
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Whether you're a child, teenager, young adult or are middle-aged, respect for your parents is an important value. Your parents are the people who raised you, devoting time, energy and money to your development. No matter what your age is, there are 4 ways to show respect.

    Respect their belongings.

    One important way to show respect is to show regard for the things important to your parents. For younger children, this may mean not touching jewelry or other valuable things. For grown children, respect may mean returning a borrowed tool in good condition and on time. Lack of respect for parents' belongings is a violation of personal boundaries. And never borrow things without asking first.


    Therefore, always be on time. For teenagers, showing up on time means coming home by curfew (宵禁时间).Adult children should show up on time for family dinners or events, or to pick a parent up for a medical appointment. Call if you're going to be late because parents worry about children, no matter their age.


    Remembering birthdays, anniversaries and other special days is a sign that you honor your parents. Make plans to take them to lunch or dinner or bake a cake or cookies. Most parents don't expect expensive gifts, but a handmade gift is always appreciated. A phone call from a grown child who lives too far for a visit is a welcome sign of respect.

    Be kind.

    Kind words and affection are simple ways to show respect. Tell your parents you love them. Listen and allow your parents to speak without interruption. Show a sincere interest in what your parents have to say. Be patient with your parents and don't rush them. Never talk back or be rude or disrespectful. Acknowledge your parents' achievements.

A. Celebrate with them.

B. Be a good listener.

C. Lateness shows a lack of respect.

D. And they love you unconditionally throughout your life.

E. Treat your parents the way you would like to be treated.

F. Don't take advantage of your parents' kindness and generosity.

G. Being respectful helps build positive relationships with others.


Be an inventor

    The biggest secret about inventing is that anybody can do it! Perhaps this sounds crazy, but it's true. Maybe you have the wrong idea about inventing, so read on to discover the truth.

Wrong idea number 1:{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Well, inventing means creating something “new”, but the idea could come from something that already exists.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} 

Wrong idea number 2: Inventors are born, not made.

    There are a lot of factors that make invention possible. Take Mozart, for example. He was born with a special talent for music.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}His father was a music teacher, and Mozart practiced for hours every day, from the time he was in kindergarten.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Very successful creators don't give up when they get something wrong. As one inventor said, “A failure is the right answer to the wrong question!”

    Wrong idea number 3: Inventors are always old people.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Here is an example of a young inventor: Louis Braille went blind when he was a child. When he was 15, he invented a system of reading and writing for blind people that is still used in most countries today.

A. Everyday things can give people lots of ideas.

B. An invention has to be something completely new.

C. But other factors were also important for his creativity.

D. As a young man, George Nissen invented the trampoline (蹦床).

E. Don't believe that you can't invent something when you are young.

F. Thomas Edison said that being an inventor was “99% hard work and 1% inspiration”!

G. The Wright brothers, for example, got the idea for building a “flying machine” from watching birds.


    How to cultivate a creative hobby in college?

    Your undergraduate days are arguably some of the most stressful of your life.The best way to get it all out is to express yourself creatively.Here is how to get started:

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}The first step is finding room in your schedule to actually sit down and let your creative juices flow{#blank#}2{#/blank#} However,one of the best things you can do for yourself is take time to relax and let your mind wander as it pleases.If you want to actually make your art a part of your career though,you will have to devote a serious chunk of your day to it.

    Take a course{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Schedule an appointment with your advisor and see if the college you attend offers a course in the creative field that you're interested in.

Join a club or make one.Chances are that there are other students at your school that share the same interests as you{#blank#}4{#/blank#}If there isn't one,check out the procedures for going about making one!

    Constantly search for inspiration{#blank#}5{#/blank#}This could mean something as simple as looking for blogs that showcase work that you admire or going to a museum in your college town and wandering around for a bit.

Even if you don't feel that you have enough talent to make your art a part of your professional career,it never hurts to try.The skills that you learn while working at your art might even possibly help you in the workplace down the road.

A.Learn how to make a club.

B.Everyone is busy in college.

C.Make time in your schedule.

D.You should try to make you a well-rounded and interesting person.

E.Visit your university's websites and see what clubs exist that relate to the art you practice.

F.The easiest way to make time to express yourself is to fit it into your academic schedule.

G.You should always be looking for the next thing that will inspire your work even further.


    Christmas is a time for relaxing, having fun and spending time with family and friends.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}It can be difficult to find the motivation for study when everyone around you is having so much fun. So, here are my top five tips for revising effectively over the Christmas break.

    Set aside a few hours a day to revise.

    Find the best time to revise and make sure that you stick to your timetable! For example, I find that I work best in the morning.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Plan something fun to do every day.

    Even if it's just going for coffee with a friend or watching a film at home, this will give you something to look forward to and motivate you to finish your revision.

