
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:容易



    WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation. We are a self﹣funding agency of the United Nations, with 191 member states.

    Our mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international intellectual property (IP) system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all.

    Our mandate, governing bodies and procedures are set out in the WIPO convention, which established WIPO in 1967.

    We run workshops and seminars throughout the year. The presentations and meeting documents are made available for downloading wherever possible here.

Current and upcoming

    Case Study Workshop on Support for Intellectual Property Management in SMEs (IP Advantage)

Meeting code


Date and venue

January 29 to January 31, 2019 (Tokyo, Japan)


Small and Medium﹣Sized Enterprises, Workshops and Seminars

    National Workshop on Intellectual Property Policies for Universities and Research Institutions

Meeting code


Date and venue

March 19to March 20, 2019 (Tokyo, Japan)


Intellectual Property, Workshops and seminars

    Consultation meetings with the Industrial Property Protections Directorate of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and supply and the main relevant institutions

Meeting code


Date and venue

March 21, 2019 (Paris, France)


Intellectual Property, Workshops and seminars

    National seminar on collective management

Meeting code


Date and venue

April 19,2019 (Tel Aviv, Israel)


Collective Management of Intellectual Property

(Copyright), Workshops and seminars

(1)、We can know from the passage that    .
A、it is an article from the handbook of WIPO B、governing bodies of all member states pay for the running of WIPO C、it is intended for those interested in the knowledge of intellectual property D、the mission of WIPO is to develop an effective system of innovation and Creativity
(2)、If one is interested in I management, he can attend a seminar in     .
A、Jordan or Israel B、Israel or France C、Amman or Tokyo D、Tel Aviv or Tokyo

Eight days for just ¥12,000

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●Return flights from 6 China's airports to Naples

●Return airport to hotel transport

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●The service of guides

●Government taxes

    Join us for a wonderful holiday in one of the Europe's most wonderful corners—Naples in Italy if you want to have a nice time in a beautiful small quiet place. The ancient Romans called the city “happy land” with attractive coastline, colorful towns, splendid views and the warm Mediterranean Sea. Your best choice for a truly memorable holiday!

    Choose between the peaceful traditional villages of Sant' Agata, set on a hillside six miles away from Sorrento, or the more lively and well-known international resort town of Sorrento, with wonderful views over the Bay of Naples.

    Breathtaking scenery, famous sights and European restaurants everywhere. From the mysterious Isle of Capri to the hunting ruins of Pompeii, and from the unforgettable “Amalfi Drive” to the delightful resorts of Positano, Sorrento and Ravello, the area is a feast for the eyes! Join us, and you won't be disappointed!

    Price based on two tourists sharing a double room at the Hotel Nice. A single room, another ¥2,000. A group of ten college students, ¥10,000 for each.

    Like to know more? Telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd on : 0845—226—7788(All calls charged at local rates).


Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium (水族馆)

    The all-new Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, situated in the heart of Melbourne's CBD, is one of Victoria's leading visitor attractions and an unforgettable outing for the whole family. Having 12 amazing zones of discovery, Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is the very place that you cannot miss when you visit the city.

* Opening Times

    Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is open from 9:30 am until 6:00 pm every day of the year, including public holidays. Last admission is at 5:00 pm, one hour before closing.

* Location (位置)

    Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is located on the corner of Flinders Street and King Street, Melbourne. It is situated on the Yarra River, opposite Crown Entertainment Complex.

* Getting to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium


    The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium train stop is located on the free City Circle Tram route (公交线路) and also routes 70 and 75. City Circle trams run every 10 minutes in both directions.

Shuttle Bus

    The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is a free bus service, stopping at key tourist attractions in and around the City. Running daily, every 15 minutes from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Car Parking

    While there is no public car parking at Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, there are several public car parking lots available only a short walk away.

* Wheelchair Access

    Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium provides people in wheelchairs with full access to all 12 zones. Each floor also has wheelchair accessible toilets.

* Terms

    Tickets will be emailed to you immediately after purchase or you can download and print your ticket once payment has been accepted. Please print out all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. No ticket, no entry!


    Each time I see a balloon , my mind flies back to a memory when I was a six-year-old girl . It was a rainy Sunday and my father had recently died . I asked my mum if my dad had gone to heaven . “ Yes , honey . Of course , ” she said . “ Can we write him a letter ? ”

    She paused , the longest pause of my short life , and answered , “ Yes . ” My heart jumped . “ Can the mailman go there ? ” I asked .

