
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    American schools do not have separate classes for boys and girls. If boys want to cook or to sew, they can learn these things in classes that are no longer just for girls. If girls want to repair cars, they can now learn this in school. Most students like to have boys and girls on the same baseball team.

    Many boys and girls dress alike in school. They wear blue jeans and sport shirts. Some have long hair and some have short hair. Sometimes a boy has longer hair than a girl.

    Even the language is different. Students learn to say fire fighter instead of fireman, police officer instead of policeman, and letter carrier instead of mailman. A person does not need to be a man to fight a fire or to deliver the mail.

    Most people think that these changes are great. They give all people an equal chance to be happy and to do what they want to do with their lives. Fathers like to tell their sons that they can grow up to be president. Today, mothers can tell the same things to their daughters.

(1)、What does “mailman” mean?
A、Milkman. B、Writer. C、Postman. D、Reporter.
(2)、The underlined word “They” in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A、these changes B、American schools C、most people D、American students
(3)、What do most people think of the changes in American schools?
A、Surprising. B、Strange. C、Good. D、Bad.
(4)、We may infer from the text that in the past in American schools ________.
A、girls only learned how to sew and cook B、girls could do everything but boys couldn't C、boys and girls were the same in everything D、there were many differences between boys and girls
    A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. To get the most out of your visit, read our tips below:
    Visit at Night
    Riding up the Eiffel Tower at night and looking out over the streets of Paris, you'll see why Paris is known as the “City of Light”. At street level, the spotlights on the top of the Tower zoom across the Paris skyline, and the reflections of the Tower in the Seine are sights not to be missed.
    Purchase Your Ticket in Advance Online
    Bypass the long ticket lines at the Eiffel Tower by purchasing your ticket online from the Eiffel Tower website. You'll pick a time to visit, and then select whether to print out the ticket or display it on your phone or iPad, which is a convenient option if you buy your ticket in Paris without easy access to a printer.
    Don't Bring Valuable Objects with You
    Before entering the Eiffel Tower, your bags will be examined by a security officer. If an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector, the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection. We've stood in line for hours witnessing people who missed their chance to go up the Eiffel Tower.
Have Drinks and Snacks at the Eiffel Tower
    If you're like us, after an exciting trip to the Eiffel Tower, you'll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a Parisian cafe. Across the Seine in the Trocadero area, there are many elegant cafes. The atmosphere is great, but the prices are in the stratosphere (最高水平). Actually, the perfect place for common visitors to eat and drink is on the Eiffel Tower itself.

    With all the traditional media channels, including newspapers, magazines and television shows, shrinking, advertisers are worrying about how they can reach customers. Banners(横幅) ads on our devices are ugly and disturbing. To overcome various digital problems, the ad industry has been serving up a sneaky(不光明正大的) solution: make ads look less like ads and more like the articles, videos and posts around them.

    This trend, called native advertising, has taken over the Internet; even the websites such as NYTimes.com and Wall-Street.com are using it. On Facebook and Twitter, every 10th item or so is an ad; only the small subtitle “Sponsored(赞助)” appearing in light gray type tells you which posts are ads.

    Won't dressing up ads to make them look like reported articles mislead people? Sometimes, yes. An Interactive Advertising Bureau study found that only 41 percent of general news readers could tell such ads apart from real news stories. And it's getting worse. Advertisers worry that the “Sponsored” label discourages readers from clicking, so some websites are making the labels smaller and less noticeable. Sometimes the labels disappear entirely.

    At a recent talk about the difficulty of advertising in the new, small-screen world, I heard an ad manager tell an impressive story. She had gotten a musical performance – paid for by her soft drink client- perfectly inserted(插入)into a TV awards show, without any moment of blackness before or after. “It looked just like part of the real broadcast!” she recounted happily.

    Look, it is great that native advertising works. But if advertisers truly believe in their material, they should have no problem labeling it as advertising.

    For now native ads continue to be a fashion- with no laws governing them and no labeling standard. But that could change; the Federal Trade Commission has begun considering regulation. If the new generation of digital advertisers clean up their act according to the regulation, native ads might become more acceptable.


