
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Some parts of the garden are for the rest of the world to admire. Others are for you to disappear to when you don't want to be found. Of course, that's easy enough to arrange when you have lots of land with space for the kids to run round and cosy "garden rooms" for the adults to enjoy. But when your garden is on the small side, you might think it's a tall order. Well, you're wrong.

    To create a secret garden, people tend to take the routine: surrounding a small garden with high fences and then placing a lawn(草坪) in the middle and borders round the edge. Far from making the most of the area, that just makes it look a lot smaller and more boring. Dividing it up makes much more use of your space and means you can have your practical family area plus a secret garden.

    When you're searching for the perfect secret site within your existing set-up, consider your present favourite spot. A secret garden needs to be special—a complete contrast to the more practical family parts of the garden. Perhaps you take a folding chair down to a quiet corner that gets evening sun; maybe you sit and watch the pond or simply slip out to the patio(露台)with a glass of wine.

    It's quite easy to change an existing favourite feature into a secret place. You could top the patio with a pergola(棚架) pole and plant a grapevine for shade, or position a bench overlooking the pond and plant bamboos to screen it from the rest of the garden.

    The areas you create needn't all to be the same size—or even the same style—but if you're planning a major redesign, take your time and work it out on paper before committing time and money. Then when it's done, you'll really be able to relax and enjoy it.

(1)、What assumption lies behind this passage?
A、Grapevine are widely used as shade in gardens. B、Parents need their own space in the garden. C、Family members should share everything. D、Gardens are different in size and style.
(2)、The underlined phrase "a tall order" (in Paragraph 1) probably means ________.
A、a difficult task B、a costly decision C、an unwise attempt D、an unfair business
(3)、What's the author's solution for a cozy space in a small garden?
A、Place a lawn in the middle. B、Build borders around the lawn. C、Surround the garden with high fences. D、Have a separate space within the garden.
(4)、What's the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A、To offer tips on a small getaway in the garden. B、To share personal experience in gardening. C、To recommend best plants for small gardens. D、To advertise some new designs of gardens.
    The struggle begins in high school, sometimes earlier. Deadlines, and lots of them, start to pile up. At college, the pressure sometimes leads to last-minute rush and unsatisfactory work. At work, failing to meet deadlines can easily get you fired. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} .Here are a few best practices.
    ●Assign deadlines to what matters.
    If the task isn't of high importance, don't set a specific deadline. In this way, you are able to keep it on your radar for a while without feeling pressured. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} This will provide just enough pressure to ensure you get it done.
    ● {#blank#}3{#/blank#} .
    Set a personal deadline for yourself a day or two before the actual deadline. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} .If you're working with a group of people, add in even more time to account for potential follow-ups and the need for approvals.
    ●Keep communicating.
     {#blank#}5{#/blank#} . This means letting others know when something is taking longer than expected, when a delivery didn't come in, when a client is not providing the necessary information, etc. Although it may feel embarrassing to admit that something is not on schedule, being honest is much better for relieving your stress.
A. Plan for flexible hours
B. Finish your project as early as possible
C. But if an activity is urgent, set a deadline immediately
D. In this way, you'll never have to stay up late and feel stressed
E. But handled properly, deadlines can actually improve productivity
F. Whenever you feel challenged to finish work on time, communicate
G. So if anything takes longer than expected, you can still wrap it up and submit it on time

    Controlling your food longings and dropping pounds fast is easy: Just eat breakfast. The editors of Eat This, Not That! carried out researches to determine some best breakfast food for weight loss.

Black Beans

    Protein, per 1/2 cup: 7g

    Black beans will not only fill you up for hours but also help slim you down. Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center researchers found that with black beans consumed daily, study participants' fat reduced by 4 percent over two years.

Peanut Butter

    Protein, per 2 tbsp: 7—8g

    While processed peanut butter is filled with sugar and oils, the real stuff is made with just two ingredients: salt and peanuts. The peanut is filled with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Nutritionist and personal trainer Kristin Reisinger suggests using the healthy fat in an AM smoothie.
Almond Butter

    Protein, per 2 tbsp: 7—8g

    “Almond butter is high in protein, fiber and monounsaturated fats,” says Martha McKittrick, RDN, CDE. “Studies have also shown that people who eat nuts are less likely to become overweight than those who avoid them, likely because it helps you feel fuller.” To get the benefits at breakfast, McKittrick suggests spreading some nut butter on the whole grain toast.


    Protein, per two large eggs: 13g

    “Eggs are an excellent source of protein and other healthy nutrients including fat-burning choline(胆碱),” says McKittrick. Choline, also found in lean meats, seafood and collard greens, attacks the gene mechanism that causes your body to store fat around your liver, according to Zero Belly Cookbook. The more eggs you eat, the less egg-shaped you get.


