seconds.

Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)

    Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in 1835, in the state of Missouri. When he was four, his family moved to the town of Hannibal, Missouri. Hannibal was a port on the Missippi River, and Clemens loved to watch the big steamboats going up and down the river. He said that all the boys in his school had one ambition in life: to work on a steamboat!

    His father died when he was just 12 years old, and Clemens then went to work for a printer to help support his family. He travelled around, and worked in many different cities. But when he was 22, he achieved his ambition—he got a job working on a steamboat. He sailed up and down the wide Missippi River until the American Civil War began.

    He then moved around America, and tried several jobs. He was a soldier, and a silver miner. Then he started working as a writer for a newspaper. It was at that time that he decided to use a pen name for his stories, and he chose the name "Mark Twain".

    The name is interesting. It comes from his days on the steamboats. He used to throw a piece of rope into the river. There was a heavy weight on the end of the rope, and the rope had some marks on it. He used the rope to find how deep the river was. Then he shouted out, "Mark One" or "Mark Twain", meaning "Mark Two". Each mark was about two metres, so when he shouted "Mark Twain", it meant that the river was deep enough for the big boat.

    In 1865 Clemens wrote a story about a jumping frog. The story and the writer became famous. In 1867 he toured Europe. He married when he returned, and lived for most of the rest of his in Harfort, Connecticut. He wrote many books, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, which he wrote in 1876. He also gave many lectures, and became a very famous and popular man.

    Once two of his friends decided to write to him, but they had lost his address. So on the envelope they just wrote "Mark Twain, God knows where". Several weeks later, they received a replay from the writer. It just said, "He does!"

    Samuel Clemens died in 1910. He is considered to be one of America's most important writers.