    Explain to your family why your revision is important.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}So, make efforts to tell them why your exams are important. Perhaps you can agree to do something nice with them when your exams are over.


    It is important to take some time to relax. When you do get back to revising, you'll probably find it easier to concentrate. Pick the most important days for you and your family to concentrate on celebrating Christmas!

    Remember that it won't last forever.

    You might have to spend your Christmas revising this year, and perhaps for a few more years, but soon enough you'll be free of exams forever.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Have a great Christmas and make sure you find a balance between studying and celebrating. Good luck in your exams!

A. Spare your time for your family.

B. Make sure that you take a few days off!

C. So I get up fairly early and do a few hours of revision.

D. Sometimes it can be difficult for family to understand you.

E. However, for many of us, it is also time to prepare for January exams.

F. Otherwise, you may probably fall into trouble with your friends and family.

G. And after spending time revising, your future Christmases will seem even better!


    Good learners can inspire students or anybody to learn well. Here are some characteristics of good learners.

    Good learners are curious. They wonder about all sorts of things, often about knowledge beyond their areas of expertise(专长). {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Finding out about something they didn't know satisfies them for the moment, but their curiosity is addictive.

    Good learners don't give up easily. A few things may come easily to learners but most knowledge arrives after effort. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They try to search out new information. They read, analyze, and evaluate the information they've found. Then they study more and work at what they don't understand.

    Good learners know that a lot of learning isn't fun. The journey to understanding generally isn't all that exciting. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Others need a tiresome attention to detail, and still others need periods of intense mental focus. Your backs hurt, your arms and legs get tired, and your coffee gets cold.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}There's always more to know. Good learners are never satisfied with how much they know about anything. They are pulled around by questions—the ones they still can't answer, or the ones without very good answers. Those questions follow them like day follows night with the answers bringing daylight.

    Good learners share what they've learned. Good learners are teachers committed to sharing with others what they've learned. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Good learners can also explain what they know in ways that make sense to others. They are connected to the knowledge passed on to them and committed to leaving what they've learned with others.

A. Some learning tasks require boring repetition.

B. Good learners are willing to put in the time.

C. Some knowledge can broaden our views.

D. Good learners stay positive.

E. They write about it, and talk about it.

F. They love the discovery part of learning.

G. Good learners never run out of questions.


    In an online class, developing healthy patterns of communication with professors is very important. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} While I have only listed two of each, there are obviously many other situations that can arise. Students should be able to extend the logic(逻辑)of each to their particular circumstance.


    •{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Questions about subject content are generally welcomed. Before asking questions about the course design, read the syllabus(教学大纲)and learning management system information to be sure the answer isn't hiding in plain sight.

    •Participate in discussion forums(论坛), blogs and other open-ended forums for dialogue. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Be sure to stay on topic and not offer irrelevant information. Make a point, and make it safe for others to do the same.


    •Don't share personal information or stories. Professors are not trained nurses, financial aid experts or your best friends. If you are in need of a deadline extension, simply explain the situation to the professor. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    •Don't openly express annoyance at a professor or class. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} When a student attacks a professor on the social media,the language used actually says more about the student. If there is truly a concern about a professor's professionalism or ability, be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your comments.

A. If more information is needed, they will ask.

B. Below are some common do's and don'ts for online learners.

C. That's what they are for.

D. Ask questions, but make sure they are good, thoughtful questions.

E. Everyone has taken a not-so-great class at one time or another.

F. Turn to an online instructor for help.

G. Remember that online professors get a lot of emails.


    How to prepare for an exam is a big question that you always ask yourself. Here are some tips that may help you.

    Never fear or hate exam and be confident.

    Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get upset and won't be able to get marks.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}You have to be confident and it is of great help for you to gain success.

    Prepare a good timetable.

    Prepare a timetable before starting the study.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Difficult subjects can be given more time and easier ones less, but most importantly you should spare some time for rest.

    Select a proper atmosphere for studying.

    Studying atmosphere plays a very important role.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}So pick a place where you feel comfortable. That is where you feel relaxed and can pay attention to what you are doing. Make sure that while you are studying a subject you are focusing on it only. So keep the books of other subjects away from your eyesight so that you won't be upset about all the things you have to learn.

    Make notes while studying

    This is a very important point. While studying, make small notes. The note should be short and clear to make the review easier.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Yet don't try to cover everything in it.


    On the night before exam you have to sleep well, at least 6 hours and not more than 8 hours. Remember this will have a great effect on your exam. And have your food as in your daily diet.

A. Sleep well and eat well.

B. So try to present answers in points.

C. This should include all the subjects.

D. Can anyone study well while others around are watching TV?

E. A good note shall include the most important points.

F. This will be of great use to your coming exams.

G. So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study.