    Since English biologist Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, scientists have vastly improved their knowledge of natural history. However, a lot of information is still of the speculation, and scientists can still only make educated guesses at certain things.

    One subject that they guess about is why some 400 million years ago, animals in the sea developed limbs (肢) that allowed them to move onto and live on land.

    Recently, an idea that occurred to the US paleontologist (古生物学家) Alfred Romer a century ago became a hot topic once again.

    Homer thought that tidal (潮汐的) pools might have led to fish gaining limbs. Sea animals would have been forced into these pools by strong tides. Then, they would have been made either to adapt to their new environment close to land or die. The fittest among them grew to accomplish the transition (过渡) from sea to land.

    Romer called these earliest four-footed animals “tetrapods”. Science has always thought that this was a credible theory, but only recently has there been strong enough evidence to support it.

    Hannah Byrne is an oceanographer (海洋学家) at Uppsala University in Sweden. She announced at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Oregon, US, that by using computer software, her team had managed to link Homer's theory to places where fossil deposits (沉积物) of the earliest tetrapods were found.

    According to the magazine Science, in 2014, Steven Balbus, a scientist at the University of Oxford in the UK, calculated that 400 million years ago, when the move from land to sea was achieved, tides were stronger than they are today. This is because the planet was 10 percent closer to the moon than it is now.

    The creatures stranded in the pools would have been under the pressure of “survival of the fittest”, explained Mattias Green, an ocean scientist at the UK's University of Bangor. As he told Science, “After a few days in these pools, you become food or you run out of food... the fish that had large limbs had an advantage because they could flip (翻转) themselves back in the water.”

    As is often the case, however, there are others who find the theory less convincing. Cambridge University's paleontologist Jennifer Clark, speaking to Nature magazine, seemed unconvinced. “It's only one of many ideas for the origin of land-based tetrapods, any or all of which may have been a part of the answer,” she said.


    Four books that will change your life

    If you're already working 9-5, you might not have much time to read. With the Blinkist app, you can get the key information from the best nonfiction books in minutes, not hours or days. Start with the four most-read titles on self-improvement.

    Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin

    You can't escape misfortune in life. But you can change how you respond to it. Do you struggle to get over your failures? Or live with things out of your control? Getting over these troubles can have a great influence on your everyday life, Morin shares how her most successful therapy(治疗)patients overcame these difficulties.

    How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

    Ever wondered why you can't stop worrying about something? No matter how hard you try, do you focus on the same issue? By defining the source of your stress, you can get over it once and for all. Camegie came up with an effective way that helps you deal with any over-thinking situation.

    Finding Your Element by Ken Rotoinson

    Society often encourages us to follow a certain linear plan. Everyone has a passion. If you don't know what yours is, it just means you haven't discovered it yet. Or perhaps you have, buth disappeared early in life. Find out how you can break free of society's strict rules and find your calling in life.

    Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

    Did you know if your pulse rate rises above 100 bpm, you're considered too emotional to think rationally(理智地)? You probably let feelings cloud your judgment more often than you know. Goleman explains how you can avoid letting your emotions rule you and make better decisions in life.


    Scientists are studying different foods, and they will see which foods protect us from cancer (癌症), and which cause it. It is known that a healthy diet (饮食) will help keep a healthy body weight, which can also decrease the risk (风险) of many types of cancer.

    Fruit and vegetables

    Fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They can decrease the risk of some cancer types like mouth and throat cancer. They are a good source of many important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and are an excellent source of fiber.

    Our advice

    Try to get plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Eating fruit and vegetables with a variety of colors will help you get many kinds of vitamins and minerals as the chemicals that give these foods their colors are good for you.


    Eating lots of red and processed meat can increase (增加) your risk of stomach cancer. Red meat includes all fresh and frozen beef, pork and lamb. Processed meat includes ham, bacon and sausage. White meat, such as chicken, is unlikely to increase your risk of cancer.

    Our advice

    Eat smaller and fewer parts of red and processed meat. Try using beans or peas instead of meat in your diet. When you cook meat, use low-temperature methods.


    Fat is a necessary part of our diet but high-fat diet can increase our risk of cancer, heart disease and other diseases. Meat is higher in saturated fat (饱和脂肪) and eating too much saturated fat may increase your risk of breast cancer.

    Our advice

    Try not to eat too much fatty foods. In particular, try to cut down on saturated fat contained in fatty meat, biscuits, and butter. Try to avoid frying foods in lots of oil.

