
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    In a big room on the second floor of the New York City Department of Sanitation's East 99th Street garage, 63-year-old Manhattan native Nelson Molina was listening to a Frank Sinatra CD he found in the trash. "The Way You Look Tonight" was playing through a music player. In fact, the entire space was filled with items strangers threw away. "My family kept everything," said Molina. "Nowadays, people throw it all away." Molina, during his 34 years as a sanitation worker (环卫工人), gave these items a second life.

    Molina grew up in a housing project with his parents and five other kids in the family and had a habit of picking up unused items at a young age. "My family was poor, so we didn't get much for Christmas," he said. "I'd go out to look for a toy for my sisters, maybe a truck for my brothers." He kept his early morning habit secret from his friends, but not out of embarrassment: "I didn't want the competition."

    On the job, Molina had his sixth sense for finding items. "I could tell, sometimes just by the sound, whether a bag was filled with bottles or a different kind of glass," he said. He kept special finds on the truck, and then put them in out-of-the-way places in the sanitation garage. After almost 10 years, he began showing his discoveries. "It's not a normal practice." said NYC Department of Sanitation assistant chief Keith Mellis. Recently, a team of New York University students has taken on the task of cataloging (分类) the tens of thousands of objects, in hopes that the collection, which has hardly been open to the public, might one day be shown in an official sanitation museum.

(1)、Why did Molina go to the garage?
A、To listen to music. B、To clean the space. C、To keep items he collected. D、To get items strangers threw away.
(2)、Molina was worried that if his friends knew his morning habits, they would ______ .
A、stop him B、join in him C、make fun of him D、take away his items
(3)、What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A、Molina had done something meaningful. B、Molina had difficulty collecting the items. C、Molina didn't want to show his discoveries. D、Molina planned to build a museum for unused items.
(4)、What's the best title for the text?
A、Rich and Poor. B、Lost and Found. C、A Different Garage. D、A Sanitation Worker's Dream.

    Off the coast of Hong Kong, there are numerous beautiful places that have long stay hidden, just waiting to be discovered by travelers. We've done the hunting for you.

Tap Mun

    Located north of the Sai Kung island, Tap Mun is home to a remote fishing, community with a population of less than a hundred. Tap Mun is also widely known as Grass Island, and it's easy to see why — this 1.7sq km island is an expense of grassy hill populated by wandering cows, a perfect scene to set a milk advertisement.

    Tap Mun is highly sought after as a spot for both camping and kite-flying, while also boasting several rocky beaches. For a relaxing afternoon, take a walk along the 2km footpath and slowly take in the panoramic(全景的) 360-degree view while enjoying the cool breeze.

Tung Ping Chau

    For a rugged(崎岖的) island getaway, set off for a trip to Tung Ping Chau — an offshore island sitting in splendid isolation in Mirs Bay on the northeastern side of Hong Kong. As a part of the Hong Kong Geopark, Tung Ping Chau is among the eight sites specially chosen for conservation in light of its special geological significance. Its rich marine life also led to its designation(指定) as one of Hong Kong's four marine parks.

Po Toi

    Located just three kilometers away from Hong Kong Island's southeastern tip, Po Toi is a quiet place that will make you feel completely isolated from modern life. While just a stone's throw away from the busy life of Hong Kong, Po Toi seems to be miles away from the busy city life.

    Take a leisurely stroll (闲逛) along the main path on the island, as you approach a lighthouse located on the sides of the cliff. Along the way, do not miss the dramatic and unusual rock formations as you are amazed by the glory of the famous Turtle Climbing up the Mountain, Monk Rock, and Palm Cliff.


    The National Gallery


    The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh. The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.


    The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th-to15th-century paintings, and artists include Duccio, Uccello, Van Eyck, Lippi, Mantegna, Botticelli and Memling.

    The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings and artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Cranach, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bruegel, Bronzino, Titian and Veronese.

