
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Just like rice and noodles are different from bread, snacks in China are a world apart from those in the UK and the US. For one thing, I never imagined that sunflower seeds (瓜子) would be so popular here. I spotted people having them while waiting for tables outside restaurants, before dinner and, of course, while watching TV. I also saw that a plate of sunflower seeds is always on offer during the Spring Festival holidays.

    I had seldom tried sunflower seeds when I came to China. In the UK, though, young people love their snacks. In fact, young people in Britain eat more snacks than people of the same age in other European countries. A recent survey has discovered that 64 percent of under 20-year-olds snack between meals, according to an article on the British Council website. In comparison (对比), 58.7 percent of young people snack in Germany, 53 percent in France, and only 40.7 percent in Spain.

    British snacks are generally unhealthy. Our favorites are probably potato chips, which we call crisps, and chocolate bars. From a very young age, we always looked forward to our crisps and chocolate bars after school, perhaps even included with sandwiches and fruit in our school lunches that our parents made for us.

    Snacks are also popular in the US. One of the things that I found the most extraordinary when I first visited the US was the number of snacks in their supermarkets; I was surprised to find huge aisles (过道) just for snacks that were bigger than some stores I'd been to in the UK. Snack tastes in the US are much the same as those in the UK, except there's much more choice – every kind of fatty, sugary food is available (可获得的) to everyone all the time.

    All in all, it's probably best for your health if you like sunflower seeds rather than potato chips and chocolate. But eating these delicious treats at times couldn't possibly be wrong, could it?

(1)、What is the article mainly about?
A、The most popular snack in China. B、Snacks in the UK and the US. C、Snacks young Western people like. D、Some tips for choosing snacks in the UK.
(2)、According to the British Council, snacks are most popular among young people in ______.
A、Britain B、Germany C、France D、Spain
(3)、The underlined word "extraordinary" in paragraph 4 means ________.
A、frequent B、special C、wonderful D、universal
(4)、What surprised the author when he went to supermarkets in the US?
A、How the snacks tasted. B、The size of the snacks' packages. C、The lack of choice when it came to snacks. D、The large number of snacks.
(5)、What does the author think of potato chips and chocolate?
A、They don't taste as good as sunflower seeds. B、They are unhealthy, so people should stop eating them. C、It's better to eat them with sandwiches and fruit. D、It's fine to enjoy them from time to time although they are unhealthy.

    It was a cold winter day. A woman drove up to the Rainbow Bridge tollbooth(收费站). “I'm paying for myself, and for the six cars behind me,” she said with a smile, handing over seven tickets. One after another, the next six drivers arriving at the tollbooth were informed, “Some lady up ahead already paid your fare.”

    It turned out that woman, Natalie Smith, had read something on a friend's refrigerator: “Practice random (任意的 )kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” The phrase impressed her so much that she copied it down.

    Judy Foreman spotted the same phrase on a warehouse wall far away from home. When it stayed on her mind for days, she gave up and drove all the way back to copy it down. “I thought it was beautiful,” she said, explaining why she'd taken to writing it at the bottom of all her letters, “like a message from the above.” Her husband, Frank, liked the phrase so much that he put it up on the classroom wall for his students, one of whom was the daughter of Alice Johnson, a local news reporter. Alice put it in the newspaper, admitting that though she liked it, she didn't know where it came from or what it really meant.

    Two days later, Alice got a call from Anne Herbert, a woman living in Martin. It was in a restaurant that Anne wrote the phrase down on a piece of paper, after turning it around in her mind for days.

    “Here's the idea,” Anne says. “Anything you think there should be more of, do it randomly.” Her fantasies include painting the classroom of shabby schools, leaving hot meals on kitchen tables in the poor part of town, and giving money secretly to a proud old lady. Anne says, “Kindness can build on itself as much as violence can.

    The acts of random kindness spread. If you were one of those drivers who found your fare paid, who knows what you might have been inspired to do for someone else later? Like all great events, kindness begins slowly, with every single act. Let it be yours!


    Some international languages are widely used for many purposes. Some minority languages will die out and some nations tend to keep minority languages. I reckon that most common used international languages ease our life quality and communication with different nationalities. On the other hand, we need to help improve minority languages.

    There are many languages in the entire world but two or three minority languages die out each year. Some countries try to save dying languages. For instance, Australian Government created a project to save the language and culture of Maori who are Australian aborigines. And there are other projects to keep minority languages such as American Indian language.

    However, the worldwide job market usually requires candidates who can speak English or other international languages. People who cannot speak lingua franca (共通语) could hardly be promoted at work. For example, some companies need an employee who can deal with foreign companies. So most people tend to learn at least one international language that helps them to find a better job.

    Therefore, world needs one common lingua franca that should be spoken in any country. Consequently, one common language should be a required subject in every school. So anyone speaking one common language can travel without worries to any point of the world and trade their products. People will not be forced to learn many languages.

    In conclusion, we should help minority nations to keep their languages for the cultural diversity. To ease the worldwide communication among nations, we should create a common language and provide courses of it. As a result, no one will face a language issue.


    Teenagers' fitness is now a major concern, to which physical exercise is very important. It reduces stress and improves fitness. Exercise makes your body strong, and helps you to keep the right body weight. Sports scientists Dr. Helen Lopez offers the following advice to teenagers: “First, you need to find out your present level of fitness. Then you can design a programme that will help you become healthier.”

    Dr. Lopez suggests that there are three levels of fitness that need a change of lifestyle. “Overweight” means that the person gets very little exercise and often has a serious weight problem. “Inactive” mean that the person does not join in many physical activities, but is not seriously overweight. “Active” refers to people who take part in sports and other physical activities, but do not have a high fitness level.