    We know that our pet dogs and cats can recognize our faces, but our pet fish? A team of scientists from the UK and Australia have discovered that archer-fish(喷水鱼) can distinguish human faces!

    This marks the first time that a species of fish has shown such an ability. Such abilities have been previously shown in birds, but unlike fish, they have been proven to possess structures similar to the neocortex(大脑新皮层), the researchers added.

    "Being able to distinguish between a large number of human faces is a surprisingly difficult task," Dr Newport said, "mainly due to the fact that all human faces share the same basic features."

    During their experiments, Dr Newport and her colleagues presented archerfish with two images of human faces, and trained them to choose one by spitting jets(喷射流)of water at that picture. Next, the fish were presented with the familiar face and several that were unfamiliar, and were able to correctly pick the one that they had been trained to recognize, even when features such as head shape and color were removed from the selected pictures.

    In the first experiment, the archerfish were tasked with picking the previously learned face from a group of 44 new ones, which they did with 81 percent accuracy. In the second, the researchers decided to make things a little harder. They took the pictures and made them black and white and evened out (使平均) the head shapes. You would think that would throw the fish for a loop. But no, they were able to pick the familiar face even then—and with more accuracy: 86%!

    "Fish have a simpler brain than humans and entirely lack the section of the brain that humans use for recognizing faces. Despite this, fish may still be capable of finding the face they are trained to recognize," Dr Newport said. "The fact that archerfish can learn this task suggests that complicated brains are not necessarily needed to recognize human faces."


    Making employees feel happy and healthy at work is good for many businesses. But it isn't always an easy thing. A research suggests that just 33% of the U. S. employees consider themselves fully engaged (投身于) at work, while 16% are actively disengaged, and 51% are just showing up.

    But there is an exception. When it comes to employee engagement, it seems that employees in small companies are doing better. According to the same research, the largest U.S. companies have the lowest levels of engagement, while companies with fewer than 25 employees have the highest. And in one recent report, 75 percent of small business workers surveyed said they were "very" or "extremely" satisfied with their role as a small company employee.

    Unlike big companies, small companies are often short of resources but the employees can get more surprises there. Small companies offer excellent career opportunities to their employees. The bosses often know their staff very well and understand their personal needs. Employees of small companies are more likely to receive free meals, paid leave, and they can even bring their pets to work.

    But of course, there're many other draws in small businesses. One of the top draws is flexible scheduling (弹性工时). Another is being able to really see the fruits of one's labor. Besides, non­cash award is also a big draw. This could be something small that reflects employees' interests and lifestyles.

    While a parental leave might lead to some financial problems, small companies may do something to improve it. "It may be impossible for a five­person team to be reduced to four for six months," writes Camilla Velasquez, head of HR management platform Justworks. "But it could be possible to allow new parents to take on reduced hours in a work­from­home environment." This kind of method has been realized in some small companies.


    Sit down, close your eyes and relax. Think about your childhood and the memories you created. What was your favorite childhood memory and what was your favorite as a child? Or what your favorite Christmas present or your favorite candy bar when growing up? Answers may come easily for some people but for others, it may take more time to think about.

    Mary Jo McCarthy of Pequot Lakes wants to help others document their childhood memories which could be treasured by current families and for generations to come. McCarthy, 64, a short story author and retired columnist (专栏作家) for the Lake Country Echo weekly newspaper, began hosting a writing seminar (研讨班) titled "A Time to Remember". The closes are limited to 12 people and are conducted in the nursery at Lutheran Church of the Cross in Nisswa and the registration fee is $25.

    McCarthy said what led her to start the writing seminars was writing others' biographies(传记). A retired businessman asked her to write his biography as a ghost writer. She said others from her church in Pequot Lakes had also asked her to write their biographies because they didn't know how to write them. She thought hosting a class to help people write their own biographies would be more beneficial to them.

    McCarthy said people had busy lifestyles those days and didn't have a chance to sit down and write down their memories that they might forget and never remember. She said writing down the memories would document the person's life, so other family members, especially future generations would be able to read about them.

