
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Exercise is known to benefit people's mental health, but scientists recently discovered that too much exercise may have a negative effect on it.

    The researchers studied about 1.2 million people in the United States in 2013, 2015 and 2017. The participants, on average, experienced 3, 4 days of poor mental health each month. Those who did exercise experienced 1, 5 fewer days of poor mental health per month, compared to those who didn't exercise at all. The team found that people who exercised for 30 to 60 minutes three to five times a week had the best mental health, but those who exercised for more than three hours had worse mental health than those who didn't exercise at all.

    The scientists think that people who exercise so much may experience poorer mental health because that much exercise can be a sign of obsessive (强迫症患者) behaviors that have been associated with poor emotional and psychological outcomes. However, the only mental health disorder that the researchers looked at was depression.

    Among those who had been diagnosed with depression, people who did exercise experienced 3.75 fewer negative mental health days than those who did not, showing an ever greater difference, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 7, 6 percent of people in the U.S. age 12 and over have depression. While all types of exercise appeared to help with mental health, cycling, gym-based exercise and team sports were the most beneficial.

    The team also looked at more specific factors, like education. People with a college education reported 17.8 percent fewer days of poor mental health than those without that level education Additionally, people in a healthy BMI (体重指数) range reported a 4 percent reduction in poor mental health days thin those whose BMIs were high. Even salary was a factor: compared to people with bower salaries, those with higher salaries experienced a 17 percent reduction in poor mental health days.

    The study showed that exercise can help with mental health, but that in some cases, limiting it may be necessary.

(1)、What did the study find?
A、People should do exercise three to five times a month. B、Too much exercise may affect people's mental health. C、The more exercise people do, the healthier body they have. D、People who do exercise have problems in mental health.
(2)、Which of the following sports benefits peoples mental health most according to the text?
A、Skiing. B、Football. C、Mountain climbing. D、Motorcycle racing.
(3)、How many factors that affect mental health are mentioned in the text?
A、Two. B、Three. C、Five. D、Four.
(4)、What can we infer from the text?
A、We must reduce our time of doing regular exercise. B、Most American children have mental health problems. C、Doing exercise reasonably is beneficial to relieving depression. D、The men who don't do exercise have the worst mental health.

    Writing an article for your school newspaper can be exciting and rewarding, especially when you proudly see your name in print.

    Decide on a topic. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you plan to write a news article for a monthly newspaper, you will need to take into consideration whether the topic will be relevant before printing. To get ideas for stories, listen to your fellow students and find out what has them talking. Follow developments within your school and community to get information on what would interest your readers.

    Do your research. There is an old saying in law that a good lawyer never asks a question that they don't know the answer to. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} To sum up, the more, the better.

    Attract the readers with a lead. As the beginning of a newspaper story, a lead has to be direct, but it does not mean you don't need to entertain the reader as well. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Your lead must be short, but it must also state as many of the essential parts of you story as possible.

    Consider the 5 Ws and H. These are the meat and potatoes of your news articles. You article must answer all of these questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Once you have answered these things, you can feel confident. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Write, edit, rewrite and repeat as necessary. So, much about having a successful final product is about being willing to spend time and effort in editing and reviewing process. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} After that, make changes as a result. Having taken some useful suggestions, you are to make your article readable not only for their content, but also for their quality.

A. Think about what is happening on campus.

B. You have effectively informed your readers.

C. Get them interested with an interesting beginning.

D. Do not be afraid to accept positive comments.

E. News articles are suitable for the date of publication.

F. Take note of anything particularly unusual.

G. Try to find out as much as you can on the subject.


    Valentine's Day, a day traditionally reserved for expressing romantic love, is observed practically all around the world. However, not many people are familiar with Sweetest Day. Actually it is a holiday, especially designed to express love and care for those who were routinely neglected(忽视)by society.

Sweetest Day was the idea of Herbert Birch Kingston, who worked for a company in Cleveland, Ohio. He felt that there were plenty of children, especially orphans and poor kids, who didn't necessarily get the attention they deserved. Thus in 1922, he launched the first Sweetest Day to give out boxes of candy to mainly poor children.

    Since the day picked was the third Saturday in October, this became the traditional time to celebrate Sweetest Day. The tradition was so enjoyed that people often looked beyond kindness to treating their own friends or family to treats on Sweetest Day.

    In the US, Sweetest Day is celebrated primarily in the Northeastern region of the US, still on the third Saturday of October. Yet news of the tradition, which began nearly 100 years ago, has spread to other parts of the country, especially as people who lived in those areas moved elsewhere. People may distribute candy or small gifts to those in patient homes, hospitals, foster homes, or mental institutions, and they may also treat friends and family to little gifts from the heart.

