
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Exploring somewhere new can bring us adventurous experiences. With the proper technology, we can make full use of our time on the road. Google Maps is just this kind that helps make trips easier. People most commonly use Google Maps for directions from one place to another. It offers many other kinds of travel tools. And, how do Google Maps work?

Project and share a road trip route.

    When we are traveling on a road trip, we do not have to plan each part of the trip separately with Google Maps.Besides, we can share our journey with others. After we have planned our route, click share or open the menu and click” share or insert map “to share our route with others.

    When we are traveling, we may not always have access to the Internet, or we may not want to pay international charges for using our phone in other countries. The good news is that we can still use Google Maps even without the Internet. We can download a map from Google Maps to our phone.

    Find the best places in town.

    We can ask Google Maps for recommendations. After we search for a city in Google Maps, click” Nearby” to find the top- rated restaurants, hotels, pubs, coffee shops, and more.

Share our current position with friends.

    Thanks to a recent Google Maps update, we can now share our position with our friends. For example, using Google Maps for a lonely place, we can share our route with friends so that they can locate a general position where we stay and join us.

A. Is there any place to explore?

B. Want to know the best local places?

C. Here are 4 top tips for using Google Maps.

D. Save our maps for off-line use.

E. Google Maps can offer us all kinds of conveniences.

F. We can search for the whole trip in order to plan our route more efficiently.

G. During exploring a totally strange area, there is no need to worry about losing way.


Relax during a job interview

        Fewpeople actually like job interviewing. It's nerve­wracking trying to showyour“best” self to a perfect stranger.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} That's not easy, but thereare some ways to pull yourself together and feel more confident.

      Prepare solid talking points. It's always best to over­prepare for possible questions by not only researchingthe company and the person interviewing you, but also by preparing answers andpracticing those responses. Review the skills and experiences requested in thejob announcement and have two to three examples of how you have demonstratedeach one.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

      RememberIt's a two­way street. This is a conversation, not an interrogation(审问).

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Remembering that this is a back and forthdiscussion, whereyou can—and should—ask questions as well as answer them, can help you feel morecomfortable.

      Just breathe. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Your body will relax a lot. You wantto avoid upper chest breathing, as it tends to just move your stress upward toyour face.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Ifyou go into an interview picking apart your outfit or imperfect responses, you're only hurting your chances of coming off as calm and collected. Turn offyour negative self­talk and then create a different self­talk message, like “I am here to share the best ofmy ability and that is all I can really do.”

      Work it out. Putting in some gym time on themorning of your interview can help you get rid of any nervous tension. Exercisehelps calm your nervous system and tends to reduce the intensity of physicalmanifestations(表现形式)of stress such as restlessness.

A.Stop the negative thoughts.

B.Put your idea into practice.

C.When faced with an interviewer, youmay be nervous.

D.Before you walk into your interview,take a few deep breaths.

E.You're trying to prove you're the onefor the job and that you can handle stressful situations.

F.Don't forget that you're not the onlyone being interviewed—you're also interviewing the organization.

G.This will strengthen your answers andallow you to show how your experience is relevant to the job or organizationfor which you're interviewing.


    Have you ever heard of spring fever? When we have spring fever, are we really sick? Originally, yes. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But now people used it to mean a sudden increase of romantic feelings.

    These days, we use "spring fever" to describe a restless feeling after the long, cold days of winter. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It is also a verb that means something happening or appearing quickly.

    Imagine that you are resting in the chair when suddenly you see a mouse run across the floor. You spring into action! You jump from the chair and run after the mouse! {#blank#}3{#/blank#} And it works! But when you tell your roommate that you caught a mouse in a trap, tears spring from her eyes. You feel badly, but she really should have told you about her pet mouse Charlie!

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} You say to her, "You can't just spring that on me! I'll need time to find another roommate!" But then you think that maybe it's for the best. Every time you see her you feel guilty about Charlie. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} She always expects you to buy her things: she wants you to spring for lunch, spring for movie tickets, and sometimes even spring for groceries.

    So, when you spring for something, you pay for someone else.

A. Many people suffer a lot from it.

B. Your roommate turns her back on you.

C. But the word "spring" is not just a season.

D. Spring fever used to refer to an actual illness.

E. Then your roommate is moving out tomorrow.

F. That night you spring a trap with some cheese in it.

G. And anyway, she does something that really annoys you.


A. Get good running shoes.

B. Usually, there are warning signs.

C. Running may also help you live longer.

D. These exercises are easier on the body.

E. Muscles and joints (关节) need time to recover.

F. As advertisements for the running shoes Nike say, "Just do it."

G. Here are five ideas to reduce the risk of injury.

Five tips for safe running

    We all know that exercise is good for our health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems.

    Running is good exercise, but it can be hard on the body. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Take it easy. Do not run too much, too soon or too fast. Most people get running injuries when they push themselves too bad. The body needs time to get used to increases in distance or speed. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Listen to your body. Most running injuries do not come unexpectedly. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} They may include body aches, sore muscles (肌肉酸痛) and pain that does not go away.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} There is no single best shoe for every runner. You should find the shoes that offer the best fit and support for your feet. More importantly, you should replace your shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers.

