
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    There is a big supermarket near Mrs. Green's home. She usually goes there to buy food. The shop assistants are polite and helpful. The things are cheap, too. One day, Mrs. Green goes to the supermarket. She buys some noodles.

    Biscuits are also their children's favorite food. And she buys some milk.

    Her children always have milk for breakfast. Mimi likes fish and Tim likes hot dogs. She buys some fish and sausages(香肠)for them, too. Mrs. Green doesn't have any rice at home. So she buys a bag of rice, but she can't take it. It is very heavy. Her husband, Mr. Green is coming to the supermarket and carry (搬运)the rice.

(1)、Are the things in the supermarket cheap?
A、Yes, they are. B、No, they aren't. C、We don't know. D、No, it isn't.
(2)、The underlined word "them" refers to(指代)__________.
A、Mrs. Green's children B、Mrs. Green and her children C、Mr. Green and his children D、Mimi and Tim
(3)、Who helps Mrs. Green take the rice?
A、Mr. Green. B、the shop assistant C、Mimi. D、Tim.

    Ryan's life was nearly perfect. He had lots of friends on his block. They walked to school together every day, and after school they always had time to play.

    Ryan did have one problem. It was his two-year-old sister, Allie. She was too small to play ball games. She couldn't climb trees yet.  Ryan and his friends didn't want her around.

    Ryan tried asking his mum to keep Allie at home. "Why does my sister have to come along?" he asked. "Troy's sister doesn't. Jimmy's sister doesn't. Why me?"

    Ryan's mother just laughed, "Troy's sister is only six months old, and Jimmy doesn't have a sister. Allie is nice, isn't she?"

    Today, Ryan was going to play baseball with his friends after school. Allie followed him as usual. The boys used to play football, but one of them broke a window at Mr Mcwhirter's house. Mr Mcwhirter wouldn't give them their ball back.

    The game got started. Allie sat on a stone nearby. Minutes later it was Jimmy's turn to hit the ball. Unluckily, it fell right into Mr Mcwhirter's yard.

    The boys ran over to Mr Mcwhirter's fence (栅栏). The ball was just out of reach.

    "None of us can fit through the fence." Jimmy said.

    The boys looked glum.

    Suddenly, Jimmy got an idea. "Allie, come over!" he called. "Would you like to get that ball for us?"

    Allie looked at the boys. Then she slipped through the fence, picked up the ball and came back out of the yard.

    "Wow," said Troy. "So quick! Thanks, Allie."

    "Nice job," said Jimmy.

    "Come on," said Ryan, suddenly proud of his kid sister. "I'll teach you how to swing the bat."

