
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Jim Denevan is an amazing artist whose work is admired by all, but owned by none—that's because all of Jim's art is created on an unusual canvas (画布)—the soft sand. He sometimes spends days working on a piece, only to see it washed away by the sea or a storm and that is just the way he likes it.

    Denevan discovered his artistic talents about ten years ago, when he was wandering aimlessly on the beach with a stick. He ended up drawing a 12-foot-long fish. Since then, Jim has traveled over 1,800 miles while creating over 600 pieces of sand art.

    Over the years, his drawings have become bigger, but the tools he uses haven't changed—All he needs is a stick, a garden rake (耙) and most importantly, his lively imagination!

    Just like any good artist, Jim is quite particular about the “quality” of his canvas, sometimes walking for miles, in search of perfect sand. His latest piece of work, which is also the world's largest freelance drawing(自由绘画), was created in the desert sands of Nevada. It took Jim three trips, eight days and over 100 miles of walking to create this 3-mile work of art. It took the storm just one night to destroy it! However, Jim says he actually enjoys watching the waves or rain wash his paintings away.

    Jim's art has become very popular over the years and was even the topic of a documentary named “Sandman” in 2005. Jim Denevan is not just about art in the sand—he is also an excellent chef (厨师) and founder of an organization called “Outstanding in the Field", whose motto is to celebrate food at its source. Accordingly, group dining events are held outdoors on farms, with the diners being treated to a delicious meal. The events, which are held in different farms throughout America, are always sold out the minute the schedule is announced.

(1)、It can be learnt from the text that_________.
A、Denevan walks a lot to complete his work B、it is not hard for Denevan to find suitable sand to draw on C、it usually takes long for the storm to destroy Denevan's work D、Denevan is very particular about his drawing tools
(2)、What does Denevan enjoy about his work according to the text?
A、Walking a long distance. B、Waiting for the storm to come. C、Looking for a suitable canvas. D、Watching his work being destroyed by nature.
(3)、Which of the following can best describe Denevan?
A、Generous. B、Open-minded. C、Imaginative. D、Traditional.
(4)、What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A、Denevan loses his interest in art soon. B、Denevan is also popular as a chef. C、Being a happy chef is Denevan's final goal in life. D、Denevan's fame helps him with his chef job.

    If you're wondering when you might get the flu, a new study indicates you should keep an eye on your local weather report.

    According to a research published in the Journal of Clinical Virology, if you keep your eye on the weather and watch for the first major dip in the temperature, you can essentially mark your calendar in prediction for an outbreak the flu.

    To figure out how the weather and flu outbreak may be connected, researchers analyzed statistics of 20,000 people in an area over three seasons. The number of people who caught the flu was then compared with local weather data.

    After each season, the team noticed one consistent finding: The first really cold period with low outdoor temperatures and low humidity (湿度) was always followed by a week of a mass influenza outbreak.

    The researchers say that aerosol particles (气溶胶粒子) containing virus and liquid are more able to spread in cold and dry weather. So, in theory, if you sneeze or cough and the surrounding air is very dry, the air will absorb the moisture and the particles containing the virus keep spreading through the air for a longer period of time.

    Luckily there are ways to keep off the illness regardless of the weather. Washing your hands, coughing into the crook (弯曲) of your arm and getting vaccine (疫苗) are the best ways to prevent the flu from spreading. People over the age of 65, pregnant women and young children are at the highest risk of developing complications (并发症) related to the virus, according to the CDC.


    A day in the life of 18-year-old David Lanster is full if typical teenage stuff: school, baseball practice and homework. And then he starts cooking. “Some nights I'm up until 1:00 a.m. making pies, or even later if we're cooking beef,” said the student at Ransom Everglades High School in Florida, US.

    For the past year, Lanster and Kelly Moran, his classmate, have been hosting fancy dinner parties at Lanster's parents' home. Their meals have 17 courses and are all made by them. Their guests used to give them gifts to thank them until the pair decided to do something nice for charity(慈善). “We got some really great Miami Heat tickets, a nice watch, and many kitchen gadgets(小器具),” Lanster said. “But we wanted to make this something positive for people other than us.”

    Lanster and Moran focused on Common Threads, a charity that aims to teach kids in poor communities to cook and make healthy eating choices. The young cooks ask their guests to give however much they want as payment for their meals. It all goes to Common Threads because Lanster's parents cover their food costs. After their last 12-person event, Lanster and Moran gave $1,600 to the charity.

    Now, they're taking their show out of the kitchen and on the road. They have started to organize private dinner parties with a similar model: the host pays for the ingredients, and the guests make a donation to a charity of their choice.

    Without formal training, Lanster said he had been interested in cooking since he helped his mom in the kitchen when he was very young. He learned how to cook by reading cookbooks and watching TV programs. Outside the kitchen, the two are busy preparing their college applications. Neither of them is sure what they will do in the future, but they're promised their parents that they will leave professional cooking alone until they finish school.


    Growing ups I always envied my friends who lived in one town in their whole lives. Coming from a military family makes this impossible. My brothers and I soon found that if we didn't like a place we lived in, we'd soon be moving to a new place. Through all the ups and downs, I now realize that' everything I've done, seen, and learned has made me into the person I am today.