    Take good notes. Take time after each run to write down what you did and how you felt. Look for patterns, things that happen over and over again. These notes will help you find the best exercise for you.

    Cross train. As we said earlier, running is hard on your body. So physical fitness experts suggest some form of cross training to improve muscle balance and to help you stay injury free. They say swimming, yoga, and riding a bicycle are good exercises to combine with running. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}


A. What do we need the Scribble for?

B. What's the Scribble's best colour?

C. It's the best birthday gift you may choose for your kids.

D. Thank you so much for your concern about the Scribble.

E. There is 1 GB of internal memory that will store over 100, 000 colors.

F. We created the Scribble for YOU and want you to be a part of the process.

G. Once stored, that color can be used to draw on paper or on a digital screen.

A Pen That Draws in Any Color

    The Scribble is a magical pen that can scan colors and instantly reproduce the colors. Hold the Scribble's scanner up to any color, and within a second that color is stored in its memory. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Who can use the Scribble?

    Children will love the Scribble because it can create different colors, replacing even their biggest box of crayons. Besides, anyone working with color in their professional lives, such as artists, will be able to scan and reproduce colors instantly.


    Green! One of the most important characteristics of the Scribble is that, since it can reproduce any color, it replaces marking pens, greatly reducing the huge amount of plastic waste.

    What's inside the Scribble?

    There will be two different versions of the Scribble, the Scribble K and the Scribble S. The K will be able to reproduce exact colors on paper. It includes a color sensor and a rechargeable battery. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The S looks exactly the same as the K, but it is intended for use on screen.

    How did we create the Scribble?

    We've been in the design process for two years and the Scribble has gone through various design changes to get it to where we are now. Because of its small size we have created some ideas never seen before in the color reproduction industry. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Thank you for your support.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Thank you also for your support! Make sure to bookmark our website and check back often to see the progress as well as the updated times for production and delivery of your Scribble.


Rich and Famous

    Twenty years ago the most common ambition of American children was to be a teacher, followed by working in banking and finance, and then medicine. But today's situation is quite different. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Instead they most commonly say they want to be a sports star, a pop star, or an actor­in other words, they hope to become a celebrity .

    According to experts, young people desire these jobs largely because of the wealth and the fame. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Let's take athletes and singers as an example. Their careers are short­lived. Many athletes' best time only lasts a few years and singers can have a very limited career. The field that was once the focus of their lives becomes something they have little or no involvement in. As a result, they'll have a feeling of worthlessness and a lack of control. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The truth is quite simple: they have been so far removed from it for so long.

    In spite of these disadvantages, there is greater ambition than ever among young people to achieve that status. They are not satisfied just making a living­they want to be rich and famous. Globally, more and more TV shows provide talent competitions where winners can achieve their goals in just a few weeks or months. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They unrealistically believe that this lifestyle is easily obtained and leads to great satisfaction.

    While many people argue that there is nothing wrong with having such ambitions, others feel that this trend will finally lead to dissatisfaction as more and more people are unable to reach their goals. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}That means they ignore the simple fact that great effort is needed before success. As a result, many people won't realize their childhood dreams, which could have a negative effect on their happiness.

A. The younger generation don't favor these professions any more.

B. In many ways this has been brought about by the celebrity culture.

C. Unfortunately, they do not always have a positive effect on people's life.

D. Besides, it can be difficult for them to adapt back to a normal everyday life.

E. People no longer have a sense of satisfaction once their goals have been achieved.

F. This quick way of gaining wealth and fame creates a celebrity culture among people.

G. The reason is that they don't realize it takes talent and hard work to be rich and famous.


    Time is something that we all are taking for granted these days. We spend hours watching TV or playing mobile games, thinking that this is just normal. I find this a waste of time. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Every second is valuable and we should rethink of ways of spending our time.

    Firstly, spend time in doing things that really matter. Spend time with your family and friends. Enjoy a nice hot meal and eat it slowly. Give yourself time to play and spend enough time in sleeping. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}But the truth is the little things matter most in life.

    Secondly, you have to know what is done cannot be undone. Do not allow your mind to stay in the past. Every day is a new adventure. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}It may not be an opportunity like an immediate get-rich chance, but it may be an opportunity for new experiences.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}If you have only one chance to do something for someone, why not do it to the best of your ability? It should not matter whether you are being rewarded or not. You will take pride in your work because you've done your best. Trust me, quality efforts will be rewarded in time.

    Lastly, every moment you spend in doing things is the time taken from your life. Don't waste your time away working day and night just for money. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}The value of your time is measured by how you spend it and whom you choose to spend it with.

A. You will get whatever you want from working.

B. Spend more time on the important tasks instead of time-wasters.

C. Do your best in every task as if the world will end tomorrow

D. That is not your life's worth.

E. It is hours of our lives that we can never get back.

F. Little things like this may seem meaningless.

G. You have to keep your eyes and ears open to the new opportunity.

