
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    One day, I got off the train and was waiting for my ride .Suddenly I had an inspiration(灵感).I looked around and found a pen,but there was no paper. I sat down sadly for a few minutes. Then I looked around again. Finally, I found a dollar bill in my wallet. Although there was very little space to write on, I could write something.

    I took my pen and wrote something like this, "This is a very special dollar. I give it to you with love. Do not keep it. Do not spend it. Pass it on. Give it to someone else with love,and watch it be passed on."

    I then decorated the bill with hearts and tried to fill it with as many good wishes as I could.

    There was a woman sitting near me. She was also waiting for a ride. She seemed a little bit worried. So I walked up to her and gave the bill to her

    The woman couldn't know what I was doing at first. And then she took a second look and read it. Suddenly she was not worried and she was happy. Also, she gave me a big huge and thanked me.

    I knew that if this was the result from just one person, then this wave of warmth would probably go on.

    My ride came, and we drove off. But I thought this was not the end of the story.

(1)、What didn't the writer do with the ball?
A、The writer wrote something on it. B、The writer decorated it with hearts. C、The writer gave it to a stranger. D、The writer brought something with it.
(2)、How did the bill change the woman?
A、She became a successful woman. B、She became very rich. C、She felt warm instead of worried. D、She became popular with others.
(3)、What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A、The warmer of the bill will be passed on to more people. B、People will spend the bill on something special. C、The bill will be lost after some time. D、The writer had no money to pay for his ride.

Many social media posts(社交媒体帖子) may let you believe that everyone is happy all the time, but being happy all the time is not possible.

As a teenager, you probably expected to get good grades in an exam or to win the most important basketball game, but it didn't happen. Good results make you happy and bad results make you sad. But sadness can drive you to improve yourself next time.

However, when people get into sadness for a long time and it starts to affect(影响) their lives, it's called depression (抑郁). You don't want to get out of bed. You don't feel like studýing or going out with your friends. I remember the same feeling when my dog Rebel died in an accident. I remember that he followed me to school. Now he was gone, and I lost all interests to do anything.

My parents told me dogs don't live forever. What was more, Rebel had a good life. If Ihad a good life, Rebel must be happy, too.

Depression is not a person's mistake. It's normal to feel sad sometimes. Many great people, like the comedy actor Jim Carrey, once get depressed. But you should know what to do to stop depression or make yourself less depressed.

When you feel down, you must not keep yourself away from the world. Try to share your feelings with a family member or a good friend. Staying at home by yourself will make you more lonely. You should stand up, open the window, and throw away (抛弃) the sadness.


One day, a successful businessman was getting ready to go to his office in the morning. When he opened the door of his car, a stray dog(流浪狗) sleeping under his car suddenly came out and bit his leg! He was angry and threw a rock at the dog, but he was not able to hit it. 

Upon reaching his office, the businessman called a meeting of his managers. During the meeting, he took out his anger on his managers. His managers were upset about this, and took out their own anger on the employees(员工) working under them. Gradually, the businessman's anger spread through the whole company. '

The businessman was still angry after returning home. His wife opened the door. She asked him, "Why are you so late today?" The man shouted at his wife, "I didn't go to the office to play soccer, I went to work. So don't ask me such stupid questions!" His wife was upset about being shouted at for no reason. She turned her anger on their son, who was watching TV. "This is all you do. You have no interest in studying! Turn off the TV now!" She yelled. 

The son became upset as well. He walked out of his house and saw a dog passing by. He picked up a rock and threw it at the dog angrily. The dog ran away, barking in pain. 

Sometimes, when we are angry about something, we might take out our anger on others who are not to blame for our mood. This is not fair to others. We should learn to control our anger. 