    In keeping with the original tradition, celebrating Sweetest Day should really be most focused on people who ordinarily don't have the good fortune of attention from friends or family, either due to difficult family circumstances or to poverty. This can be a great tradition to start if your community doesn't routinely celebrate the day, and there are many candy manufacturers that are willing to help donate or reduce costs on gifts intended for people in unfortunate circumstances.


Recordings of angry bees are enough to send big, tough African elephants running away, a new study says. Beehives (蜂窝)—either recorded or real—may even prevent elephants from damaging farmer's crops.

    In 2002, scientist Lucy King and her team found that elephants avoid certain trees with bees living in them. Today, Lucy wants to see if African honeybees might discourage elephants from eating crops. But before she asked farmer to go to the trouble of setting up beehives on their farms, she needed to find out if the bees would scare elephants away.

    Lucy found a wild beehive inside a tree in northern Kenya and set up a recorder. Then she threw a stone into the beehive, which burst into life. Lucy and her assistant hid in their car until the angry bees had calmed down. Next,Lucy searched out elephant families in Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya and put a speaker in a tree close to each family.

    From a distance, Lucy switched on the pre-recorded sound of angry bees while at the same time recording the elephants with a video camera. Half the elephant groups left the area within ten seconds. Out of a total of 17 groups, only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees. Lucy reported that all the young elephants immediately ran to their mothers to hide under them. When Lucy played the sound of a waterfall (瀑布) instead of the angry bees to many of the same elephant families, the animals were undisturbed. Even after four minutes, most of the groups stayed in one place.

Lucy is now studying whether the elephants will continue to avoid the sound of angry bees after hearing it several times. She hasn't tested enough groups yet to know, but her initial (最初的) results were promising enough to begin trials with farmers. She has now begun placing speakers in the fields to see if elephants are frightened away.


    Actor Warwick Davis realized he was shorter than other people when he was eight years old.  He suddenly noticed all his schoolmates were twice his size. It was then that the effect of having dwarfism hit him for the first time.

    Now aged 48, Davis says, "I have very fond memories of school but I realized I had to become a little bit louder and funnier so I wouldn't get left out of conversations. I became quite the performer, so being short was my training in acting."

    It worked. Director George Lucas cast young Warwick as the Ewok Wicket in Return of the Jedi. The actor has gone on to star in many TV shows and films, including playing Professor Flitwick in the Harry Potter films.

    Warwick's dwarfism means he is 1.07 meters tall, while the average UK adult male height is 1.78 meters. Most types of dwarfism are caused by a genetic disorder that stops some of the body's building blocks working properly.

    Davis has a positive attitude to being "different". He says, "If I had my life all over again, I would choose the same job and be the same height. I have enjoyed every minute. At school I played rugby and football and tried long jump and high jump. I wasn't very good at them but I always had a go. I defeated everyone at chin-ups (引体向上) because I had a low body weight combined with a strong upper body from climbing up to the top cupboards to reach the biscuit boxes at home."

    Warwick is supporting Jeans for Genes Day, a charity raising public concern for millions of children born with genetic disorders in the U.K. He says, "Even if you can only give a tiny amount of money, it will make such a difference to the children."


    Teenagers who talk on the cell phone a lot, and hold their phones up to their right ears, score worse on one type of memory test. That's the finding of a new study. That memory impairment might be one side effect of the radiation (放射线) that phones use to keep us connected while we're on the go.

    Nearly 700 Swiss teens took part in a test of figural memory. This type helps us remember abstract (抽象的) symbols and shapes, explains Milena Foerster. The teens took memory tests twice, one year apart. Each time, they had one minute to remember 13 pairs of abstract shapes. Then they were shown one item from each pair and asked to match it with one of the five choices. The study volunteers also took a test of verbal memory. That's the ability to remember words. The two memory tests are part of an intelligence test. The researchers also surveyed the teens on how they use cell phones. And they got call records from phone companies. The researchers used those records to figure out how long the teens were using their phones. This allowed the researchers to work out how big a radiation exposure (接触) each person could have got while talking.

    A phone user's exposure to the radiation can differ widely. Some teens talk on their phones more than others. People also hold their phones differently. If the phone is close to the ear, more radiation may enter the body, Foerster notes. Even the type of network signal that a phone uses can matter. Much of Switzerland was using an older "second-generation" type of cell phone networks, the study reports. Many phone carriers (通讯公司) have moved away from such networks. And more companies plan to update their networks within the next few years.

    The teens' scores in the figural memory tests were roughly the same from one year to the next. But those who normally held their phones near the right ears, and who were also exposed to higher levels of radiation, scored a little bit worse after a year. No group of teens showed big changes on the verbal memory test. Why might one type of memory be linked to cell phone use, but not another? Foerster thinks it could have to do with where different memory centers sit in the brain. The site that deals with the ability to remember shapes is near the right ear.

