
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    We arrived at the hospital to find Dad was very weak, but his smile was as sure as ever. It was another attack of pneumonia (肺炎). My husband and I stayed with him for the weekend but had to return to our jobs on Monday. Local relatives would help Dad get home from the hospital and look after him. But I longed to be able to let him know that we cared too, even when we weren't with him.

    Then I remembered a family tradition when our children were small. When leaving their grandparents' home after a visit, each child would write a love note to their grandparents. They hid notes in the cereal (麦片) box, under a hairbrush, next to the phone or even in the microwave oven (微波炉). For days, their grandparents would smile as they discovered these signs of our love.

    So as I tidied Dad's kitchen and made up a bed for him downstairs in the living room, I wrote some notes. Some were practical, “Dad, I put the food in the fridge so it wouldn't spoil.” Some expressed my love, “Dad, I hope you will sleep well in your new bed.” Most notes were downstairs where he would stay for several weeks until he recovered strength, but one note I hid upstairs under his pillow, “Dad, if you have found this note, you must be feeling better. We are so glad!”

    Just like his medicines strengthened him physically, these “emotional vitamins” would improve his spiritual health. Several weeks later, in one of our regular phone calls, I asked Dad how he was doing. He said, “Pretty good. I just found your note under my pillow upstairs!”

(1)、We can infer from the text that the author's father _______.
A、got home from hospital alone B、lived with his relatives C、asked her to return to work D、had suffered from the same illness before
(2)、The children hid notes in their grandparents' home in order to _______.
A、follow a family tradition B、play tricks on their grandparents C、show their gifts to their grandparents D、give their grandparents a pleasant surprise
(3)、Following the family tradition, the author _______.
A、often called her father B、wrote some notes to her father C、longed to visit her father D、worried about her father's health
(4)、Having heard what her father said, the author would feel _______.
A、surprised B、lucky C、pleased D、sad
(5)、What do we know about the author from the text?
A、She attempted to comfort her father with love. B、She wanted to set an example to her children. C、She enjoyed communicating with her father with notes. D、She believed that a family tradition was very important.

    The uninvolved dad, turning up his nose at diapering(换尿布) and too busy to bathe, dress and play with his kids, is mostly a myth(神话) , a big government survey suggests. Most American fathers say they are heavily involved in hands-on parenting, the researchers found.

    The results are encouraging and important " because others have found the more involved dads  are, the better the outcomes for their children. " said researcher Jo Jones of the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control Prevention. She co-authored the report released Friday.

    "Times have changed," said Robert Loftus, 34, of Yonkers, NY. He quit a six-figure sales job a year ago to care for his two young children while his wife works full time. "We are trying to rethink our priorities (优先考虑的事) and family seem to be NO.1 priority while in the past maybe people were more focused on career. "

    The study involved nearly 4.000 fathers who were interviewed in person between 2009 and 2013.

◇ Key findings among fathers living with children younger than 5 :

*9 in 10 bathed, diapered, helped them use the toilet or get dressed at least several times weekly .

* Even higher numbers played with them and ate meals with them that often

* Almost 2 0ut of 3 read to them at least several times weekly.

◇Among dads living with kids aged 5-18.

* More than 9 0ut of 10 ate meals with them at least several times weekly and talked with them about what happened during the kids' day that often.

* Almost 2 0ut of 3 helped with homework several times weekly.

* About half took their kids to or from activities that often.

    Dr. David Hill, a Wilmington, N. C. pediatrician (儿科医生) said the survey reflects what he's seen among his patients' fathers. Increasingly, fathers rather than mothers take their kids to the doctor. Some "are anxious about changing a diaper, " he said.

    Census(调查) numbers show that there were almost 190,000 stay-at-home dads nationwide last year versus 93,000 in 2010. Loftus, the New York stay-at-home dad, said, "I feel fortunate to be able to be such a hands-on father.  I'm doing the most significant occupation in the world. "


    Jayson McCarthy, 12, was born without fingers on his left hand. That didn't stop him from being able to do many tasks. But Jayson could not grasp more than one object at a time. So Jayson 's father, Paul, created a Prosthesis(假肢), using a 3D printer. Now Jayson has fingers that open and close. “It was a do-it-yourself, father-and-son adventure,” says Paul.

    When Jayson was a baby, his doctor advised his parents not to give him a prosthetic hand until he was in his early teens. “The doctor said Jayson should first learn to get full use out of the hand he was born with,” says Paul. As Jayson got older, his father looked into purchasing a prosthetic hand, which can cost as much as $30,000. Paul found a more affordable solution.

    One day, Paul discovered a video on the Internet about Robohand, a prosthesis created with a 3D printer. He downloaded the free instructions and called Robohand's creators for advice. They told him all he needed was a 3D printer—which costs around $2,000—and some materials.

