
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Keeping Safe in your House During a Fire

    Though you may not think you'll ever fall victim to a house fire, it's better to be prepared to avoid panicking. To increase your chances of survival, just follow these steps.

    ⒈React as soon as you hear your smoke alarm goes off. On hearing your smoke detector or alarm going off and seeing a fire, exit your home as safely as possible.

    ⒉Safely exit through doors. If you don't see smoke at the door, open it slowly and pass through it after making sure the door feels cool. If there is a fire preventing you from exiting the room, close the door.

    ⒊Protect yourself from smoke inhalation(吸入). Get low to the floor and crouch or crawl on your hands and knees to avoid the smoke.  Cover your nose and mouth if you have to walk by or through a heavily smoke-filled room.

    ⒋ If your clothes catch fire, immediately stop what you're doing, drop flat to the ground, and roll around until you put the fire out.

    ⒌Prevent the smoke if you can't get out.  Close your door and cover all vents(通风口)and cracks(缝隙)around it with cloth or tape to keep the smoke out.

    ⒍Call for help from a second story window. You can take a sheet or something else—white preferably—and hang it out of the window to signify that you need help when the first res-ponders get there.

A. If you can't escape your home, don't panic.

B. Stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch fire.

C. You are probably a lot safer by closing doors.

D. Escape from a second story window if you can.

E. Smoke inhalation causes people to become unconscious.

F. Do not try to get your phone, valuables, or your other important possessions.

G. If you are trapped in your second story room, get to an area where people can find you.


    We eat in our cars, at our desks, on the go, and in front of the TV. We eat take-out, packaged and prepared meals. Why? Because it fits our not-enough-time-in-the-day lifestyles{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Well, I'm certainly not the first one to think it—or say it—but we all need to slow down.

    Consumer trends around the globe show that over the past three decades people are purchasing more prepared foods at the grocery and eating out more than ever before. It's predicted that we'll spend more at restaurants in the coming years{#blank#}2{#/blank#}However, we're getting less healthy.

    While debates can be seen indifferent media over the food industry's contribution to our growing waistlines and our health problems, the bottom line is this{#blank#}3{#/blank#}We can choose to eat a fast-food lunch on the go. We can throw a frozen meal in the microwave and call it dinner. We can eat without thinking, in front of the tube, at our computers, and while driving a car.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Studies have shown meaningful links between family meals and kids' mental and physical well-being. Eating sensibly doesn't take much time or money, but it does require you to make a conscious decision to do so. Wrapped in endless work, appointments and social activities, we often fail to enjoy a relaxing meal with our families.

    While it can be a challenge to always put healthy eating first, just do your best. Remember that the food you eat has a more significant impact on your health, weight and well-being than almost any other activity you do.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Every meal made at home—even just once or twice a week—is a step closer to a healthier body and as lower food lifestyle.

A. Our food matches our lives.

B. Treat it with the importance that it deserves, but start small.

C. We're consuming an increasing number of calories.

D. Lunch is the biggest calorie intake when it comes to eating out.

E. Purchase food locally and skip as many packaged items as you can.

F. What we eat, where we eat and how we eat are all under our control.

G. We can devote an hour of the day to enjoying a meal with our families.


    Whether you've been in college or you're looking forward to going to university in the future, you and your family likely spend some time worrying about the cost of your college education.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} However, that will pay off for years to come. Earning scholarships is a great way to help you. The Financial Aid Office at Illinois State helps students identify scholarship opportunities every day. Here is some advice to help you.


    Have you asked your high school or community college financial aid office about scholarships at your school? Many schools have a list of several scholarships right there.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Check with community organizations, banks and credit unions, and large employers who may offer scholarship opportunities in your area.

    Find your “hook”

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Your unique characteristics can help your scholarship applications stand out. Pay special attention to awards that mention your best qualities, whether that's academic achievements, leadership, community service, or something less common. Think about why a donor wants to assist you in paying for your education. Most scholarship providers want to encourage a particular behavior. Companies may want to attract future employees.

    Develop a routine

    Every scholarship is different in terms of when you can apply, what you need to turn in, when the winner is announced, and how the money is given to you.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} There isn't a single application or search engine that allows you to find and apply for everything. Visit the website for the Office of Student Financial Aid for lists of scholarship opportunities. Go through the lists to find the ones that match you best and keep track of when you can apply for them.

A. While you're searching, consider what makes you special as a student.

B. Typically, scholarship applications open in the late fall or early spring for the next school year's awards, but that also varies depending on the donors.

C. There is no doubt that college education is a necessary step to get yourselves prepared for the future.

D. Local awards can often be easier to get as the application pools are smaller and less competitive.

E. Begin in your own backyard

F. It's no secret that college is one of the biggest investments.

G. Believe in yourselves


A. Have a goal

B. Set an example

C. Don't use three words when one will do

D. Start keeping a diary if you don't, or start a blog

E. Consider taking on more writing tasks at work

F. Stick a new word to each house plant so you can study while watering

G. It also pays to create a good habit of guessing what the writer is really trying to say

    Learning how to use new words well will make it easier to learn a language and make you more knowledgeable.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. If you are committed to building your vocabulary, set a goal for yourself. Try to learn three new words a day and use them in your speech and writing. With great efforts, you can learn several thousand new words that you will remember and use.