    According to Dr. Lopez, overweight teenagers should keep active to keep healthy. “Ride a bike, play volleyball or basketball for a while, and go for a twenty-minute walk each day. All these will help to burn calories.” Inactive teenagers should do similar activities, but add some bending and stretching exercises, such as push-ups and sit-ups, starting with twenty of each a day. “Inactive people can take a little more exercise than overweight people because their bodies are stronger,” said Dr. Lopez. The same principle applies to active teenagers.

    Dr. Lopez suggests one hour a week or more on running and other forms of intensive exercise, together with fifteen minutes a day spent on stretching and bending activities. “These are really important in order to prevent injuries,” Dr. Lopez said. Some weight-training and other body-strengthening exercises could also be planned in the programme in order to increase the person's strength.


    "Hope has proved a powerful predictor of outcome in every study we've done so far," said Dr. Snyder, a psychologist.

    In research with 3,920 college students, Dr. Snyder found that the level of hope among freshmen at the beginning of their first term was a more accurate predictor of their college grades than were their S.A.T. scores or their grade point averages in high school. "Students with high hope set themselves higher goals and know how to work to attain them," Dr. Snyder said. "When you compare students with equal learning ability and past school achievements, what sets them apart is hope."

    In seeking a way to assess hope scientifically, Dr. Snyder went beyond the usual belief that hope is merely the sense that everything will turn out all right. "This idea is not concrete enough; it fails to clarify two key components of hope," Dr. Snyder said.

    "Having hope means believing you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be."

    Despite the wisdom in the old saying "where there's a will there's a way," Dr. Snyder has found that the two are not necessarily connected. In a study of people from 18 to 70 years old, Dr. Snyder discovered: only about 40% of people are hopeful in the technical sense of believing they typically have the energy and means to accomplish their goals; about 20% of the people believed in their ability to find the means to attain their goals, but said they had little will to do so; another 20% have the opposite pattern, saying they had the energy to motivate themselves but little confidence that they would find the means; the rest had little hope at all, reporting that they typically had neither the will nor the way.

    "It's not enough just to have the wish for something," said Dr. Snyder. "You need the means, too. On the other hand, all the skills to solve a problem won't help without the willpower to do it."


    In 2018 to which we've just said goodbye, we've seen excellent movies such as Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians and A Star Is Born. In 2019 there will be returns to classic movie characters and stories. Here are movies not to miss.

    Spider-Man-.Far H0- July 5, US

    Tom Holland, the actor of 2017's Spider-Man: Homecoming, returns to play Peter Parker, a high school student who gains superpowers after being bitten by a spider(蜘蛛). When we see him again in theaters, Spider – Man will have a new red - and – black suit. The movie will take Peter on a global adventure outside of the US. According to Marved Studios President Kevin Feige, Spider - Man will try a return to his "normal" self; he will try to find his old powers on his new journey.

    Hobbs and Shaw, July 26, US

    To most people the Fast and Furious series is all about crazy drivers racing in sports car. But in Hobbs and Shaw, humor is added to the action - packed thrills. The new film will hit US theaters on July 26. Famous English actor Jason Statham will star alongside Dwayne Johnson, "The Rock", as Deckaid Shaw and Luke Hobbs respectively, as in their previous appearances in Fast and Furious 8. The action and chemistry really thrill their audience. But the new action scenes between an MI6 agent Hobbs and the killer Shaw will have to be good to beat their stand - off in the 2017 movie.

    The Lion King, July 19, US

    This is a brand - new version of the classic children's film. The story of wide - eyed young lion Simba still remains in hearts of world audiences even after 25 years. In this re-telling, Simba again begins the difficult journey to become the King of the Pride Lands,a vast African prairie(大草原).The favorite part of the story for many has always been the friendship between Simba, Timon and Punibaa. The last two sacrifice all they have to help Simba to become the king. How will the new movie re-imagine their famous relationship?


    It's holiday season and time for shopping. There are a bunch of items on your shopping lists ranging from small gifts, toys and festive decorations to Christmas and New Year cards. What's your first reaction to products labeled "Made in China"? If you still tend to relate "Made in China" to poor quality, you need to update your ideas. China's ability to produce high-quality products has been recognized by a growing number of foreigners. It's a misunderstanding to associate low quality with "Made in China".

    Cameron Purdy, a Web user, says that China manufactures poor-quality products does not mean it cannot manufacture high-quality products. He explains that the poor-quality products one purchases in the US for example, are made in the quality that the American companies ask for. "The price that you pay for the product has no relationship to the cost of its manufacturing," suggested Purdy. For example, for an item priced at $20 in the US, the cost of manufacturing it paid by the American company is usually less than $1. To guarantee the room for profit, the Chinese co-manufacturer spends less than $1 to produce the item.

    Amanda Wu, who lives in Shanghai, noted that many top brands have manufacturing factories located in China, and the most convincing example of China's manufacturing quality is Apple products. On the back of the iPhone, one can find the product is Made in China—"Designed by Apple in California. Assembled (装备) in China. "Chinese and foreign Web users commented that some Chinese products with good reputations around the world are Haier, Lenovo, GREE, Huawei and China Railway High-speed.

    On the other hand, foreign misunderstandings can sometimes affect Chinese people's minds. For instance, when Chinese people travel abroad, some would still avoid buying products Made in China. It's time for the world to stop relating Made in China with low-quality products. Just remember, you get what you pay for.