    Luckily, Jayson 's school had recently purchased a 3D printer and it offered to help Paul build the hand for Jayson n. “We used a soccer shinguard(护胫), cardboard(硬纸板), and tape. They cost about $10,” says paul.

    With his new hand, Jayson can do things better. “I can help my mom more, because now I can carry two grocery bags,” he says.

    Jayson 's father has already built several hands for Jayson. Jayson helps design each one. He says there's one thing in particular that he wants to do with a future prosthesis. “The goal,” he says, “is to be able to tie my shoelaces(鞋带).”


    One Moore Elementary school teacher is showing students the importance of communication through “shout-outs”. Third Grade Moore Elementary Teacher Lindsey Winders said a shout-out is a compliment(称赞) that students can say or write down. “Like, 'hey I noticed you doing a really great job solving your math problems yesterday. I wanted to make sure you know that I saw you do that,'” Winders said.

    Winders said she makes sure she is giving shout-outs to her students every day. “I might write them a sticky note, or write them a quick little note in their planner. I might just say it to them on their way into the classroom or on their way out of the classroom, but most importantly I try to do it every day,” Winders said.

    In addition to the compliments, Winders has the students greet(问候) each other every morning during morning meeting. She will have students give examples to the class of how to communicate in different settings(场景). Third grade student Nayelli Moranchel said she had given at least six shout-outs this year. “It makes me happy, because they always write something back,” Moranchel said.

    Recently, Winders took it one step further and wrote a personalized note on each of her students' desk. “In our classroom, sometimes it can be challenging for me to give a compliment or a shout-out to each and every one of them in a way that feels equal(平等的) and valuable at the same time. So I decide that there is no better way than leaving a note on their desk that can stay for as long as they wants it to,” Winders said.

    Winders said it is encouraging when she sees her students copy the act, and give each other compliments without her guidance(指导).


    In today's Internet age, the demand for online games continues to grow. Online computer game centers exist in many cities and towns throughout Asia. Facing the pressures of school and life, people tend to the virtual(虚拟的)world, expecting a diversion from these problems. Too often, however, they can lead to problems and unhealthy addictions.

    This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. The country has the world's highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. It also has a high number of online game players and related problems. In 2002, a young man collapsed(突然晕倒) and died while playing online games. He had been playing almost non-stop for 86 hours at an Internet café. Another young man killed his sister after becoming confused between the online world and real life. A 12-year-old boy stole US $ 16,000 from his father and ran away from home. He did this to continue his obsession(着迷) with an online game. Such problems, however, don't just happen in South Korea. They are spreading to other parts of Asia as well.

    What kinds of people develop online game addiction? What does the problem look like? Dr. SueHuei Chen, a clinical psychologist, researches Internet addiction. She discovered some signs of at-risk individuals such as lack friendships and good social skills. Those problem individuals feel it so compulsive(强迫的)to play online games that they could sacrifice things such as school or family. They feel the need to spend more and more time online. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.

    How many problem game players are there? In mainland China, the potential number of problem online gamers is alarming. In 2004, the China daily reported that China had 13.8 million online game players. Besides, it stated that 80 percent of these were under 25 and had signs of addiction. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.

    Make sure to keep control over your online game playing. If you don't control it, it can get control of you.


    All across the nation, in Americans' backyards and garages and living rooms, wild animals kept as pets live side by side with their human owners. It's believed that more exotic animals live in American homes than are cared for in American zoos. The exotic-pet business has drawn criticism from animal welfare advocates and wildlife conservationists alike, who say it's not only dangerous to bring wildlife into households but it's cruel and criminal. Yet the issue is far from black or white.

    The term exotic pet has no firm definition. It can refer to any wildlife kept in human households or simply to a pet that's more unusual than the common dog or cat. Privately owning exotic animals is currently permitted in a handful of states with no restrictions in America. Adam Roberts of Born Free USA keeps a running database of deaths and injuries caused by exotic-pet ownership: In Connecticut a 55-year-old woman's face was permanently disfigured by her friend's lifelong pet monkey; in Ohio an 80-year-old man was attacked by a 200-pound kangaroo;in Nebraska a 34-year-old man was strangled(勒) to death by his pet snake. And that list does not include the number of people who become sick from coming into contact with zoonotic(动物传染的) diseases.

    Some people see wild animals as pets as a way to connect with the natural world. Other exotic-pet owners say they are motivated by a desire to preserve threatened species. They believe climate change and human population growth could wipe out a species in record time, so having a backup population is a good idea.

    But some groups like Born Free USA and the World Wildlife Fund say that captive breeding(圈养) of endangered species by private owners—whether for commercial, conservation, or educational reasons—serves only to continue a booming market for exotic animals. That, in turn, results in a greater risk to animals still living in their natural habitat.