    “ No , but I have an idea . ” Mum drove to a party store and returned with a red balloon . I asked her what it was for . “ Just wait , honey . You'll see . ” Mum told me to write my letter . Eagerly , I got my favorite pen , and poured out my six-year-old heart in the form of blue ink . I wrote about my day , what I learned at school , how Mum was doing , and even about what happened in a story I had read . For a few minutes it was as if Dad were still alive . I gave the letter to Mum . She read it over , and a smile crossed her face . She made a hole in the corner of the letter to tie it to the balloon . We went outside and she gave me the balloon . It was still raining . “ Okay , on the count of three , let it go . One , two , three . ” The balloon , carrying my letter , flew upwards against the rain . We watched until it was swallowed by the mass of clouds . Later I realized , like the balloon , that Dad had never let his sickness get him down . He was strong . No matter what he suffered , he'd keep on , fly up , and finally go beyond this cold world and his sick body . He rose into sky and became something beautiful . I watched until the balloon disappeared into the grey and white and I prayed that his strength was passed on . I prayed to be a balloon .


    Texting while walking is something that most of us are guilty of. We can't help replying to that message we just received. However, while it's fun to keep up with the latest gossip, we may actually be putting ourselves in danger.

    A team of researchers from two UK universities recently found that people who use their phones while on the move walk differently than usual.

    “Recently, a person in front of me was walking very slowly and weaving (迂回行进), and I thought, 'Is this person drunk?'” Matthew Timmis, co-author of the study, told the Guardian.

    It turned out that the person was just texting. Inspired by this, Timmis and his team set out to discover the effects of phone use on how we navigate streets.

    A group of 21 volunteers were asked to walk around a simulated (模拟的) street, complete with obstacles such as a step. The participants traveled the course a total of 12 times each, either writing or reading a message, making a call, or with no phone at all.

    It took the volunteers 118 percent longer to complete the course when using a phone. They also focused on the step obstacle 60 percent more and paid attention to the travel path 51 percent more when they weren't using a phone.

    Although there were no accidents, Timmis believes we should still be aware of what's going on around us.

    “The big risk here is suddenly-appearing hazards (危险), like a pedestrian (行人) suddenly walking in front of you,” he told the Guardian. “You are not going to be able to respond to that as efficiently, which increases the risk of injury.”

    To bring attention to the dangers of “text walking”, a temporary “texting lane” was set up in Antwerp, Belgium in 2015. And earlier this year, a special crosswalk featuring flashing red lights on the ground to get the attention of texters was set up in Wuhan, Hubei province.

    “Texting while walking can lead to collisions with poles or other pedestrians. You could even be endangering your own life when you cross the street without looking up,” a spokesperson for the company that made the Antwerp texting lane told Yahoo News.


Fishy Weather Conditions

    Laj amanu, Australia, is a dry little town, sitting right on the edge of the Tanami desert. Can you imagines how surprised were people when live fish rained down on them from a dark gray cloudy. It happens that there are similar cases in England and Honduras.

    How do clouds make fishy. The simple answer is that they don't. There is a particular weather phenomenon(现象)called a waterspout. A waterspout is just like a tornado, only it forms above oceans, lakes, or rivers. Like a tornado, a waterspout moves in a circle at high speeds. When it moves above the water, it tends to carry the fish with it, as well as frogs or other small plants or animals.

    Scientists couldn't work it out at first. To make matters stranger still, the fish in Honduras were very much alive when they rained down to the ground, but they were all blind. In England and Australia, it rained fish and snakes, and none were blind. It was difficult to puzzle out, but the blind fish gave them a place to start.

    Scientists knew that some fish that lived in deep, underground caves with no light sources often lost their eyesight. So when blind fish rained down on Honduras, scientists began to connect some dots. Clearly, these particular fish were pulled from an underground water source by force.

    It has rained fish on every continent, and each time, people have tried in various ways to explain this strange phenomenon. Historically, villagers thought the “fishes from the heavens” might be answers to prayers for food.  Others suggested that floods overran river banks and oceans, leaving the fish on the city streets. No scientist had actually seen the rain as it occurred, only the fish left on the ground. But in 1990, a National Geographic team happened to be in Honduras when the Rain of Fishes began. They recorded what was happening and made history by finally proving that the fish really did fall from the sky.

    This huge breakthrough wasn't just a spot of good luck. It changed thousands of years of myths and legends into true stories and provided scientific explanations for how fish came to live in deep caves. It explained ancient cave paintings and shed new light on how species have spread over time. It turned out to be a lot more than just a little fishy weather.

