
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Animals, including insects, do not have a language like ours. They do not talk to each other in words and sentences. But if we watch them, we can see that they do have ways of communicating with each other.

    Can you see the rabbits' tail? When rabbits see this white tail moving up and down, they run too. The rabbit has reminded them of potential dangers without making a sound. It has given them a signal.

    Many other animals use this kind of language. When a cobra(眼镜蛇) is angry, it raises its hood(兜帽) and makes itself look fierce. This warns other animals. When a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home. It cannot tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. This tells the bees where the food is.

    Some animals say things by making sound. A dog barks, for example, when a stranger comes near. A cat purrs(猫的呜呜声) when pleased. Some birds make several different sounds, each with its own meaning. Sometimes we human beings speak in the same way. We make sounds like “Oh” or “Ah!” when we are frightened or pleased or when we drop something on our toes.

    But we have something that no animals have a large number of words which have the meanings of things, actions, feelings or ideas. We are able to give each other all kinds of different information in words and sentences, which no other animals can do. No other animals have so wonderful a language as we have.

(1)、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A、Animals do have a language like that of human beings B、Bees communicate with each other by dancing C、Some animals can use words D、A dog barks to show its friendliness
(2)、A rabbit uses its tail to _____.
A、warn other rabbits of danger B、tell other rabbits where food is C、make itself look fierce D、help it to run fast
(3)、What is this passage mainly about?
A、Human's language is more wonderful than animals' language B、People should pay attention to animals' body language and sounds C、Animals have their own ways to communicate with each other D、Animals are smarter than we think
(4)、Several different sounds can be made by a _____.
A、rabbit B、bee C、bird D、cat

    Have you got teenage children between 12 and 17? Will they jump at the idea to go to South Africa too? Well, let me help you here. I will give you some great ideas about what teenagers can do in Cape Town and give you reasons why a stay in Cape Town will be cool for them too.

    You will read where to find really interesting activities and how much money you will have to pay for them and also how your children can gain as many great experiences as possible when holidaying or even living in Cape Town.

    Mad about Football — not only for Soccer Fans

Where: Cape Town Stadium (体育场), 15 mins from Cape Town's central business district (CBD). The new visitor center offers several tours. How much does it cost? R45.6 for adults or kids over 12, R17.1 for kids up to 12 and R11.4 per student for school groups. The Biodiversity Garden next to the stadium is interesting as well and can be added into tour at an additional cost.

    Theme Park with more than 23 rides and roller coasters (过山车)

Where: Ratanga Junction, Century City, 20 mins north of Cape Town CBD. Costs: R75 for kids under 1.3m and R152 for kids over 1.3m or adults, open only on school holidays and public holidays.


    Where: Atlantis, 45 mins north of Cape Town CBD. Costs: R595 for a half day of fun in the sand.

    Ice skating

    Where: Grand West Casino Complex, Goodwood, 20 mins east of Cape     Town CBD Costs:R35 (including skates)

    Enjoy mini golf

    Where: Several places around Cape Town CBD. Muizenberg Beach Promenade, Green Point Promenade, Durbanville Vodacom Golf Driving Range or try Cave Golf at the V&A Waterfront next to Scratch Patch. Costs: R8.

    Go bowling

    Where: Several places around Cape Town CBD. Costs: R25.

    How about climbing walls

    Where: Observatory, 20 mins south of Cape Towm CBD. Costs: R50.


    It seems that no one can live a happy life without friendship. While a great number of people expect others to be their friends, they don't give friendship back. That is why some friendships don't last long. To have a friend, you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest; be generous; be understanding.

    Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you do not tell the truth, people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven't been honest, you may lose your friend's trust. Good friends always depend on one another to speak and act honestly.

    Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You do not have to give your lunch money or your clothes. Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them, you help your friend know better.

    Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with each other. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend's place so that you can understand the problem better.

    No two friendships are exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friends, you must practice honesty, generosity and understanding.


    Here's a list of books I'm looking forward to this fall season. Not all of them will rise to the level of the advertisement, but it's an abundant crop.

    "Home After Dark" by David Small (Liveright, Sept.11)

    In 2009, Small published a celebrated graphic memoir (回忆录) called "Stitches". Now the Caldecott Medal winner is back with a graphic novel about a motherless 13-year-old boy brought up in an unhappy home in California. This is a tale told in few words and many striking images. On Sept. 11 at 3p.m. . Small will be at Amazonbooks at Union Market. More information at www.amazon.com/graph-tale.