    Write more. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Actively exercising your writing muscles will keep your vocabulary strong. Write letters to old friends and use lots of specific details. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. If you typically avoid composing memos or writing group emails or participating in group discussions, change your habits and write more. You might as well get paid while you are building your vocabulary.

    Use flash cards or post-it notes around your house. If you're going to make a habit of learning new words, try some simple memorization techniques. Hang post-its with the definition of a particular word you hope to memorize above the coffee maker, so you can study it while making your morning cup. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Even if you're watching TV or doing other activities, keep some flash cards with you and study your new words.

    Use accurate adjectives and precise nouns. The best writers aim to keep it short and accurate. Get out the dictionaries and use the most accurate words possible in your sentences. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. A word is a useful addition to your vocabulary if it reduces the number of the words in a sentence.


A. Although it is demanding

B. Whichever type is desired

C. However, an academic program is not required

D. For volunteer firefighters the procedure is similar

E. But joining a volunteer fire department is totally different

F. Training consists of classroom work and practical training

G. Also, a candidate must be able to respond quickly in emergencies

    There are several different types of fire departments. Some hire full-time paid firefighters and some are run entirely by volunteers. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, a firefighter must go through strict physical and academic training to ensure a strong knowledge of fire safety and the physical strength to handle the tasks required by member of a fire department.

    Joining a fire department requires that both physical and written tests are passed with scores showing a thorough knowledge of fire safety. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    The first step in joining a fire department as a paid firefighter is to submit an application as well as acquire the appropriate training. Usually firefighters must have a high school diploma, and some complete two-or-four-year programs in fire science at community colleges and universities. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, and if a candidate already has connections at a fire department, he may apply for a position straight out of high school.

    Once a candidate applies and is accepted for training at a fire department, he must then complete several weeks of training at the department's training center. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. When this is done, the candidate is sent to a fire company for a period of probation (实习). He has to continue training in the new position while being directed by experienced firefighters. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. An application must be submitted to the volunteer fire department, then if the application is accepted, the candidate will take a training program and then be required to pass a physical and written test. Firefighters must also become certified (认证) as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). The level of EMT certification is determined by the individual departments.


Top 3 Self-Discipline Techniques

    Self-discipline is the key to leading a healthier, happier and more successful life,{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. We have shared some self-discipline techniques below. Follow these self-discipline techniques to start living a better life.

    ⑴Start small

    The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step as the proverb goes.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Instead, stamina (耐力) is built up by doing a little more than the previous day's target.

    The same goes for discipline. Start by trying to carry out self-discipline techniques little by little every day for big results. Increase your goals over time.


    Staying self-disciplined requires motivation. It can be hard to stay motivated if you feel like you haven't made any progress so far. Tracking progress makes you aware of how much you've done and encourages you to keep going.

    ⑶Exercise your willpower

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Some days, sticking to the task is going to be difficult but by reminding yourself of the end in mind and how much the goal means to you, you will be able to ignore temporary temptations for long term gain.

    The above-mentioned self-discipline techniques have been proven to be extremely effective.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}, and it is the key to living a happy and fulfilling life.

A. Build a support system

B. Measure your goals

C. Willpower and self-discipline go hand in hand

D. Self-discipline is a feature found in many successful people

E. Self-discipline is linked to effective time management

F. However, it is easier said than done

G. You don't train for a marathon by running 10 kilometers on the first day


    A dog is known as man's best friend because it can enrich its owner's life in many ways.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Many teenagers suffer from periods of no self-confidence as they try to deal with adolescence(青春期) .

    A teenager without self-confidence may be unable to tell his parents about problems. With a dog around, it can be a huge comfort. A dog offers its unconditional love.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    All dogs need exercise, so taking his dog for a walk is the perfect opportunity for a teenager to get outdoors and enjoy fresh air and physical activity. Exercise allows people to take control of their bodies, which is good for their life.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Exercise releases chemicals which improve self-confidence.

    Dogs can help teenagers make new friends.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}A dog is a great ice­breaker, making the teenager feel comfortable with people he meets. The more confident they becomes when out and about with his dog,the more his self-confidence will improve.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}If a teenager is developing dangerous habits such as drinking, more action may be required. In these cases professional help should be sought. Parents should ask a health professional (专业人士) for advice if they believe there's a sign of a far more serious problem.

A. Pets offer an unconditional love that can be very helpful.

B. You don't have to worry about hurting your pet's feelings.

C. It simply accepts its owner for who he is and doesn't judge or question.

D. particularly, someone without self-confidence may find a pet dog helpful.

E. A teen may meet someone of the same age while walking his dog in the park.

F. In some cases, having a dog will not help improve a teenager's self-confidence.

G. Many forms of exercise besides walking can be enjoyed with a dog, such as cycling.