    The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings and artists include Caravaggio, Rubens, Poussin, Van Dyck, Velazquez, Claude and Vermeer.

    The East Wing houses 18th-to early 20th-century paintings, and artists include Canaletto, Goya, Turner, Constable, Renoir and Van Gogh.

    Opening Hours:

    The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm(Fridays 10am to 9pm)and is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions.

    Getting There:

    Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2-minute walk). Leicester Square (3-minute walk), Embankment (7-minute walk), and Piccadilly Circus (8-minute walk).


    All over the world, children in hospital are being treated with a new kind of medicine:Laughter. Lucy is 23 and works for Theodora Children's Trust. She is one of many clown (小丑) doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children.

    “I'm a Theodora clown doctor. I call myself Dr Looloo. I spend two days a week in children's hospitals, making funny faces, telling jokes, and doing magic tricks. As I walk into the wards(病房) I blow bubbles, shake hands with the kids, and make up nonsense songs for those children well enough to sing. I take special balloons to make 'balloon animals' and tell funny stories about them.

    I'm naturally a very cheerful person. I've always been a clown. In fact my father's a clown and I started working with him when I was eight years old. I knew it was just the job for me and I became a clown doctor because I think it's a great way to cheer up sick, frightened children in hospital.

    Being a clown in hospital is very tiring both physically and emotionally. We have to learn not to show our feelings, otherwise we'd be useless. Clown doctors are sensitive but this is not a side most people see. To the children we're happy all the time. I'm still learning to allow myself to feel sad occasionally. There working with a very sick little girl from Bosnia who speaks no English, so our only common language is laughter.

    At weekends I participate in events to raise money for Theodora Children's Trust. It's a charity, so we are paid with the money people give. Being a clown doctor makes the worries of everyday life seem small. All in all I feel honoured to do this job.”


    You've probably heard such reports. The number of college students majoring in the humanities (人文学科) is decreasing quickly. The news has caused a flood of high-minded essays criticizing the development as a symbol of American decline.

    The bright side is this: The destruction of the humanities is, finally, coming to an end. No more will literature, as part of an academic curriculum, put out the light of literature. No longer will the reading of, say, "King Lear" or D.H. Lawrence's "Women in Love" result in the annoying stuff of multiple-choice quizzes, exam essays and homework assignments.

    The discouraging fact is that for every college professor who made Shakespeare or Lawrence come alive for the lucky few, there were countless others who made the reading of literary masterpieces seem like two hours in the dentist's chair.

    The remarkably insignificant fact that, a half-century ago, 14% of the undergraduate population majored in the humanities (mostly in literature, but also in art, philosophy, history, classics and religion) as opposed to 7% today has given rise to serious reflections on the nature and purpose of an education in the liberal arts.

    Such reflections always come to the same conclusion: We are told that the lack of a formal education, mostly in literature, leads to numerous harmful personal conditions, such as the inability to think critically, to write clearly, to be curious about other people and places, to engage with great literature after graduation, to recognize truth, beauty and goodness.

    Literature changed my life long before I began to study it in college. Books took me far from myself into experiences that had nothing to do with my life, yet spoke to my life. But once in the college classroom, this precious, alternate life inside me got thrown back into that dimension of my existence that bored me. Homer, Chekhov and Yeats were reduced to right and wrong answers, clear-cut themes and clever interpretations. If there is anything to worry about, it should be the disappearance of what used to be an important part of every high-school education: the literature survey course, where books were not academically taught but thoroughly introduced—an experience unaffected by stupid commentary and useless testing.

    The literary classics are places of quiet, useless stillness in a world that despises (鄙视) any activity that is not profitable or productive. Literature is too sacred to be taught. It needs only to be read.

    Soon, if all goes well and literature at last disappears from the undergraduate curriculum—my fingers are crossed—increasing numbers of people will be able to say that reading the literary masterworks of the past outside the college classroom, simply in the course of living, was, in fact, their college classroom.