    "Waiting for Eden" by Elliot Ackerman (Knopf, Sept. 25)

    This brief novel is related by a dead soldier who is watching over a horribly burned partner in a Texas hospital. That sounds embarrassingly emotional, but Ackerman, who served in a Navy in Iraq and Afghanistan, is one of the best soldier-writers of his generation. More information at www.amazon.com/military-essay.

    "All You Can Ever Know" by Nicole Chung (Catapult, Oct. 2)

    Chung, the editor of the literary magazine Catapult, was adopted as a baby by a white family in Oregon. In this memoir, she writes about her childhood, her Asian American identity and her search for the Korean parents who gave her up. More information at www.amazon.com/politics-prose.

    "Unsheltered" by Barbara Kingsolver (Harper, Oct. 16)

    Alternating between past and present, this novel tells the story of a woman investigating a late-19th-century science teacher who was caught up in the controversy over Darwinism. Like her other novels, this one promises to explore social and scientific problems. Visit www. amazon.com/tech-science for more information.


Does your school have any problems with discipline? What happens when students step out of line? Here are some examples of bad behaviour:

    Playing truant(missing school without permission from parents).

    Stealing, smoking, hitting, swearing(说脏话), running, kissing.

    Cheating in exams.

    Calling a teacher or another pupil bad names.

    Not doing homework.

    Not listening or not paying attention in lessons.

    Wearing unsuitable clothes.

Here are some of the ways that UK school children can be punished:

Exclusion: a pupil is asked to leave the school and not come back. The pupil has to find a new school or a different method of education.

Suspension: a pupil cannot enter the building or attend lessons until the school has a meeting about their situation. Suspension can last from one to 45 days. The pupil is usually given work to do at home with a special teacher.

Detention: a pupil is asked to stay after school and work for 30—60 minutes before they Can leave.

Lines: a pupil has to write a sentence many times(e.g.100 or more)on a sheet of paper, e, g, “I must not shout in class”.

    Freya MacDonald, a 15-year-old pupil from Scotland, made the news when she refused to accept her school's punishment. Her family says that she was given 11 detentions for trivial things in class and coming into school through a fire door.

Freya says that repeated detentions disrupted her fight to an education under Scottish law and made it difficult for her to learn. She refused to return until the school respected her civil rights. She wants the headmaster and her teachers to sign a letter to promise this. Hundreds of schools in Scotland were told not to use detention as a punishment because of her legal action.

Many UK schools now give parents a home-school contract, explaining their discipline and rules. Parents must sign this document to agree that they accept the school's rules and discipline and that they are responsible for their child's behaviour.


    The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, the world's longest sea-based project, comprises four parts: a 22.9-kilometer steel bridge, two artificial islands, a submerged sea tunnel extending for 6.7 kilometers, as well as leading bridges that connect the bridge to the cities.

    For a bridge project, designers prefer to build all the structure on the ground, and only choose the tunnel when there is no alternative. However, for the HZMB, the most practical design is to integrate bridge, island and tunnel to form a complete cross-sea channel.

    "The Pearl River Estuary (河口)holds a world-level shipping channel. Smooth traffic should be guaranteed. And the location is near the Hong Kong International Airport. With about 2,000 flights taking off and landing at the airport, the bridge cannot be built too high for safety reasons, said Meng Fanchao, chief designer of the project. "But you cannot have a submerged sea tunnel without any support. That forced us to build the artificial islands."

    Chinese engineers declared a trail in installing deep-immersed tunnel tubes. There is no model for us to refer to as all the cases are shallow-buried tubes, said Meng.

    "For lack of experience, the installation of the first tube lasted for 96 hours," said Yin Haiqing, deputy manager of the Project Management Department. "Everyone was exhausted when we made it."

    The 6.7-kilometer tunnel is the world's longest submerged sea tunnel.

    Two artificial islands, covering an area of 200,000 square meters, help create a smooth transition between bridge sections and tunnels. Different from traditional island, the engineers put 120 steel cylinders (圆柱)with a 22-meter diameter (直径)into the seabed, make out the shape of an island, and fill the island with soil. It is an innovative way they adopted to build the artificial island, making it firmer, more efficient and friendly to the marine ecology.

    The HZMB provides a fixed link between the two Chinese economic centres Hong Kong and Macau and the mainland of China at Zhuhai.