    The field day was the best day ever created. Being good at sports which I had done together with parents seemed to help me find my position at a new school. Despite the hot weather in San Antonio, Texas, I had to take outdoor activities. Sometimes we •took the family mountain biking after school. My brothers and I were arranged to join in the swim team and practice yoga. These are the things I remember about my childhood. Now I thank my parents for teaching me these vital principles, which I will have with me the rest of my life.

I was always the shy girl and afraid to be myself. This didn't bother me until I reached junior high school, when some girls judged me by what I wore, who I talked to and how skinny I was. I felt like I'd never done anything wrong to deserve such criticism. It was not until last year that I realized that I had to stay different from them and live my life according to my principles. I decided to be my own person. I never thought that being nice could cause me to be disliked. Anyway, I began hanging out with girls who had a lot in common with me like preferring outdoor sports. They were accepting and non-judgmental. I am now content in u knowing that I am my own person and don't let others control my life.


    In 1971, UN scholar Paolo Lugari started an eco-social experiment in Gaviotas, Colombia. Located in one of the most extreme climates, Gaviotas was described as a sustainable, self-sufficient village in an area that Lugari called 'just a big, wet desert'.

    'They always put social experiments in the easiest places,' Lugari said.'We wanted the hardest place. We figured if we could do it here, we could do it anywhere.'

    'Lugari just thought that someday the world would become so crowded that humans would have to learn to live in the planet's least desirable areas,' wrote Alan Weisman, author of Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World.

    Today, Gaviotas is an eco-village with about 200 people. They farm organically. They use wind and solar power. Since 2004, Gaviotas has been 100% fossil fuel independent. The residents also enjoy free housing, schooling, and community meals. Shockingly, there are no weapons, no police, no jail and no mayor. But though these elements would make any social experiment a success, perhaps the most remarkable accomplishment is the planting of 1.5 million pine trees and palm trees. The various results of this new tree growth have been incredible. The shade of the trees has inspired the return of many rainforest species that were once native to the region. Additionally, the residents of Gaviotas enjoy a sustainable source of income from the resin(松香) harvested from the trees.

    The United Nations named Gaviotas a model of sustainable development. The Colombia novelist and Noble Prize winner Grabriel Marquez called Lugari the 'inventor of the world'.

    A new study by a team of researchers has found that 'nature's capacity to store carbon is steadily falling as the world's farmers expand croplands at the cost of the native ecosystem such as forests'.

    Considering this disturbing fact—and as the world population increases towards an estimated 9 billion by the year 2050 and global warming continues to increase the planet's surface temperature—Gaviotas stands as one shining example of how things could be different.



    Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read stories about dogs.

    I have a friend who has a large police dog named Jack. Police dogs are often very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.

    One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention (注意).He kept on talking. Finally Jack could stand it no longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor but this time he held the visitor's hat in his mouth.

    Here is another story about a clever dog. It was a seeing-eye dog. A seeing-eye dog is a special dog that helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other things. We call these dogs "seeing-eye" dogs because they are the "eyes" of the blind man and they help him to "see". These dogs usually go to special schools for several years to learn to help blind people.

    One day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together. The bus was full of people and there were no seats. One man, however, soon got up and left his seat. The dog took the blind man to the seat, but there was very little space. The dog began to push the people on each side with his nose. He pushed and pushed until the people moved down and finally there was enough space for two people. The blind man then sat down and the dog got up on the seat at his side. He lie down and put his head on the leg of the blind man. He was very comfortable and soon fell asleep. Everyone on the bus had to smile at the intelligence (聪明) of the dog in making space for the blind man and, at the same time, making a place for himself.


    My college experience included this life-skill lesson: Drink alcohol on a full stomach. Or you will get inebriated too quickly. Of course, most college students shouldn't be drinking at all, but we know from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism that close to 60 percent of college students aged 18 to 22 do consume alcohol, which makes harm-reducing approaches important.

    Unfortunately, campus authorities and researchers are reporting a practice that turns the full-stomach drinking strategy on its head: rather than filling up before a night of partying, significant numbers of students refuse to eat all day before consuming alcohol.

    This is a high-risk behavior called "drunkorexia," which is one part eating disorder, one part alcoholism—a very dangerous combination for college-age students. The term drunkorexia, which can also include excessive exercise or purging before consuming alcohol, was coined about 10 years ago, and it started showing up in medical research around 2012. Drunkorexia addresses the need to be the life of the party while staying extremely thin, pointing to a flawed mind-set about body image and alcoholism among college students, mostly women.

    Imagine this scenario: A female college freshman doesn't eat anything all day, exercises on an empty stomach, then downs five shots of tequila in less than two hours. Because there's no food in her system to help slow the absorption of alcohol, those shots affect her rapidly, leading to inebriation and possibly passing out, vomiting or suffering alcohol poisoning. That's drunkorexia.

    Tavis Glassman, professor of health education and public health at the University of Toledo in Ohio, researches drunkorexia and worries about scenarios such as the one described above: "With nothing in her system, alcohol hits quickly, and that brings up the same issues as with any high-risk drinking: getting home safely, sexual assault, unintentional injury, fights, hangovers that affect class attendance and grades, and possibly ending up in emergency because the alcohol hits so hard," he says.

    "Alcohol can negatively affect the liver or gastrointestinal system, it can interfere with sleep, lower the immune system and is linked to several types of cancers," Hultin says.

